"What about the father of the child? Although you have proved your identity, how do you prove that these two children were born by you?

Let the child's father bring the child's birth certificate to the institute to pick up the person. "

Wu Liang and the others talked and talked, but the police officer insisted on not accommodating them, and there was no room for maneuver.

It is said that everything is based on evidence, and the child is still so young that he can’t speak. If you say it’s yours, it’s yours, and I still say it’s mine.

Anyway, after all, without evidence, you don't want to take these two children away.

After talking about such a small matter for such a long time, Zhu Jiu also let them talk about it, angrily, and said angrily, "He Yunting, let him solve it!"

Wu Liang hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "Mr. He, I'm afraid he won't be able to come."

The others didn't answer, and looked like they were keeping secret.

What do you mean you can't come?

Qiao Yi's heart trembled, and she really wanted to ask, but the police station was not a place to ask questions, and she was so anxious that thousands of words were stuck in her throat.

"He Yunting cannot be notified.

You call the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Western City Branch of the Imperial Capital and look for their deputy captain, Zou Shuang. "

From the moment she used the teleportation talisman, she had planned to find He Yunting without anyone noticing.

If that pervert Fei Wenxuan knew that she had run away, he would definitely trouble He Yunting immediately.

Showing up at this time, wouldn't that add fuel to the fire?

As soon as the police officer heard what she said, he immediately found out their official contact card and took a look. The deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Western City Branch of the Imperial Capital was really called Zou Shuang!

The phone was connected, and after several transfers, it was delivered to Zou Shuang.

"Hi, hello, I'm Zou Shuang from the criminal investigation team."

Qiao Yi suppressed his voice: "Zou Shuang, I'm Qiao Yi."

The other end of the receiver was silent for 2 seconds, and said, "How can I trust you?"

Qiao Yi took a deep breath and said, "Didn't you ask me to send you a case, the little angel? As long as you meet me, there are cases you can't finish investigating, from the fight in the West City, the drag racing case, the old corruption case, the kidnapping case, the surrender case, etc." Drug case, then my mother's car accident case, and 2 years ago, I was tied up..."

"Joe, it's really you!"

Zou Shuang's voice was like a needle, which made Qiao tremble and almost lost the phone.

"Don't get excited."

"Where are you now, these two years you..." Zou Shuang suddenly choked up and couldn't speak: "You, do you know that we have been looking for you these two years, where have you been?"

Qiao Yi was silent for a moment, "It's a long story. Zou Shuang, I'm in a little trouble now, please help me solve it."

She briefly explained the situation to Zou Shuang. When it came to the fact that she gave birth to two children for He Yunting, Zou Shuang's reaction was very strange, like excitement and grief.

Time was tight, so she didn't ask in detail.

After coming out of the police station, Wu Liang hurriedly took the two of them to the hotel and opened a room, and asked them to clean themselves to get rid of bad luck.

At the same time, three photos with the hashtag #想热祝九# suddenly appeared on Weibo Zhu Jiuchao:

[No other meaning, I really miss my brother so much, I went to the police station to do some business today, and saw that a passer-by looked very similar to him, so I couldn't help taking a private photo and posting it. (If the original owner sees it and feels uncomfortable, you can contact me to delete it.)

One or two years, brother, you must be well. Our dimples stay at home obediently and wait for your return quietly!

@Zhu Jiu@Zhu Jiu Global Support Club@Dimple House@………]

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