Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 268 Cutting

Andonara's whole body was close to Roland, her cheeks were glowing, her radiance was flying, and she looked so happy.

At this time, a warrior-like person walked by Roland, pretending to spit while walking: "tui, put a mouthful of dog food on me, my teeth are sweet."

It is written in celestial language.

Following this man, there were three other warriors, who also pretended to spit 'tui' and walked past them.

After a while, there will be no outsiders in the garden.

Andonara put her arms around Roland's arm, smiling and reluctant to let go. The latter pumped a few times... Although the power of a mage is much higher than that of a normal person, it is impossible to compare with a warrior.

Back in his room, Roland sat on the bench to rest.

Players do not need sleep, as long as they do not exercise vigorously, they can quickly recover their stamina.

Soon Vivian also rushed back from the magic tower. She saw Roland with white amber in her arms, and her eyes were shining.

The three chatted for a while, then ate something, and then Andonara continued to look after the house, while Roland and Vivian went to the magic tower.

Although he hasn't come back for more than a month, the operation of the magic tower is as usual, and Vivian manages everything very well.

After Roland came back, he was immediately welcomed by the magic apprentices.

After accumulating academic questions for more than a month, all the puzzles were thrown out. They lined up to ask Roland. This process lasted for nearly two days.

Until the end, it was the two players who came up to the study.

They were not like other magic apprentices, who were very respectful and even humble in front of Roland.

It's just that their expressions are a little embarrassed.

One of them said: "Roland, I just saw the conflict between our guild and your guild from the homepage of my guild, I don't want to comment on who is right and who is wrong, I just want to ask, we can still learn magic here, use resources here?"

Roland sighed: "I wanted to discuss this matter with you in a few days. If you are willing to leave the Silver Wing Guild, there is no problem."

The man who was speaking had a suspicious expression and began to bow his head in thought.

And another magic apprentice said unhappily: "Why are you so stingy, what is the matter between your high-level struggles and ordinary players like us? How can we casually sacrifice our interests."

"Your words are a bit contradictory." Roland chuckled: "Since the high-level affairs have nothing to do with you, it doesn't matter if you quit the guild. Since you want to be loyal to the Silver Wing Guild, you can't say 'it doesn't matter'. words."

The man was at a loss for words immediately, but his expression was even more unhappy.

After thinking about it for a while, another person said, "Okay, I quit the Silver Wing Guild."

"You're crazy."

"I'm not crazy." The man shook his head: "It has been more than half a year since the game started, and I have never been taken care of by the guild. If I had to say yes, I would be recommended to Roland as a magic apprentice, but In essence, it was Roland who helped me, not the guild. And in the past six months, we have done so many things to the Silver Wing Guild, even donated money, and got something. I'm a little bored, and now I just want to Study magic well, and don't want to do so many intrigue."

"But if we stick to it for another two or three months, we can get the dividend."

"Don't you see it yet?"

"See what?"

The player who was about to quit the club said with a smile: "Silver Wing Guild is changing to the direction of the company. Don't you think the routine is familiar? First recruit staff to work, let them work in vain, and then give them blood, say as long as Persistence is victory, after the company makes a profit or goes public, everyone is a shareholder and can get a lot of money, and there is no gain if you don’t pay.”


"But how many capitalists count? Even Jack Ma, a former teacher, now thinks 996 is a blessing."

"In short, I believe in the president and vice president."

"I plan to stay here."

Having said that, it was almost the same. Players who were unwilling to withdraw from the club glanced at Roland angrily, then turned and left.

The person who stayed behind smiled at Roland and said, "After speaking out, I feel much more comfortable. I don't want to stay in the Silver Wing Guild any longer. The relationship between ranks is too serious, and the utilitarianism is too heavy."

Roland looked at the player, hesitated for a while, and said, "Vincent, you should also have LV3 now, how many spells have you learned?"

"I didn't learn much, that is, I finished learning the derivative magic of the hand of the mage, and now I am learning to explode a small fireball." The player's expression was a little embarrassed: "My talent is not very good, and most of the mathematics knowledge in college is returned to the teacher. , I'm making up now, but it's very hard, after all, my concentration is not as good as when I was in college."

Roland thought for a while and said, "Would you like me to raise your salary for you. How about a gold coin?"

The player's name is Vincent, and his personality is quite good. According to Vivian's observation, Vincent has a very good personality, and whatever he understands, he will teach other magic apprentices for free.

It can be said that with Vincent here, Roland's teaching pressure has been reduced by at least one third.

Moreover, the other party is also LV3, this level is already a full-fledged mage, and the salary should be increased.

But the other party can't compare with Roland.

Roland came here and brought valuable spell derivative models and many new magics, while Vincent just came to learn, just to teach his juniors and juniors after learning.

If you have to make an easy-to-understand analogy, then Roland is a university lecturer with multiple titles and high qualifications, while Vincent is just an assistant lecturer at best.

The wages and rights of the two people are of course different.

Roland thought that the other party would gladly accept it, but he did not expect that the other party would refuse the festival.

"No, just give me more spell resources." Vincent smiled: "Do you know how many gold coins I donated to the Silver Wing Guild in the past six months?"

"Twenty or thirty?" Roland guessed.

"Not less than one hundred and fifty."

Hiss...the rich man again.

Then Roland pressed his forehead and said helplessly, "It's troublesome now. It is estimated that when Hawke comes back, he will have to be in a hurry with me."

Roland directly abducted a 'shareholder' of the Silver Wing Guild, and he was the kind of shareholder who only invested money and did not want to repay.

Vincent laughed and said: "The greater the ability, the greater the burden."

"Responsibility is a burden... it makes sense." Roland smiled: "In the future, your magical resources will be doubled, and I will tell Vivian."


Vincent nodded to Roland and left the study.

Not long after, Vivian walked in.

Roland said to her: "In the future, Vincent's monthly resources will be doubled. In addition, how many channels are there in our magic tower and there are adhesions on the dock, so make a cut as soon as possible."

Vivian was a little surprised, but she didn't ask more, just nodded to show she understood.

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