Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 639: The Prestige Store Is Available

Looking at the rising red mushroom cloud in the distance, I felt the frantic fire element magic in the air.

The Winged Demon was in a daze.

Its real name is 'Maurice Ryan. ’

The race is the fear war demon, the most high-end race in the demon world, there is no one.

Only the Demon God can rank above this race.

Even among the thirteen demon gods, three are from the fear war demon race.

They are pure fighting races and rarely fear it.

But looking at this mushroom cloud that has never been seen before, it rarely throbbed with fear.

At this time, he suddenly remembered what the devil Paimon had said to him.

Time back to half an hour ago.

Those players who crashed in the first wave all died.

Ryan watched more than a hundred human corpses spread out on the ground, and more were the corpses of their demons lying around in disorder nearby.

In order to kill these more than 100 humans, they lost more than 200 demons.

This is still in the encirclement, they have 30,000 people, and even a large number of long-range arrows and magic support.

Still paying such a high price.

It is enough to prove the strength and bravery of this group of humans.

But what disturbed Ryan even more was the madness that these humans showed.

Demons are also crazy.

But most of the time, it's madness without reason.

Such a crazy state is indeed very powerful, but the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, it is very stupid, and it is easy to be trapped and killed.

But this causes humans, their madness is intellectual.

Even if they work hard, they can shoot dodge, feint, and they will exchange for higher damage to the enemy at a very small price.

This is not reasonable.

Madness and sanity shouldn't go hand in hand.

Because fear of death is the instinct of all creatures, even the demons have to rely on madness and become irrational before they can overcome the fear of death.

But more than a hundred humans do not need it.

They were very, very crazy and very, very sane.

It's not reasonable and it's not magic.

Ryan felt incomprehensible, and even had a bad, heart-pounding sense of unease.

Although the race of fear war demons mainly follows the warrior route, it is because their warrior talent is very good. In fact, their race is quite brainy. Even if they mainly follow the warrior route and live for decades, they can still use some low-level spells.

It shows that they are actually quite smart.

In addition, it is clear that more than 30,000 troops have been gathered. If it was in the past, Lord Paimon would have ordered an attack on the main plane.

But this time... gathering troops is more like trying to defend than attack.

So he decided to go to Paimon to ask about the situation.

He returned to his tent and activated the magic communication stone.

After there was movement in the communication stone, he said respectfully: "Lord Pai Meng, I am disturbing you during your busy schedule. I have something I don't understand, can you please clarify your confusion."

"Come on, I'm busy."

"Why didn't we take the initiative to attack this time? Is there something wrong with the human world?"

"Why do you think so?"

Ryan continued: "There were more than a hundred human warriors at the portal just now. They were fierce, they were not afraid of death, they were crazy, and they even kept their senses. We even died when we surrounded them. More than 200 people, only to kill them."

There was silence in the communication stone for a while, and then a very gentle voice came out, like a young human being: "Guard there first, if there is a human being sent from there, you continue to kill. Don't worry, I have already gone. Look for Phoenix, he knows human things best, ask him maybe it will be clear."

"Lord Le'an, you haven't answered my question directly, why didn't you want us to attack the main plane of mankind in the first place."

There was another long period of silence. After a while, Paimon said, "It's not that I don't want to, but I don't dare... You know that I am the best at prophetic magic. I have a feeling that if I don't get enough people, Just rush in and you'll all die. Then I'll die too!"

"This is impossible!" Ryan was surprised: "Are you a devil?"

"The real gods may fall, let alone us?" Ryan said lightly: "So Ryan, please, we will not take the initiative to attack them for the time being, but if humans come over, you must kill them, not let them Too many gatherings."

Among the demon gods, Paimon is more popular because he abides by the rules he has set.

The demon world seems to be chaotic and disorderly, but it also obeys certain rules.

There are no completely disordered intelligent creatures in this world, otherwise any completely disordered population will surely destroy itself.

"As you wish, Lord Paimon."

Then Ryan saw the group of human summoners who appeared behind him for some reason.

He thought that, with his 30,000 people, he should be able to kill the opponent's summoner, and then kill the opponent's summoner.

Then, before the ground troops had really made contact, he was blown away by a magical AOE of unknown origin.

Look at the red mushroom cloud in the distance, and then look at the huge radial pit.

Magma flows at the bottom of the pit.

At least a thousand demons died in the explosion, and only the hard bones were still rolling in the magma.

And more demon soldiers were blown away by the intense heat wave and burned.

Not all demons, like him, have extremely high fire resistance attributes.

Stripes of charred, or half-charred, half-yellow bodies groaned and wriggled around the giant pit.

"What's going on here!" Ryan licked his lower lip. "What kind of magic is this?"

The succubus landed from the air and said, "A human mage came out with a giant blue fireball. This is the first time I have seen it."

Both were silent for a few seconds.

They have seen a lot of fireball... Many races in the demon world are good at playing with fire.

But the blue flame was the second time I saw it.

The first time was to see the Demon God Phoenix use it.

And the speed at which the opponent's magic power gathers is so fast, and the formidable power is so strong, even less.

It stands to reason that this kind of powerful magic usually has a sign of a long time.

Even if the bolide falls, there must be a spell casting, guidance, and the process of falling.

At least fifteen seconds.

But this powerful magic, from being discovered, to forming, to explosion, is estimated to take about five seconds.

The power is even greater.

This is so unreasonable.

"What about the human mage?"


"You don't pay attention to him?"

"He used the secondary invisibility technique to hide in the summoned creatures." The succubus replied unhappily.

Ryan immediately stopped talking.

Both of them were a little nervous.

This time, when the portal is opened again, everything is not right.

The extremely belligerent Lord Paimon did not take the initiative to attack the human world, but instead defended.

And humans really began to take the initiative to invade their demon world.

Now it's an extremely bizarre attack.

Just when they were silent, there were more than 30,000 soldiers of the Demon Race... and now there are only 28,000 soldiers. They all stopped and looked at the huge pothole in front of them with a radius of at least 50 meters and did not dare to move. .

In addition to this pothole, there is also an 'effective explosion killing circle' with a radius of nearly 200 meters. This piece of land has changed from red to black.

A large number of wounded were lying in this scorched earth, struggling and making a miserable cry for help.

It's just a magical effect.

This is not over yet... A round of 'scorching sun' suddenly appeared in the dark clouds in the sky.

These flying summons quickly dispersed, and then the remaining 20,000 demons saw a man fluttering golden wings of light, floating in the air.

And on top of his head, there is a golden ball of light.

There is a limit to the number of times per day for divine arts.

The cooldown of Judgment of Light is 24 hours, so Shuke is only using the ordinary 'sunshine' now.

But even this kind of magic had a bad influence on the demons.

Many demons felt unwell, had a fever, and wanted to vomit.

Although it can be endured, it will definitely affect the combat effectiveness.

In addition to the sunshine, Shook also developed one of the paladin's signature talents.

Aura of Courage, Aura of Victory.

As the strongest and heroic combat unit of the Light God Cult, paladins often lead troops to fight.

Therefore, the halo ability is also a talent that they must learn.

The strength of the summoned objects will appear to be relatively poor under the same number, but with the blessing of the aura of courage and the aura of victory, the strength will increase by at least 30%.

And the demons were slightly suppressed by the sunshine, and they were tied up. As a game term, their attributes decreased slightly.

This is the rise and fall, and the gap between summoned objects and demons is not that big.

The summoner sisters also felt that the summoned creatures became much stronger, which urges the summoned creatures to attack even more desperately.

Anyway, it's all projections, and it doesn't hurt to disappear, it's not animal cruelty.

There is still magic power that can be summoned again.

Soon, the group of summoned creatures on the ground bypassed the magma pit in the middle and attacked the demons from left and right.

The battle in the air continues.

It's just that five summoned creatures were needed before to barely kill a flying demon, but now, three can replace a demon.

It still seems to have the advantage of Demon Summons, but the problem is... Summons can be supplemented.

When the girls feel that their summons are running out, they will immediately summon new ones.

Although the replenishment speed is not fast, and it is also limited by the consumption of mana.

But it's not a problem to add twice as many summons.

Besides, they don't need to wipe out these demon soldiers, they just need to attract the attention of these demons and let them put their eyes here.

Seeing that the ground troops were approaching, the succubus shook his head, and the white and round front equipment shook to make people dizzy: "The other party is a little unreasonable, I feel that the situation is not right, Fat Dragon, I will go first, you can do it yourself. "

After saying this, the body of the succubus turned pitch black, turned into a black shadow, and swept away from the ground.

Lean was on the edge of the battlefield and watched the situation of the battlefield. Although the demons can still occupy the upper part, the other party kept replenishing the summons, so the battlefield is still in a stalemate.

Demons can win!

Generally, when you see this situation, many people will think so.

After all, the summoner only has more than 100 soldiers, and the summons can be replenished, but the number is limited.

The aura of the paladin is really powerful, but it is an ability that can play a big role only if the difference in strength between the two sides is not too great.

These summons, even with the support of the halo, could not be far worse than the demon creatures.

Then, Ryan just didn't feel right.

He touched his head with his right hand and grabbed one of the horns...with a forceful twist, it broke.

Then it bit the tip of the horn with its mouth, put it in its mouth, and blew it hard.

The desolate horn sounded throughout the battlefield.

One long and two short.

is a signal to retreat.

Although the demons were brave, when they heard this voice, they immediately gave up the fight, turned around and ran.

In fact, now, their morale is not high.

The huge rock hole in the center of the battlefield is indicating that the opponent also has an extremely terrifying mage, who is in an unknown state that may attack or lack magic power.

Withdraw... So as soon as the horn sounded, the more than 20,000 demons immediately turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

In the demon world, all the demons move very fast, and the summons simply can't catch up.

Although the celestial goshawk flying in the air can catch up, it is a burst of magic or arrows against the Lord, and the goshawk falls to the ground like rain.

Not useful at all.

So Solisa immediately told the guild members to stop chasing, but regrouped to take over the land.

In fact, Ryan's decision was quite correct, less than three minutes after they started to retreat, most of the players were killed from the portal.

Many girls in the Phoenix Guild have started live broadcasts, so players know the current battle situation.

When they saw that the demon soldiers were aroused, they immediately asked the mages to unite and use their magic power to shake the portal, breaking the blockade.

Then a large number of players poured out of the Might and Magic Gate and rushed towards the rear wing of the Demon army.

But unfortunately, Ryan retreated, and only a small number of fast-moving players bit the tail of the demon army. After killing hundreds of demons, they could only watch the demon army run farther and farther.

In the distance, Ryan, who was standing on a high ground, looked at the portal, and there was an endless stream of human beings, and he was terrified.

Then he activated the communication stone in his hand: "Lord Paimon, we failed, and humans came in."

At this time, in the live broadcast room, many players who did not participate in the battle, as well as netizens who were watching the play, were discussing at length.

"Sure enough, in the battlefield, you still have to judge. Roland's magic kills the demons, which is estimated to be in the four figures. ’

'Shuke is also powerful, suppressing the enemy's attributes, raising his own attributes, the real king of the battlefield. ’

‘Phoenix girls are even more powerful, a hundred people can pull up such a large team. Scared to look at. Roland and Shuke still have to rely on them to have the opportunity to launch such an attack. ’

‘To put it bluntly, it’s still a great career. ’

‘You said that paladins and summoners have strong professional characteristics, I agree! But Roland is not, he is the only one who can achieve this level in the whole server. ’

'As for the warlock, Xiang Yanliu, I remember that warlocks also have mass destruction magic. ’

'No, compared to Roland's blue fireball, it's far worse. ’

'Stop chatting, go to the prestige store to see, there is a ranking list, there is a ranking of prestige points for slaughtering demons, a hundred-place system. ’

'Just back from the prestige store, Roland ranked first with more than 5,000 reputation, followed by Shuke with more than 3,000, followed by Solisa of the Phoenix Guild, with more than 900, and then a few hundred, and finally the 100th Only 99 reputation. ’

‘No, why is the gap so big? ’

'It's normal, after all, it's the Fortress Master. And the most BUG hanging occupation. ’

'Roland sent it, the best epic preparation in the prestige store only starts at 1,000 points, and he can now exchange five pieces. ’

However... Roland didn't want to change equipment.

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