It just needs to be looked at the digital map of the groundwater occurrence, the hydrogeological map ...

Yeah ... do we know how much they cost?

So one card will cost you $ 50,000!

What are you with oak fell?

What wild prices?

That we have a monopoly everywhere!


You need to ask Dilshodu ...

Come ask!


Hey, Dilshodu, can we make a groundwater map?

In principle, such a function was laid in software, but now I can simply connect to the Obaki space center there all my own, so in five minutes, you will have this card!


Yes, these are such cute Japanese ghosts!

They have their own monitoring center for 22,000 worlds, including Earth!


This is all due to magical abilities!

Obaki in some way is also a type of microbes, and people simply see them as some kind of magical essence.

It is interesting!

But by the way, and the map!

This magic is a very useful thing, such a money saving!

Of course!

Well, there are maps on hand, let's see, Bro on the second section of Grandma, maybe we can find water there?

Let's try!

Then I will call the guys so that they come quickly and start work today in the morning.


Bro then I will leave you with the work of drilling and placing my office in my house, but will you pay the tax and the communal flat yourself? Good!

Where should I place my office on the ground floor? And you could well build a collapsible office house ... you could, but this is a waste of money.

Okay, settle down, figure it out yourself? Yes, my deputy will help me, you do not mind bro?

Gap nest! I have no words!

Okay then!

You yourself can be located in one of the two rooms on the second floor, they are not large, but you will save $ 1,500 per month for rent!

Already it sounds good. Living in hotels strained, a lot of extra ears and eyes. You know that almost all the hotels in the world have hidden cameras in the rooms?

Of course, this is a common thing! We also practice this.

The mirrors with video cameras, usually the bugs are located in the air ducts, they are masked under motion sensors, switches and sockets, light bulbs, bottles, wall clocks, pens ...

The usual civilian "bug" now writes audio and video remotely for 1-2 km, usually such a "bug" works from 1 to 4 years, without replacing the battery. Not to mention the special-purpose "bugs" that run for tens of kilometers.

There is a special equipment that can read the conversation through the pipes of heating, hot and cold water, through electrical wiring, not to mention the oscillation on the glass by the laser beam. In principle, already 10 years ago there were also cameras that could photograph a person through a wall 2 meters wide ...

I have nothing of this! There is no radiation! Okay well

Not that word! What a good air! The river is near! Clean water will be soon! It's great!

There was a buzz of a motor.

Peace to you! Baraz and you peace!

How did you get there? How are children, like grandchildren? How is your health?

Yes, everything is fine, the children went to the ministry to work, and I took the grandchildren to school too. Now my grandson went to a Chinese school named Confucius, already learning Chinese and English.

Yes, this is a promising direction for the near future. For sure!

They used to think that it was Russian, and then how it became ... English came out on top ... but the world is constantly changing, the Russians were able to regain interest at least for a while and wiped the nose of the Western world. Nobody expected this from them. Russian cool guys! They need to be considered ...

Well, Baraz will go to a mountain village, let's see how they are doing there?

Of course, let's go.

By the way, Bro, they already put a small hydro? Today we had to bring and install, in fact, I forgot to tell you.

Well, when?

Apparently this morning! At 11 o'clock set!


I also sketched a small project on the tourism business. Need to show the elderly.

I went, bye!

Successes you in affairs!


Baraz went.

Of course.

To the village was only 50 km. Baraz put on national music, and Dara worked on a laptop, a GIS software product MapInfo Prof. 16 v, well suited for his purposes.

Convenient program.

Slowly appeared maps of the area, a digital model of the area in 3D format with thematic layers superimposed on top - heights, forests, historical objects. The ruins of medieval caravanserai, feudal fortresses, castles, late medieval underground reservoirs.

As well as groups of petroglyphs of petroglyphs dating back to the late Holocene period. That is about 3,500 years ago, the time of the departure of the last glacier languages ​​in this region, as well as the later period of antiquity, that is, 6th century BC. The drawings on the rocks differed in the manner of the image, such as the contour style, openwork and skeleton, as well as the tools that created these drawings.

On the other layer, there were visible areas with the sites of the fossilized black teeth of the sharks of the Tertiary Sea, which was also in the area, some 300,000 years ago, including the fossilized shells. They could be found without much difficulty on the slopes of these low mountains.

Each historical artifact was associated with an attribute database with reference information. The year of creation, the year of destruction, the destination, the architect on whose money the construction was carried out. How many people could live, what goods were brought, what goods were exchanged, prices for goods, what famous people passed through this area. What kind of literature can be read about it. What was the food at the time, what was treated, what height is it, whether its status is included in the catalog of cultural heritage protection or not.

The next window showed a 3D photorealistic model of the terrain with a space image of 10 meters high spatial resolution superimposed on top. One could have put 1 meter, but alas, there were restrictions on the resolution of satellite images in the country. Mode…

On this map one could see the laid new tourist routes, their degree of difficulty, foot, car, bicycle or horse. Every 5 km were designated food items. The location of the guest houses, the price for the night, the price for food.

Now it was necessary to coordinate these routes with the villagers, to create their own travel agency, which would be focused on educational, eco, culinary tourism. Choose a couple of tour operators, make travel insurance, open your bank account, register as a private entrepreneur, and then it's already village affairs. In principle, there are familiar tour operators in Japan and China, so that they can organize groups of tourists to visit the village.

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