Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 843 A disagreement

Green Jungle World, October.

In the southern coastal areas, temperatures are still very high.

Above the jungle, the City in the Sky, which had been out for more than half a month, broke out of the sky. It stretched out from a little light and turned into a majestic city, sitting in the clouds, overlooking the forest sea.

All the major associations had already learned about entering the Realm of the Gods. When they learned that Boss Cao was back, the leaders of the various associations gathered in large numbers and came to the Sky City.

After they met with Boss Cao, they muttered and plotted in the study for most of the day, and did not leave until evening.

When these big guys left, they all had smiles of satisfaction on their faces as they had received blessings.

People can't help but wonder, what consensus did they and Boss Cao reach to make them so happy?

After everyone left, Boss Cao got ready to go to the world of gods again.

"Boss, can I go with you?"

Secretary Dai looked up at her charming face. In addition to her pleading look and tone, there was also a hint of coquettishness that was not easily noticed. After all, the relationship was different, and she had been massaged in the study.

Boss Cao responded, opened the portal, entered it with the walking secretary, and disappeared into the study.

The setting sun shines outside the window, and the maples are as red as dye.

The world of gods is also at the corresponding time, and the sun is about to set.

The location where Cao Yan and Secretary Dai appeared was based on Auch's location. After entering the Realm of the Gods, they arrived at a city on the border of the Kingdom of Light.

Ochhe shrunk in stature, but there were still Chaos Giants who were several feet tall, as well as four kings sent by Dogarosh and the little black fat man, waiting aside.

Seeing Cao Yan, the six people greeted him in unison: "Boss, City Lord Cao."

Especially the four kings, when they saw Cao Yan, they were as enthusiastic as the working people looking forward to the liberation (harmony) of their relatives and the liberation of the army. How dangerous the world of gods is in their eyes, how much they hope that Boss Cao will save them from the sea of ​​misery.

When I saw Boss Cao, the instant kindness I felt was directly proportional to the fear I felt after entering the world of gods.

"This is the world of gods. There are actually two suns!" Secretary Dai followed Boss Cao out and looked around, quite surprised.

They were located in a secluded alley in the city, with no one around.

"There are nine suns in the world of gods. Because their orbits are different, they will not rise at the same time. Instead, different numbers of suns will appear in different seasons."

The Chaos Giant had obviously heard a lot of news about the world of gods, and explained: "It is said that among the nine suns, four are controlled by gods, and there is a Sun Palace built in the sun."

"What about the other five rounds?" Secretary Dai asked.

"The other five wheels are wild suns, not controlled by gods, but one of them is inhabited by the Sun God Bird, which is said to be a powerful creature of the main god level. We haven't found out what force controls the remaining four suns," said the Chaos Giant. .

At this time, Oher stepped forward and handed each of Cao Yan and Secretary Dai a light gray translucent light ball, which seemed to contain mist: "The spiritual fragments I separated from the angel's consciousness, after use, can make the boss Mastering the language of angels comes in handy here.”

Boss Cao and Secretary Dai took the ball of light and brought it close to their eyebrows. The ball of light exuded wisps of aura, was drawn into it by his mental power, and disappeared in a moment.

"Where are the others?" Cao Yan asked.

"We acted together. The target was too obvious, so we spread out to find out the news. They were elsewhere in the city."

The Chaos Giant pointed at the four kings: "The four of them said they lacked a sense of security and refused to act alone until they died. They insisted on following me and Auch."

God is so insecure.

"What did you gain?"

When Cao Yan spoke, he first walked out of the secluded alley and turned into a relatively prosperous city street.

Secretary Dai took out two handfuls of melon seeds like a magic trick and handed half of them to Boss Cao. He ate the melon seeds as he walked, as if he was traveling.

Although it is just a border city under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Light, the city is still quite prosperous, and towering statues and buildings can be seen everywhere.

The streets in the city are wide, and many intelligent races are walking back and forth along the streets.

The architectural style in the city is full of fantasy.

In the sky above the city, you can still see monsters or vehicle frames flying up and down. Some of them go straight to higher places in the sky and disappear in the blink of an eye.

"We have found out clearly that the realm of the gods we are entering now is actually called the lower realm of the gods. Different divine forces control different areas. This is not the real kingdom of gods opened by the gods. The real kingdom of gods cannot be entered directly. ." The Chaos Giant said in a suppressed voice.

Cao Yan thought to himself: The real Kingdom of God is equivalent to the main gate of the major religions in the country. It has a different cave and heaven. It is not surprising that you cannot enter directly.

The Chaos Giant pursed his lips to the sky: "There are still some divine kingdoms built on the stars in the sky. If there is a war between divine systems, there will be spectacles in the night sky of stars moving and colliding, or even falling apart."

Secretary Dai also looked up and took a look. At this time, the scorching sun had set, the stars and the moon had not yet risen into the sky, and the sky was green, like a huge curtain.

God system wars, star movements, there are many famous scenes in the world of gods that make people eat melons.

"Why did the boss come back after a day? We haven't found much valuable information yet." The Chaos Giant asked.

"You guys will come back to the green jungle world with me in a while. There are some operations that require your cooperation."

Cao Yan said: "Go and gather others, we have to temporarily withdraw from the world of gods."

"Okay." The Chaos Giant turned around and carried out Boss Cao's order without asking the reason.

"City Master Cao, you need to be careful. This city is under martial law and we are checking out outsiders. It is actually very dangerous for us to walk on the streets so arrogantly."

After the Chaos Giant left, the four kings followed Boss Cao and warned him.

"There are chariots riding on angels galloping over this city. Is this what you call investigation?" Dai Huanyu asked, blinking his clear eyes.

In the short time since they arrived, four or five tanks had already passed by one after another above the city.

There are angels standing on each chariot, overlooking the streets and people in the city, with solemn expressions and blazing eyes.

"After we came here, we attacked and killed more than thirty angels, which resulted in several border cities in the nearby area being under martial law at the same time. The angels were patrolling above. If they found anyone suspicious, they would come down to ask. If they did not have relevant identification documents, they would be taken away. Walk."

The old king explained: "The identity and pass documents in this city are things created by the Light God System. They are connected to one's spiritual power and are difficult to copy!"

"Then do you have a pass for the city?" Dai Huanyu asked.

"Yeah." The old king glanced at Oh.

"You have only been here for a day, how did you get the pass?" Dai Huanyu asked.


Boss Cao interjected: "Ohe has obtained the genetic inheritance of the demon clan and can tamper with mental fluctuations. As long as they stay outside the city, they will beat up the people who have city passes in and out of the city, and rob them. With the proof, and then using the devil’s secret technique to adjust the mental fluctuations and inherit the identity of others, you can wander around the city swaggeringly.”

Oher was a rare loser: "The boss's judgment was not bad at all, so these angels set up traps at all levels, but they have never been able to find us."

"It would be terrible if they came here to question me and the boss now."

As soon as Dai Huanyu finished speaking, the four kings were shocked to find an angel chariot speeding past in the sky and suddenly stopped. A beam of light fell straight on Dai Huanyu from the front of the chariot.

Two angels stood on the car, holding war spears and looking sharply.

"What kind of mouth does Deputy City Lord Dai have? What is he talking about?" the four kings thought in horror.

Beautiful women are a scarce resource no matter which dimension they are in, and they easily attract attention.

Dai Huanyu is a foxy type of woman who will become the center of attention wherever she goes. It is not surprising that she is targeted by the patrolling angels.

Some races passing by on the nearby streets saw the angel's chariot parked in mid-air. They all came over to eat melons and stood watching.

"Who are you? Show me your passes to the city."

The chariot hung diagonally above Cao Yan and others, and an angel poked his head and said.

Dai Huanyu said calmly: "We don't have a pass within the city. My identity boss's secretary."

It was as if she had not said anything at all. When the two angels heard this, they felt angry that their intelligence had been insulted. A beam of light suddenly dropped from the front of the chariot, like a chain, falling towards Dai Huanyu.

Secretary Dai quickly jumped up behind Boss Cao.

The light also rolled towards Cao Yan.

"This place bullies men and women. The angels arrest people whenever they disagree. They are so domineering."

Boss Cao said disdainfully: "It's a good place to show off."

He has been melancholy over the years that he has had too few opportunities to show off. He has almost never encountered the kind of intellectual villain who specifically confronts the protagonist in the movie. The current situation is actually something he likes to see.

Boss Cao decided to stab these two angels who didn't even have names with a gun.

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and a thick and long ray of light jumped out. It was the artifact that Boss Cao had obtained in the sacred mountain world before, the Nurbis Spear of Destiny that could be long or short, soft or hard.

The shadow of the spear pierced the sky, as powerful as a shooting star.

Another symbol appeared between Boss Cao's eyebrows at the same time, lingering around the spear point. The shadow of the Temple of the Epoch flickered and disappeared, blending with the light of the spear point, and suddenly pierced the defensive divine light of an angel and passed through the chest.

Another angel was enveloped by the qi machine released by Oh. A big hand with demonic energy flowing out of the qi machine was the [Apex] Demon Ancestor, and he scratched the angel's forehead.

The two angels were defeated in one round.

People eating melons on the surrounding streets were collectively shocked. The turn of events was beyond their expectations. These people were so horrified!

Within the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Light, openly attacking and killing angels is a blasphemous crime.

There was an uproar on the street and people were running around.

Cao Yan and others calmly blended into the crowd and left the scene.

By the time the other angels in the city arrived for reinforcements and searched the entire city, Cao Yan and the other three had already joined the Chaos Giant and returned directly to the Sky City through teleportation.

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