Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 857 Earthshaking Changes

Ether opened the code and recited the verses on the code devoutly and attentively, reciting the words.

Every time he recited a scripture sentence, his eyes became brighter.

Soon, his eyes reflected detailed pictures. The jungle area where the Sky City had stayed, the void, white clouds, and tall trees appeared one by one.

The picture changed rapidly, and finally gradually blurred and returned to silence, but did not show the image of the City in the Sky.

"Even the Eye of Light can't find the trajectory of the City in the Sky after it disappeared..."

Aether said with some reluctance: "In the year since the Sky City disappeared, great changes may have taken place. It turned from bright to dark and completely disappeared."

Then he said: "It has been two years since the Oracle Gate was destroyed. Have you re-established contact with the gods (the twelve main gods of the light system)?"

Shugel: "Messages can be transmitted through the Code, but angels cannot travel through it like the Oracle Gate. You are back just in time and can help me speed up the construction of the Holy Light Altar."

Aether said in surprise: "To build the Holy Light Altar, the Lord God Council has decided to build a space-time lighthouse here to allow the angel army to fully enter this world?"


Shu Geer said: "The Lord Gods also joined forces to promote the Thunder of Destruction, crossing planes and coming to the Green Jungle World. The disappearance of the Sky City also happened at that time. Cao Yan should have sensed the danger and deliberately hid it. .”

Ether secretly thought: Judging from the time, the main gods joined forces to promote the thunder of destruction to come to the green jungle world. It should be after I sent the artifact into the chaos deep in the jungle, the existence in the chaos entered a deeper sleep, and everyone God is confident that the existence in the chaos will not be awakened by the thunder of destruction...

"What special circumstances have happened in the year since the Sky City disappeared?" Aether asked thoughtfully.

Shugel shook his head slightly, then thought thoughtfully, and said: "In recent times, the human theocracy established by our Kingdom of Light in many planes, that is, the churches of various planes, has had the same problem. The churches of various planes have Important figures were assassinated by heretics one after another.

In these plane worlds, religious systems established by heretical gods are also showing signs of revival, and they are recruiting followers aggressively. The Kingdom of Light once sent me a message, asking me to pay attention to the relevant changes in the green jungle world.

Is this the special situation you mentioned? "

Aether didn't answer and asked instead: "When did these changes occur after the Sky City disappeared?"

Shugel: "Do you suspect it is related to Sky City?"


Fuji Aya is twenty-two years old this year.

She has a pretty face, a plump figure, long golden hair, and is sexy.

At this time, she was wearing a silver robe exclusive to the saint, kneeling respectfully in front of the statue of the Moon Goddess, praying in a low voice.

The past year felt like a dream to Fuji Aya.

She was originally the daughter of a wealthy businessman from a small city in the Water Moon World. Because her mother believed in the Moon Goddess, she also joined the Moon Goddess's religious society.

What neither she nor her mother expected was that when she began to recite the oath to join the Moon Goddess Religious Society, the oracle descended from the sky, and a ray of light came through the sky, forming a crescent-shaped mark between her eyebrows.

She became the chosen one of the Moon Goddess Church and the candidate saint.

In the next year, her life seemed to be in jeopardy.

Under the guidance of the Moon Goddess, in just three months, she surpassed the vast majority of believers and became a fifth-level divine grace bather, a kind of grace bather that can enlighten others and help others. The Moon Goddess recruits rare clerics who recruit more followers.

About half a year ago, because of her status as the chosen one of the Moon Goddess Church, her family was targeted by the Church of Light in this world and declared a heretical family.

Church magistrates broke into her home and wanted to hang her mother.

Fuji Ling got the news in time and rushed home.

That was her first confrontation with someone from the church.

She used the blessing of the Moon Goddess transmitted through the air to cast the Moon God's Spear in her hand, and stabbed to death the Judge of the Church of Light who broke into her home on the spot.

That battle seemed to open a door in front of Fuji Ling.

Time passed, until ten months ago, Fuji Ling received another oracle. This time the oracle was a test.

After receiving the oracle, she sneaked into the parish of the Church of Light alone and assassinated Cardinal Archbishop Feraldo Tei.

Although she sacrificed a little of her appearance during the assassination, the Moon Goddess once said that beauty is also a weapon and should be used properly. Moreover, she only wore revealing clothes and did not lose the virginity of the saint. It should not be too much. Well... Fuji Ling thought to herself.

After she successfully completed the assassination, she returned to the Moon Goddess Cult three days ago.

The assassination of the Cardinal delayed the Church's plan to prepare a full-scale attack on the Church of the Goddess of the Moon. For this reason, the Moon Goddess gave her a very generous reward - she would have the opportunity to enter the goddess's kingdom for a short period of practice.

Fuji Ling is very excited about this. When she returns from the Kingdom of God, she will become a favored one by the gods and live at the peak of her life.

She spent three whole days preparing carefully and meticulously.

At this moment, she prayed devoutly, purified her soul, and waited for a miracle to come to the world again, leading her to enter the kingdom of God and listen to God's teachings.

Time quickly came to the moment when the oracle promised to take her into the Kingdom of God.

In the central hall of the Moon Goddess Church, there were many congregants standing silently. Everyone's eyes were focused feverishly on the kneeling Fuji Ling, waiting to witness the miracle.

At this moment, the statue of the Moon Goddess in the center of the temple began to glow, and a beam of light slowly formed between her eyebrows, connecting with Fuji Ling's eyebrows.

Suddenly, Teng Ling disappeared in the beam of light.

In her own feeling, it was as if she had instantly crossed endless time and space, and was led into her divine kingdom by the goddess's divine power.

I don’t know how much time passed, but when the light beam disappeared, Fuji Aya slightly adapted to the change in light, and was immediately stunned by the scene in front of her.

She seemed to be standing in the clouds, with a divine perspective, a vast view, overlooking the vast earth.

Behind her, there is a huge and magnificent temple, all silvery white, with divine light flowing, as bright as water. It is the Temple of the Moon Goddess that Fuji Ling has seen countless times in her visualizations.

"I have really entered the Kingdom of God." Teng Ling was extremely excited and bowed to the temple.

After she stood up, she looked around again and found that where she was standing was a huge floating mountain. The area she was in was just one of many floating mountains. There were more mountains winding above and below it. Like a staircase.

The mountains arranged above are taller than the other, all the way to the top of the sky. You can see many mountains with magnificent temples built on them.

The mountains going down stretch all the way to the ground, and the land at the end of the sight is ancient, vast, and boundless.

The scene in front of me is a spectacle.

"This is God's world..."

Teng Ling's thoughts were rising and falling, and she looked up at the huge city at the top that looked like stars hanging in the deep sky. The city was located on top of all the sacred mountains. There were gods driving flaming chariots around it, galloping back and forth. Ships were rising and falling, and the weather was so majestic. Awesome, never seen before.

Fuji Aya thought with envy and awe: That should be the city in the sky where the Supreme God lives as mentioned in the teachings of the Moon Goddess. The city is the home of the gods. In addition to the moon goddess, there are also jungle goddesses, hunting gods, giant gods... they are all there. Together they form a great and glorious pantheon, and we will eventually defeat those shameless heretics of the light pantheon who have stolen the throne!

At this time, Fuji Ling was led by a divine light and entered the Temple of the Moon Goddess behind her.

The temple was filled with dim light and the elemental aura was thick.

There are also several female priests who, like Fuji Aya, were brought to the Temple of the Moon Goddess from other planes. They were sitting on the floor, all looking pious.

Ever since entering the temple, there has been a divine voice, containing majestic divine power, reciting the teachings of the Moon Goddess and the practice methods of divine arts in Teng Ling's ears.

She was attracted by the divine sound, and involuntarily came to a place in the temple to sit down and entered a state of practice.

The temple was very quiet, and the practicing clergy did not notice that an elf girl appeared outside the temple, holding a small notebook in her hand, writing notes in the notebook, and muttering: " A total of two new religions were established in two different planes this month, with the Moon Goddess recruiting the third largest number of followers.

Well, in the words of the city lord, the brainwashing is very successful. If you want to continue to engage in pyramid schemes, everyone in Amway... I don’t know what these words mean and what secrets they contain?

Today's work is over and you can go back. "

The girl excitedly jumped on the back of a spotted pterosaur waiting next to her.

The pterosaur soared upwards and soon approached the 'City of the Gods' at the highest point in the sky.

In the clouds around the city, a real dragon stuck out its head, glanced at the approaching flying dragon, then retracted its head, allowing the flying dragon to enter the city.

The elf girl riding on the back of the flying dragon found a little turtle lying on its head basking in the sun when the dragon's head appeared. She couldn't help but stick out her tongue.

These two monsters seemed to be at ease, but the girl knew very well how powerful and ferocious they were.

The pterosaur she was riding on flew towards the center of the city.

Along the way, you can see hundreds of ancient magical war trees planted in the city that are more than 10,000 years old. The trees are covered with magical thorns. There are elves building homes on the trees and living and working in peace and contentment.

As Feilong continued to move into the city, he could see temples standing all over the city, inhabited by many powerful races at the god level.

In the past two years, this city floating in the sky has grown steadily by relying on the evil and evil, annexing the gods everywhere, and has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The elf girl rode the flying dragon and finally landed in a building in the core of the city.

She jumped off the dragon's back, walked through the building familiarly, and soon found the personal secretary of the 'Supreme God' to report on the work she had recorded while out.

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