Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 867 Divine Power for Use

At night, the stars are lonely.

Aether was also looking at Cao Yan very carefully.

The atmosphere was solemn.

The two sides looked at each other in the air for a moment, and then suddenly chose to take action without any warning.

Boss Cao stretched out his hand and released his divine power, pressing towards the ether.

And the light from the etheric fingertips overflowed, solidified, and stabbed straight into Cao Yan. As soon as the two attackers come into contact, they annihilate each other and both dissipate.


This person is a powerful enemy... Cao Yan thought.

He was actually able to block my attack without falling behind... Compared to Cao Yan, Yi Tai was even more shocked.

The codex in his hand flipped quickly, revealing a page blessed by the power of the God King.

"I am a disseminator of faith, the name of God Ether. Now I give you two choices, die, or you dedicate your faith, accept my faith assimilation, and become a believer in the Lord of Light."

Etai looked at Cao Yan: "If I take action again, it will be the time when you accept the judgment. I hope you can think clearly."

This guy wants to cheat on me and end the battle directly... Cao Yan glanced at the God King's blessing page in Ether's hand and thought: I unexpectedly met a colleague who also cheated... It was just a competition to see whose cheat was more impressive.

"If I take action, you may die directly."

Boss Cao was so busy: "I'm also willing to give you a chance. How about being assimilated into my faith and becoming my subordinate?"

Etai said calmly: "You have no respect and are just a lamb with a lost soul. How dare you ask me to change my faith?"

A symbol suddenly jumped out of his code, shining brightly.

At this moment, even the City in the Sky trembled in the distance. Many gods in the city felt a majestic aura of divine power at the same time, impacting the City in the Sky.

"A powerful enemy is coming!"

The gods in the city responded quickly, and warning sounds resounded throughout the city.


An earth-shaking loud noise suddenly erupted outside the city.

Following the sound, a wave of elemental light surged and spread outside the city.

The world seemed to be roaring with rage.

"The Holy Lord has fought against the intruders." A god in the city said.

Storm giants, chaos giants, jungle goddesses, moon goddesses and many other gods rose into the sky at the same time and looked into the distance.

The outside of the city has turned into a large car accident scene.

Under the strong collision and impact of divine power, everything was being destroyed, and the void collapsed into a huge black hole in space.

Outside the Sky City's defense system, including the mountains, rocks, grass and trees, they are all collapsing and decomposing, returning to a chaotic state where all things have not yet come into existence, the world's most primitive state.

At the core of the collision, light and darkness intertwined, and in the endless darkness, a ship of death loomed.

Not far away, there is the ether that is shining brightly all over, holding a code in its hand.

The code has evolved into a divine kingdom. The light spreads out and releases surging divine power to fight against darkness and the boat of death.

"What a powerful force." The Moon Goddess, Frost Goddess and other gods looked at each other in shock.

At this time, a dim yellow halo suddenly appeared in the darkness that the ether was fighting against, and the shadow of a triangular building was projected from the endless void.

The phantom of this building escaped the rules of time and space, and it appeared so unexpectedly that it directly hit the ether.


The defensive light wall outside the ether body shattered, and he coughed out a mouthful of blood when he opened his mouth.

"Temple of the Epoch!"

The Temple of Epoch once caused shock in countless interfaces and left legends behind. The Frost Goddess recognized the triangular building silhouette as the Temple of the Epoch, and was immediately shocked beyond measure.

"The Holy Lord can activate the power of the Temple of the Epoch!!"

Many gods watching the battle in the city also felt turmoil in their hearts.

These gods who were recruited to the Sky City had long known that Boss Cao was powerful, but they never thought that he could mobilize the power of the Temple of the Epoch for their own use.


Aether's face turned pale, and he coughed lightly, blood gushing out again.

What shocked him even more was that his left hand became withered and shriveled, like a mummy.

He had just used this hand to fight Cao Yan. Unexpectedly, his palm began to wither and die, and his life flowed away.

In contrast, Cao Yan was also injured. A scripture pierced his shoulder, and a bloody hole appeared.

However, the life force in his body was flowing, and the injury on his shoulder was recovering quickly. In the blink of an eye, the wound stopped bleeding and the scab closed.

"Do you control the power of death that destroys life?" The voice of the opposite Ether was hoarse and he looked at his hand.

He was hit by the Temple of the Epoch and the Death Boat one after another, and was attacked by Cao Yan's divine power. He had been severely damaged.

After all, the code page in his hand is just a scripture blessed by the God King, and the previous entry and exit of the eternal jungle and the release of the seal of the faith artifact on the chaotic land deep in the jungle have consumed most of the power of the God King chapter, which is simply not worth it. The joint attack of the Temple of the Era and the Kingdom of Darkness.

The phantom of the temple hung high above Cao Yan's head, and the boat of death was wandering beside him, so he launched a new offensive against the ether.

At this moment, three pages in the Ether Codex fell off one after another, turning into dazzling light, illuminating the darkness, forming a guardian of light to resist Cao Yan's attack.

He took the opportunity to pull away, drifting in the void, and disappeared in an instant.

But at the same moment, a strip of light fell off Cao Yan's waist and turned into a slender war spear. It also jumped in the void and silently approached the etheric body.


Ether was stabbed in the vital part by the battle spear, and blood splashed down, dyeing the white divine robe red.

He mobilized his strength to get rid of the war spear, jumped out of the void again, and disappeared in an instant.

"Zhou Cao, this wave is a big loss.

He activated the Temple of the Epoch and the Kingdom of Darkness, coupled with the Spear of Nurbis (Spear of Destiny), and spent a lot of points, but he still couldn't kill this guy. "Boss Cao muttered.

What he disguised as a belt on his waist was the spear of destiny that could be soft or hard, long or short.

This artifact war spear was originally seized from the Demon King (War Clan) of the City of the Holy Mountain. Two years ago, Cao Yan spent points to synthesize it into a weapon, further increasing the power of the war spear, and it became his weapon for beating sap. .

Tonight was the first time in two years that he used the Spear of Nurbis and launched a sudden cold arrow. Unfortunately, it was a bad start and he suffered heavy damage but failed to kill Aether.

The Spear of Destiny broke through the air and returned to Cao Yan's side, buzzing and shaking.

This artifact was sacrificed by Boss Cao and blended with his consciousness. It can be manipulated like an arm and a finger without any lag.

He controlled the war spear with his mental power, and the Spear of Destiny was like an extension of his body. It instantly turned into a stream of light, piercing the air and chasing away in the direction where the ether disappeared.

Cao Yan held his hands empty, and the darkness that shrouded the surrounding world, as well as the shadow of the Temple of Era suspended beside him, were taken into his hands and disappeared.

Even the shattered void and the surrounding chaotic elemental aura are recovering.

The night became peaceful again.

By the time Cao Yan returned to the city, his injuries had completely recovered and no traces could be seen.

Several gods came forward and bowed at the same time: "Someone attacked the city, and my subordinates failed to relieve the Holy Lord. Please be punished."

Boss Cao: "This person is a god at the level of a god. It's not surprising that you didn't find him."

"Okay, let's go back to sleep."

Boss Cao Shi Shiran was ready to go home to catch up on his sleep.

The goddess of the moon took a look at his pajamas and large underpants, smiled sweetly, and gave him a wink.

The other gods were all respectful and watched Boss Cao leave.

The fighting prowess and methods Cao Yan showed just now were remembered by all the gods.

"If that guy can escape the pursuit of the Spear of Destiny, the church's army will attack soon. There is no need to involve the Holy Mountain World. Let's return to the Green Jungle World." Cao Yan's voice floated back from afar.

The Sky City has been staying in the wilderness of the Holy Mountain Realm recently.

At this time, Cao Yan gave the order, and in the early morning, the Sky City quietly disappeared and left the sacred mountain world.

The city lord's mansion and the back house.

Wang Li and Baoyue were awakened from their sleep by the loud noise during the battle just now. Seeing that Cao Yan had returned safely at this time, the two women breathed a sigh of relief. They both came forward to greet him and put their soft and warm bodies into Boss Cao's arms: "What happened?"


The sister-in-law also came up to him crying and stood aside with a look of aggrievedness on her face. Mainly because her sister and Wang Li threw themselves into her brother-in-law's arms and did not leave any room for her.

"People from the church came to find me, but I found out and drove them away."

Boss Cao said lightly. Let the sister-in-law go back to sleep first, then lower her voice to divert the wives' attention: "I'm already awake, and I won't be able to fall asleep for a while, so the three of us will play games."


The daughters-in-law spat at him together, "You're crazy. Who's playing games with you in the middle of the night? Go to bed quickly."

Boss Cao didn't have to play, so he hugged Xiang Xiang and Hua Liuliu and went to bed to catch up on his sleep.


Ether recited scriptures in a low voice as he moved forward, urging his divine power to bless himself. He moved quickly in the void, and his figure appeared and then disappeared.

The moment he disappeared, a little silver light appeared in the void behind him, directly piercing the space wall, only missing a little bit and piercing the body of Ether who took the first step.

This silver light is the spear of destiny!

The chase between it and Ether didn't come to an end until Ether escaped back to the church.

After all, I couldn't kill the ether...

Early in the morning, the Spear of Destiny, who had been out for a night, returned to Boss Cao, turned into a fake belt again, and wrapped it around his waist.

Morning, study.

Cao Yan looked at the Moon Goddess and the Jungle Goddess in front of him and said:

"The two of you fought in the conference hall, which caused extremely bad consequences and must be severely punished!"

The Moon Goddess pursed her lips slightly, as if she accepted the punishment, and said pitifully: "My subordinate made a mistake, no matter how the Holy Master punishes me, I will be willing to do so."

"Scheming bitch, she turned herself into a 'slave' without saying a word, she is despicable." The Jungle Goddess cursed the Moon Goddess secretly.

She has been following Boss Cao for a long time and knows what her boss is like. He said that if he punished them, it would definitely be up to no good.

The Moon Goddess' coquettish tricks were of no use to Cao Yan.

The Jungle Goddess is very direct: "Boss, I have realized my mistake. I should not step on the newly joined Moon Goddess. Can you please spare me this time? I will behave well and never make similar mistakes again."

"Shabi, you can't even pretend to be pitiful. You deserve to be punished." The Moon Goddess also complained about the Jungle Goddess.

The two of them went from openly fighting each other to fighting each other secretly.

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