"Then see Renmei tomorrow!"


After school in the afternoon, because Shizuki Renmi still had schoolwork, she could only leave first, and everyone waved goodbye to her.

"Renmi is really busy, but Kyosuke, don't you have to go back to practice today?"

For the first time that his childhood sweetheart actually let this transfer student win this kind of thing after being discharged from the hospital, although Sayaka was very reluctant, the fact that it had already happened was no way.

"Ah, I want to relax recently, after all, the injury on my hand has not fully recovered."

Of course, this is fake, but he simply wants to be lazy today.

Sayaka Miki glanced at his crutches with a look of surprise and concern.

"Kyosuke's hand, it's not a big deal, right?"

"Well, I've told Sayaka many times, but Sayika is too worried." Kyosuke Uejo bent his arm.

"And I feel full of strength now, killing a cow!"

"Poof~ Niu Niu Niu how to mess with you!" Sayaka's last bit of worry was also dissipated by his words, and it seemed that Kyosuke was really fine.

"However, does Kyosuke have any plans after school?"

"Intending?" Kyosuke Uejo blinked, if he planned to.

"Xiao Yan, do you have anything to do after school?"

He always remembered what the other party said about becoming a magical girl, but he didn't have the opportunity to be alone with Xiao Meiyan all day, so naturally he didn't ask questions.



"Kyosuke! How about going to a CD store together after school? Sayaka suddenly inserted herself between the two, inviting with a smile.

"Uh..." Kyosuke Uejo touched his head and looked at Miyan again.

"Arno, Kyosuke I'm okay."

Although Xiao Miyan is also looking forward to being alone with Kyosuke Uejo, it seems that she does not have the courage to fight the powerful Sayaka now.

"This idiot"

Reincarnation Flame looked at a certain blue hair speechlessly, wondering if it was the reason for the recovery of Kyosuke Uejo's hand, someone seemed to be much relieved compared to the awkward person she knew.

Of course, there are some aspects that she still doesn't like.

Kyosuke Uejo: "Well, since that's the case, let's get moving!" gogogo! A

moment later, in the CD shop, Sayaka looked at the three people in the room in a trance.

Did Kyosuke misunderstand the meaning?!

Sayaka is lost in her heart, she wants to go with Kyosuke and the two!

But forget it, it's better than the transfer student and Kyosuke staying together.

At the thought of the two of them being alone and then creating some sparks so that she became a bridesmaid or something, Sayaka was creepy.

Absolutely not that kind of thing!

"Do Xiao Yan and Shikame-san have any favorite types of music? If you don't mind, you can let me know and I can recommend it to you. "

Uh-huh, that's troublesome to Uejo-san." Shikameku smiled and thanked him.

"You're welcome." Helping Madoka recommend a few songs, Kyosuke Kamijou looked at Xiaomiyan again.

"What about Xiao Yan?"

"Is there the one that Kyosuke plays?" Xiaomei Yan said embarrassedly with her fingers.

"Well, probably not." Kyosuke Uejo shook his head.

So, did Kyosuke make that song himself?!

A song written for her? Did Kyosuke mean when he said that the music played only for her meant?

Xiao Meiyan felt sweet in her heart, more fragrant than eating cake.

Kyosuke Uejo looked up the device: "Well, although there is no such song here, there are also quite good songs, let me recommend a few to Xiaoyan?" "

Thank you, thank you!" Xiao Meiyan happily agreed.

Sayaka: (. ・ˇ_ˇ・。 After :)

Kyosuke Kamijou helped Xiao Miyan choose the music, he came to Sayaka, who had been holding his chest and staring at them since the beginning.

"Sorry to let Sayaka, obviously you specially invited us to come, but you recommended it to them on your own."

"No, no, no! After all, Kyosuke is such an enthusiastic person. When Sayaka saw him coming, she immediately changed her face.

Since the accident, Kyosuke has not only not been hit, but has become more cheerful, and has also become more talkative with her.

Sayaka is happy about this, because it proves that the distance between her and Kyosuke is easier to closer, isn't it?

"Hehe, no, but I may have to rely on your recommendation on Sha Yaxiang's side?" Any new discoveries?

Sayaka raised her head proudly, "Hmph~ Leave it to Sayaka-sama! "



On the side, Xiao Meiyan, who was listening to the song, suddenly heard another voice of herself in her heart.

"How, what's wrong? What is it, witch?!

Xiao Meiyan was slightly flustered, although she felt that the other self should be very powerful, but she was still a little flustered when she thought of the crazy rabbit head she met last time.

"You have to tell Kyosuke!"

Xiao Meiyan looked at the teenager who was addicted to music, and Kyosuke's words would definitely teach the witch a hard lesson!

"No, it's Kewpie nearby, I'm going to go over and deal with it."

And even if there is a witch, what can an ordinary person like you call Kyosuke Kamijou?

Oh, by the way, Kyosuke Kamijo seems to be an ordinary person with mobility problems now, right?

The flame of reincarnation was silent, and it was really the lover's eyes....

Wrong! Although I am my past self, I am still myself!

Samsara Flame hurriedly pushed this idea out of his mind, and it was still important to drive Kewpie away.

Sure enough, no matter what world it is, are these guys obsessed with Madoka? I was actually still playing Madoka's idea.

"Kewpie? So, what do I need to do? The

other self had told her that Kewpie was a villain full of lies, evil, falsehood, anyway, how vicious the words came to her, she was extremely shocked at that time.

However, the unexpected Xiao Meiyan also accepted it quickly, perhaps because the other party gave her the feeling that she was another self, so she would believe it, or maybe it was Kyosuke's precautions and warnings to Kewpie.

In short, Xiao Meiyan does not have a good impression of Kewpie now. But to get her to really do something, she doesn't know how to do it.

"Don't worry, you will give me your body later, I will make a move."

"Okay, okay?"



This future self seems to be a little cold?" It turns out that she will become like this in the future?

Xiao Meiyan didn't know if she should be happy? Although she is trying, she doesn't think she can become really handsome.

Xiao Meiyan relaxed her body after a moment, and the next second the girl's momentum changed after opening her eyes.

Immediately, the black-haired girl got up and left the CD hall.


Uejo Kyosuke noticed Xiao Miyan's departure, but did not pay much attention to it.

If a girl has a little personal matter, he can't stick to others for everything, right? So Kyosuke Uejo just glanced at it and continued to indulge in the music.

I don't know how long it took....

"Save me

" Kyosuke Uejo: "? "

What beep (silenced) movement?

"Save me, Kyosuke..."


, this time he heard clearly, it turned out to be that Kewpie's voice."

No, follow me and pretend to be you (beep ~), you can't die again!

Even if he dies, he will not go.

Kyosuke Uejo silently added in his heart, and then selectively ignored it regardless of whether he directly filled the volume of the headphones.

However, after completely immersed in music, he did not notice that Shikamu Yuan left the CD hall alone soon after.

'Thank you, Madoka, Sayaka-sama will remember what you did for me! And

the transfer student, it seems that he is quite self-aware~

Miki Sayaka saw that only she and Kyosuke Uejo were left in the CD hall, and the back of her chest was pounding.

She saw that her childhood sweetheart seemed to be completely immersed in the music, and her body quietly approached the other party's side.


Kyosuke Kamijou suddenly opened his eyes in surprise, and the headphones on his head were removed at some point.


Miki Sayaka was startled by his sudden movement and quickly jumped to open the distance.

Her little action just now won't be discovered by Kyosuke!

Fortunately, Kyosuke Uejo didn't say anything about her strange reaction.

Because he has something more important to care about now....

'Time, suspended again! '

Wasn't that time in the hospital before?'

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