What's going on, who can tell her what happened?

Why did all her former girlfriends become enemies of her when she woke up? Obviously, it's only been two days since Kyosuke was discharged from the hospital, so I don't have such a play!

"Ah, haha, that's right, I didn't expect Renmi too..." Because Sayaka didn't expect Renmi to be so blunt, she replied a little at a loss for a while

, "Really, Kyosuke that guy is really uncomfortable."

So, where did he learn the trick of cheating girls recently?

"It's not about Kyosuke-kun, it's just that he's too good, Sayaka don't think too much." Shizuki Hitomi saw that Sayaka's careful thoughts preserved his image.

She is not the kind of bad woman who deliberately let the two misunderstand and take advantage of the void.


lowered her head and didn't speak, how could Renmi defend Kyosuke like this like a wife who excused her husband.

And Kyosuke-kun or something, are they really close already? Obviously, she was the only girl who called him that since he was a child, but now...

"Sayaka and Kyosuke-kun are childhood sweethearts, right?"

Seeing her silent, Shizuki Renmi would not let her fool the past so easily, and she must make it clear with the other party today.

"Well, that, it's not so much a childhood sweetheart as a bad fate or something..."

Sayaka didn't admit it positively, but started laughing.

Shizuki Hitomi shook her head, "Is that really the case, Sayaka, you like Kyosuke-kun!" "

Huh? I, I don't, I don't like him..."

"Sayaka can fool others and even Kyosuke, but she can't fool me!"

"Renmei?" Sayaka was stunned by her momentum.

"Sayaka doesn't have to feel strange, and she doesn't have to wonder where I found out. Because I can read the look in Sayaka's eyes when she looks at Kyosuke, then I undoubtedly like the look in someone's eyes.

Sayaka changed the topic a little weakly, "Hey, it's too strange to say, when did Asami awaken such a strange skill?" Seeing

that she still didn't admit her heart, Shizuki Renmi decided to release a big move.

"Ala, has Sayaka forgotten? Because I said I liked Kyosuke too. The

green-haired girl said and covered her mouth and snickered.

"Since Sayaka doesn't like it, then I don't have to worry about it, let's go to Kyosuke today to confess."

Shizuki Hitomi got up and waved, "Finally, thank you, Sayaka." I

thought that these words would cause Sayaka's little universe, but she didn't expect that she lowered her head and clenched her fists weakly.


Renmei, who can slow down, can't help but feel a little annoyed, obviously occupying such an enviable identity but dare not take even half a step, it's really ...

Sayaka, it seems that your liking for Kyosuke is also such a level.

In that case, there is no need to feel guilty anymore, right?


Just when Shizuki Renmi was disappointed and wanted to leave quickly, Sayaka suddenly reached out and grabbed her.


corners of Shizuki Renmi's mouth turned up slightly, but there was still no mercy on his mouth.

"Since you don't like it but don't allow others to confess, isn't it a little too selfish for Sayaka to do this?"


Sayaka smacked, and at this moment she finally decided not to hide her heart anymore.

"Like, I like Kyosuke too! Very, very much like it! "

And it started from a very young age, obviously liked it for so many years but never said it.

At this moment, Sayaka suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, even if it was Renmei's 'love rival', she could actually face it calmly.

Yes, liking someone shouldn't be that dull feeling, what the hell you were doing before.

"Hehe, Sayaka is finally willing to tell the truth, I should say congratulations, right?"

Shizuki Hitomi turned to her.

Sure enough, this is the Lord Sayaka she knows.

"Huh? Renmi, did you do it on purpose?!

Looking at Shizuki's smile, even Sayaka understood.

Shizuki Renmi did not deny, "Allah, if you don't say so, how can Sayaka confess her heart so easily?"

"Renmei, why..."

Now Sayaka didn't understand again.

Since Renmi likes Kyosuke, shouldn't he take the opportunity to confess at this time? In that case, even if you regret saying something against your heart, it's too late, right?

"Because Sayaka is my friend, I don't want to sneak up and steal love."

Shizuki Renmi smiled confidently, "Even if you want to get Kyosuke, it will be a dignified battle with Sayaka!"

At this moment, Sayaka obviously regained her former vitality, and she laughed at Renmei in a funny way.

"Roar~ Renmi means to say, do you have the confidence to beat me head-on?"

"To be honest, I don't think I have a bigger winning percentage than Sayaka now, but that's not a reason for me to give up."

Shizuki Hitomi met her gaze without hesitation.

"If that's the case, let the horse come, Renmei! Sayaka-sama is not a vegetarian either!

"I'm waiting for your words, Sayaka, but the duel between me and you has to be pushed back first, now we should cooperate first." Under Sayaka's doubtful gaze, Shizuki Renmi actually sat back again.


Sayaka blinked, shouldn't it be duel time?

"Sayaka won't forget it, Madoka and Xiaomei-san are stronger rivals than me, even if you are careless, you will lose."

Shizuki Hitomi finally said her other purpose.

"So Sayaka, how are we working together?"

In Shizuki Renmi's opinion. Sayaka has been looking at Kyosuke-kun longer than herself, so she always has a trace of unspeakable guilt for her, so she will design her to face her feelings squarely. After all, this is also a kind of compensation, right?

But for those who came later, of course, she undoubtedly chose to be exclusive, and this is one of the reasons why she chose to ally with Sayaka.

Knowing that Madoka, Xiaomi-san and Kyosuke-kun are 'teammates', she feels that it is difficult to buy Kyosuke-kun's time on her own.

Facing Xiaomei Yan, who is a magical girl, Shizuki Renmi is still a little panicked.

At this time, as a 'childhood sweetheart' but an ordinary person like her, Sayaka will undoubtedly be a good teammate.

Wait for Kyosuke to 'fight' more, and then she and Sayaka will each have their own skills to fight each other!

However, just as Shizuki Renmi's abacus was crackling, Sayaka suddenly and confidently rejected her.

"Hmph~ I'm really sorry, Renmei. The current Lord Sayaka doesn't need an alliance at all, because I have a secret weapon now!"

Shizuki Hitomi: "..."

Did you push too hard?" This idiot seems to be a little too confident, really should he hit her a little, right?

"Ala, did Sayaka mean the plate of omelette that made Kyosuke pale?"

Sayaka's eyes widened slightly. "Huh? Why would Renmei..."

"Because I just saw Madoka take Kyosuke-kun to the health room."


"It was Xiaomei-san who personally went with Kyosuke."

Sayaka: !!

Sayaka Miki got up and left directly after hearing this.

This time, it was Shizuki Renmi's turn to reach out and grab her, "Sayaka, where is this going?"

"Of course it's the health room!"

"Don't be impulsive to Sayaka, you rushing over now will only embarrass Kyosuke and you, right?"

After listening to Renmi's words, Sayaka also felt reasonable, and she sat back on the chair.

"How so, obviously I've been fine since I ate recently."

Shizuki Hitomi: "..."

Sayaka, are you sure you're not becoming more resistant to dark cuisine?"

However, to be able to 'defeat' such a powerful Kyosuke-kun, in a sense, Sayaka is very powerful.

Sure enough, Sayaka is a big enemy, and for her Kyosuke can even eat that kind of thing without changing her face.

"It seems that Sayaka, not only did this trick of yours not work, but it created an opportunity for Madoka and Xiaomei."


Sayaka lowered her head a little disappointed.

"So, Renmi, what do you say we should do now?"

Shizuki Renmi covered her mouth and smiled, "Hehe, Sayaka, has this finally decided on my cooperation?" "

Okay, okay, I see, working with Renmi is..."

Sayaka waved her hand in surrender, but she thought of something when she saw Renmei with such a smile.

"Renmei, is this also in your calculation?!"

"Sa, who knows~"

At this point, the good girlfriend group is established, and the love (war) is about to accelerate!


PS: For the tragedy of Sayaka, my personal feeling is more affected by Sister Maya than Renmei? After all, the so-called sense of justice in the later stage of Blue Mao is too ideal, and it has caused too much burden to itself.

So Sayaka, who didn't become a magical girl and went to extremes, should actually have a lot of mental endurance, right?

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