Make France Great Again

Chapter 140 Grand Duke Albrecht

Before the secretary responded, Felix Schwarzenberg shook his head and said to himself.

"No, they won't!"

Although Felix Schwarzenberg, who is a combination of soldiers and politicians, looks down on Prince Metternich and his policies who have fled London, he still habitually uses the orthodoxy created by Metternich at the Vienna Conference Think in principle about foreign policy across the continent.

Felix Schwarzenberg crumpled up the telegram sent by Baron Huebner from France and threw it on the ground, with a look of disdain on his face, he said firmly: "Bonaparte's wolf cub Surely they will trample on the demarcations of the Congress of Vienna! If they recognize the demarcations of the Congress of Vienna, they will undoubtedly abandon the legitimacy of the Bonaparte family. Once they refuse to recognize the demarcation of the territory of 1815, we will have a reason United Kingdom of Britain and the Russian Empire to intervene in the Austrian Empire."

In the view of Prime Minister Felix Schwarzenberg, the recognition of the Vienna Conference is the bottom line of the entire European monarchy.

Once the French Republic refuses to recognize the division of territory in 1815 at the Vienna Conference, it means that France has hidden its heart.

At that time, he can win over the members of the anti-French alliance to isolate France, and then isolate France.

Not to mention, Felix Schwarzenberg still holds an important pawn in his hands that has a special attack on France-the orthodox heir Count Chambord (Henry V).

Once the formation of the Anti-French Allied Forces is completed, they will push into the territory of France as quickly as possible, and at the same time sacrifice the most important Earl of Chambord to disintegrate the royalists in the army, and then follow the example they had more than 30 years ago. Just as Louis XVIII was established as King of France, the pedantic Henry V was established as King of France.

In Felix Schwarzenberg's plan, the torch of revolution will be extinguished under the butcher's knife of the tsar, and orthodoxy will continue to exist in Europe for thousands of years.

As long as the German Confederation declares war on France, he can logically transfer the control of the German army to the flag of the Austrian Empire. After the war against the French Republic, the Austrian Empire with Prussia is no longer a great prestige.

However, there is a huge loophole in Prime Minister Felix Schwarzenberg's carefully prepared plan to isolate France, that is, Britain's view of the Holy Alliance.

Felix Schwarzenberg didn't know that the more than 30 years of the Holy Alliance era had already made the British Kingdom want to dismantle the Holy Alliance.

For the entire British Kingdom, which pays attention to the balance of the European continent,

Continental Europe does not need such a united organization to exist.

Not to mention that the barbaric Slavs from the East have extended their bear paws to the Strait of Hormuz through their influence on the Holy Alliance, and they are about to complete Peter the Great's original dream of going to the sea.

Once the Russian fleet enters the Mediterranean, the entire Mediterranean will be in crisis, and the desires of Slavic livestock will never be satisfied.

Prime Minister Felix Schwarzenberg did not know that the issue between the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Britain had risen to become the main conflict, and the conflict between the Kingdom of Britain and the French Republic had turned into a secondary conflict.

Without the participation of Britain, the anti-French coalition forces still fell through.

The current Felix Schwarzenberg already faintly felt that things were not going in the direction he wanted.

"Your Excellency, what should we do now?" The secretary asked Felix Schwarzenberg again.

Felix Schwarzenberg did not immediately answer the secretary's words. He got up from the seat inlaid with jewels and went to the balcony, quietly watching the tree stumps and the bare land directly in front of the Schönbrunn Palace. Before the European Revolution, there used to be a sycamore forest, and under the sycamore forest was a lush lawn.

When Wendisch Gretz dispatched cannons to attack the Vienna opposition, in order to deal with the rebels as soon as possible, the cannons carried out an indiscriminate attack and accidentally hit the sycamore forest outside the Schönbrunn Palace, and many sycamore trees fell to the ground to block up the road. In order for the carriage to enter the Schönbrunn Palace smoothly, Wendisch Gretz ordered the soldiers to clean up all the fallen sycamore forests and transport them away, so that it would become what it is now, just like Vienna, which is waiting to be rejuvenated.

However, Felix was determined to create a revived Austrian Empire.

"Mr. Genz!" Felix Schwarzenberg said.

"Your Excellency!" Secretary von Genz hurriedly responded to Felix Schwarzenberg's call.

"Replant that piece of phoenix trees with phoenix trees! I will tell you about the countermeasures after I have discussed with His Majesty." Felix Schwarzenberg pointed to the piece of phoenix trees with only tree stumps left to Feng Genz ordered.

Von Genz was taken aback for a moment. He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, but responded with a "yes".

"Go!" Felix Schwarzenberg waved his hand to signal von Genz to "get down to business."

Von Genae could only hide his doubts in his stomach, saluted Felix Schwarzenberg and left.

After von Genz left the Prime Minister's Office, Felix Schwarzenberg also left the office.

Felix Schwarzenberg, who was walking in the corridor of Schönbrunn Palace, was greeted by many people, most of them were nobles of the Habsburg family who lived in Schönbrunn Palace. The military prime minister who returned to Vienna showed a more submissive attitude than Prince Metternich's reign.

Felix Schwarzenberg also smiled back at these Habsburg nobles, but deep in his heart he only had deep contempt for this group of useless waste.

Just when Felix Schwarzenberg was about to reach his must-go destination, he met an unexpected person.

A soldier wearing the same light blue military uniform as Schwarzenberg with two Grand Crosses on his chest greeted Felix Schwarzenberg first: "Prime Minister Felix, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are still looking good." Glow!"

Schwarzenberg said with surprise on his face, "Grand Duke Albrecht, when did you return to Vienna!"

The person who surprised Schwarzenberg was Albrecht, the son of Archduke Karl who was supposed to serve in the Italian battlefield.

Since the death of Archduke Karl in 1846, Albrecht has inherited the title of Archduke Karl, also known as Archduke Albrecht.

After being baptized by the Great Revolution, Grand Duke Albrecht seemed much calmer, he replied unhurriedly.

"Thanks to His Majesty's summoning, I was summoned back from Lombardy!"

"How is the Marshal?" Felix Schwarzenberg asked Marshal Radetzky about his physical condition.

Although Felix Schwarzenberg had only worked as a staff member by Radetzky's side for less than two months, he admired Radetzky's loyalty and ability very much.

If it weren't for the Austrian Empire at this stage that needed a highly respected marshal to take over the place, he would definitely let Marshal Radetzky live again.

[Radetzky, who served as the chief of staff of the coalition forces, is 83 years old. 】

"The Marshal's body is still strong, and he is following your instructions to put pressure on the Kingdom of Sardinia!" Albrecht responded slowly to Felix Schwarzenberg.

"That's good!" Felix Schwarzenberg nodded.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister! If there is nothing else, I will leave first. The Marshal still needs me!" Albrecht said to Felix Schwarzenberg.

"Go! Say hello to the Marshal for me by the way!" Felix Schwarzenberg responded to Albrecht.

Albrecht nodded, and walked behind Felix Schwarzenberg.

Just as Albrecht was about to pass Felix Schwarzenberg, Prime Minister Felix Schwarzenberg suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute!"

Albrecht stayed where he was, staring at Felix Schwarzenberg with puzzled eyes.

Felix Schwarzenberg thought for a while, but in the end he didn't say anything, but just said lightly, "Be careful."

Looking at the back of Albrecht going away, Felix Schwarzenberg decided to wait until the Bach plan was completed before asking Albrecht if he would like to be the Governor of Hungary.

Even provincialized Hungary still needs a governor to sit in town.

Felix Schwarzenberg continued walking in the direction that Albrecht came from, and soon came to a gate mountain.

Inside the gate made of walnut is the office of Emperor Franz Joseph, the nominal supreme ruler of the entire Habsburg.

Joseph Franz, still 18 years old, is more of a learner than a decision maker.

His first task is to learn knowledge, and then follow Felix Schwarzenberg to learn how to deal with government affairs.

Of course, even though Joseph Franz was still in the learning stage, Felix Schwarzenberg did not dare to blatantly empty the emperor, he had to report everything to the emperor.

Behind the emperor, there may be a Sophie queen mother who is said to have had an affair with the Roman king.

Felix Schwarzenberg, who had seen the political skills of Empress Dowager Sophie, did not dare to hide anything.

Prime Minister Felix Schwarzenberg, who was staying at the door, knocked gently.

The door slowly opened, and an aide in a gray-black military uniform appeared in front of Felix Schwarzenberg.

Felix Schwarzenberg smiled and nodded to the military attache in front of him.

The military attache turned his head and reported to Joseph Franz: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister Felix has an audience!"

"Let the Prime Minister come in!" Franz Joseph's voice came from inside the door.

The military attache hurriedly made way for Felix Schwarzenberg to enter. After the Prime Minister entered, the door was closed again.

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