Make France Great Again

Chapter 213 Paris Intelligence Integration

Under Marcel Jerug's respectful eyes, Jérôme Bonaparte looked at Marcel Jerug with a smile. He dropped his right hand on the side of the sofa and asked the National Intelligence Service in a relaxed tone. Formation status.

"Thanks to His Majesty! The general framework has been set up. Many members of the department are transferred from the police department. Some of them have professional abilities that even I can put to shame!"

Marcel Jerug humbly reported to Jérôme Bonaparte that due to the recent "anti-gang and evil" operation in Paris, a large number of corrupt police officers were exiled by the judicial department in the name of justice. Many of the vacant positions were temporarily filled by police officers from other provinces. It was during this period that Marcel Jerug discovered a number of good candidates who were suitable to serve as "railway police officers."

After the regime in Paris was gradually stabilized, and those policemen temporarily transferred from other provinces were replaced by newly selected policemen from Paris, Marcel Jerug absorbed some of the foreign policemen who were about to leave Paris and made them members of the National Intelligence Service. One member.

When many local police officers heard that they were specifically serving the president, they chose to join it without saying a word.

Jerome Bonaparte nodded with satisfaction and said: "I believe in your ability. The National Intelligence Service can appropriately absorb some people from the police department as the backbone of the department! However, you must also cultivate some of your own talents!"

Then Jerome Bonaparte solemnly warned: "Please remember that your responsibilities are different from those of the ordinary police department. You must not only play a surveillance role internally, so that some rats lurking in the dark can't escape." We must also pray for the role of spying on the enemy's situation externally, whether it is through inducement or bribery. In short, your goal is to penetrate into the enemy country to instigate rebellion. Understanding the attitude of each country towards us will facilitate the government's further formulation of policies. At the same time, in In extreme cases, assassinations can be carried out on some people... In short, your task is very difficult, so you must not take it lightly!"

Jérôme Bonaparte's series of requests made Marcel Jerug's expression become more solemn, and he vaguely felt that this task was not easy.

"Paris is currently in a power vacuum stage after cleaning up. The old gang forces have been uprooted, and new gang forces are still growing. I hope you can seize the opportunity and firmly hold Paris in our hands!" Jérôme Bonaparte gave Marcel Jerug another instruction.

Any organization that becomes professional must go through a period of confused exploration. Jerome Bonaparte did not want this stage to last too long, so he had the responsibility to improve national intelligence for Marcel Jerug. hospital.

"Yes!" Marcel Jerug's expression became more submissive.

Jérôme Bonaparte's advice made Marcel Jerugge suddenly enlightened. He couldn't help but regret why he hadn't thought of this method earlier. Secretly cultivating a gangster to serve him was much faster than doing it themselves, especially These are the gangs that live in Paris itself.

"I know that it is difficult to establish a complete intelligence organization!" Jerome Bonaparte stood up and came to Marcel Jerug. Marcel Jerug also showed a flattered expression and stood up. Jerome Jerome stood up. Bonaparte patted Marcel Jerug on the shoulder and said in a friendly tone: "However, if it is completed earlier, we will be more sure! I will not forget everyone who has contributed to France!"

"I will definitely do my best to form a perfect team!" Marcel Jerug promised Jérôme Bonaparte with an excited look on his face.

"I believe you!" Jérôme Bonaparte replied.

Marcel Jerug left the Elysée Palace under the numerous instructions of Jérôme Bonaparte.

Marcel Jerug, who was sitting in the carriage, suppressed his smile. He frowned and showed a solemn expression, recalling in his mind what the president said at the Elysee Palace.

"Stop!" Marcel Jerug inside the carriage suddenly shouted at the coachman outside the carriage.

The coachman quickly tightened the reins, and the two tall brown horses responsible for pulling raised their front hooves in pain as the coachman tightened their necks quickly, and they neighed violently.

With the help of the horse's neighing, the coachman put his head close to the carriage and whispered about the situation inside the carriage: "Director, what's wrong?"

Marcel Yale opened the curtains. At this time, the fiery red sun was gradually setting from the west. It was spreading its last light and heat to the world today.

The carriage pulled out a long black shadow under the setting sun, and the black shadow was engraved on the small western-style building beside it, as if the entire small mansion was shrouded in black shadow.

The dazzling glare made Marcel Jerug couldn't help but cover his eyes. After muttering "It's still early", he ordered the coachman to take him back to the country for intelligence selection.

The sun sets and the time gradually comes to 8 o'clock in the evening.

Since it was now the end of January 1850, the night weather in Paris was still slightly cool. Blowing by the cold wind, a team of five people, wrapped in black coats, walked through the streets of the Montmartre district.

A homeless man walking on the streets of Montemar trembled and hid aside after seeing this team, muttering "Don't kill me."

Jérôme Bonaparte's anti-gangster operation indeed eliminated a pest from Paris, but he also left indelible memories of these vagrants.

Some homeless people were executed as criminals, and most of them were forced to undergo "spiritual" education by the army.

So much so that after seeing this costume, the homeless people would subconsciously think that it was not the army that was coming in.

The group paid no attention to the tramps and quickly disappeared into the night.

"God bless!" The tramp was thankful that he had escaped.

Just as he was about to leave, something shiny shot into the homeless man's eye.

Upon seeing this, the tramp cautiously went to check, and he found a silver thing at the place where the mysterious pair stayed.

"God bless!" The tramp quickly squatted down and picked it up. A silver coin appeared in the tramp's hand. The tramp kissed Napoleon's head on the silver coin and couldn't help but sigh: "Oh! Emperor bless!"

After saying that, he lined up the silver coins in his pocket and disappeared into the night.

This silver coin can sustain him for a long time.

"Reno, you are doing unnecessary things again! You can't help your cheap sympathy!" A member of the mysterious team said to the people following him.

The member known as Reno did not respond.

Just when he wanted to continue taunting the member named Renault, the leader of the team said softly and sternly: "Quiet!"

The team fell silent again, and the leader's voice sounded again: "This is just this time, it won't happen next time!"


The team soon arrived at a dark mansion. The door of the mansion was closed, there was no light in the room, and the owner seemed to have taken a rest.

"Come on!" the leader said to the members behind him.

The member behind him acted quickly. He took out a piece of wire and inserted it into the keyhole. After fidgeting with it twice, he heard the door click.

The door opened and the team sneaked into the mansion to find the owner of the mansion.

After some investigation, they finally arrived at the room on the second floor of the mansion.

"it's here!"

The team quietly opened the door, entered the room, and lit a kerosene lamp.

The dazzling light made the owner of the house couldn't help but open his eyes.

Before the owner of the mansion could react, the leader said, "Are you Wilno, the leader of the Iron Fist Gang?"

The owner of the mansion quickly woke up. He looked at the several members wearing iron masks by his window with a vigilant look on his face. He pretended to be relaxed and said: "Everyone, if you break into a private house in the middle of the night, be careful, I will call the police!"

"Call the police! Hahahahaha... He said he was going to call the police!" One of the members of the team couldn't help laughing, and everyone present couldn't help laughing: "A gangster actually thought of looking for the police!"

"Gangster? What gangster! Who doesn't know in Paris that all those gangsters have been wiped out!" Wilno said in shock.

Although martial law has been lifted, the word gangster is still not a good word.

"Mr. Wilno, don't act stupid! We are here to invite you to a place!" The leader said to Wilnuo calmly: "Of course you don't have to go, the consequences..."

When the team member next to him saw this, he quickly took out a smoothbore pistol, and the meaning was self-evident.

"I'm with you!" Wilno surrendered immediately. Did he decide to surrender temporarily?

"I'm warning you, don't do any tricks! You can't afford to mess with our status!" the team leader threatened.

"Are you..." Looking at these extraordinary guys in front of him, Wilno realized their origins.

"Mr. Wilno, you just need to know it yourself! No need to say it!" the team leader responded lightly.

"Yeah!" Wilno's temperament changed from a tiger to a kitten.

Having experienced martial law, he didn't want to try it again.

"Actually, I am that person too! We are in the same group," Wilno couldn't help but say. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

"Tch!" Wilno was greeted only by the disdain of the team leader and members, and the silent words seemed to say that you deserve to know him.

"I know, I'll go with you!" Wilno said to everyone present with a wry smile.

"Then please! Saint Wilno!"

The leader made an invitation gesture, and Wilno walked out of the mansion with them.

A carriage stopped outside the mansion, and Wilno's head was put into the carriage after a hood was put on his head.

Looking at the carriage gradually disappearing into the night, the leader spoke again: "Let's go! Next one!"

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