Make France Great Again

Chapter 284 12.2 Prelude to the Coup (1)

On the evening of November 22, the Prussian army's general attack on the Berlin area began.

Nearly 80,000 Prussian soldiers and militiamen launched an attack at night. The National Guards responsible for defending the barricades of various strongholds were brutally massacred at the first opportunity.

The artillery blasted the barricades into pieces, and the numb Prussian soldiers launched an attack on the broken barricades. They were like inhuman machines and massacred under the orders of the Prussian officers regardless of the Berlin National Guard's pleas for mercy.

The spear pierced the body of the National Guard, and scarlet blood splashed on the face of the Prussian soldier. When the soldier's spear was pulled out, there was still some gray-green substance with an unpleasant smell left on the tip of the spear. This smell Much the same as feces.

The National Guard fell to the ground and howled in pain, and then was stabbed into the body with a bayonet again and died.

The ghosts of the Nazis decades later seemed to be resurrected in advance. They possessed the bodies of Prussian soldiers and slaughtered Berliners crazily on the land of Berlin.

If the Prussian soldiers only represent the Wehrmacht, then the militia is undoubtedly comparable to the SS.

This group of Junkers landowners from the Prussian countryside squandered their evil deeds on the land of Berlin. Under the dual opposition between urban and rural areas, the Junkers vented their dissatisfaction with the city without any psychological burden.

Many militia landlords even broke into other people's homes on their own initiative and squandered their evil deeds in front of the male owner of the home.

The entire Berlin has completely turned into a living hell under the connivance of Earl Brandenburg and Prince Regent William. Prince Regent William wants revenge for being driven out of Berlin in embarrassment by the Berlin people two years ago.

The evil act lasted for nearly three days, leaving the city in tears in the sky over Berlin.

The continuous drizzle washed over Berlin, blood and brains flowed along the path of the rain, and the stench that permeated the entire city seemed to fade under the wash of the rain.

The city is bleeding and mourning.

Under the orders of Count Brandenburg, Prussian soldiers began to clean up the streets in an orderly manner. They buried their crimes with soil and carried out their operations as if nothing had happened under the hateful eyes of Berlin citizens.

The rain can blow away all traces of massacre, and the soil can bury all the crimes they committed, but they cannot erase the pain of Berlin. Such hatred is engraved in the blood of the people of Berlin.

When Otto von Bismarck ordered the militia soldiers to clear the streets of corpses, he saw the eyes in the corner, and the hateful eyes deeply hurt Otto von Bismarck's iron will.

Bismarck couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile. He understood that after this battle, the rift between the classes in the Kingdom of Prussia would inevitably widen.

If the Hohenzollerns could not gain majority support in their own country, how could they gain support from others.

[PS: According to later statistics, it took the Prussian soldiers and militia only three days to massacre a population similar to their army, which was equivalent to one-fifth of Berlin at the time. 】

On November 26, news of the massacre in Berlin reached St. Petersburg, Olmouz, Paris, and London.

The Russian Emperor who received the news sent his "blessing" for the massacre in Berlin. In his view, Prussia's actions meant that they were back on track. Nicholas I's goal had been achieved, so the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia would have to Get back on track.

Although Tsar Nicholas I expressed regret in his heart that the Russian Empire could not abide by the secret agreement with the Austrian Empire, he was undoubtedly more happy that the Kingdom of Prussia could "submit" to the Russian Empire.

In the afternoon of the same day, Nicholas I called Foreign Minister Karl Nesserrodie to his ground and said: "Nesserrodie, please tell Prince William, the Regent of Prussia, and Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria, that Prussia The war with Austria is over! If any country wants to deliberately provoke a war again, then it will be the number one enemy of the Russian Empire!"

Nicholas I's declaration undoubtedly opened the eyes of the Kingdom of Prussia. Karl Neserrodie knew from the firm tone of Tsar Nicholas I that he could only obey the will of the Tsar.

In the court of the Russian Empire, anyone who disobeyed the tsar had already disappeared from the court.

"Yes!" Karl Neserrode responded immediately.

Next, Tsar Nicholas I personally invited the leaders of the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire to gather in Warsaw.

Since Nicholas I's message was sent by telegraph, the King of Prussia and the Emperor of Austria received the telegram from Nicholas I at almost the same time.

The moment after receiving the telegram, Emperor Franz Joseph of the Austrian Empire read the contents of the telegram to Felix Schwarzenberg.

"Your Majesty, this is betrayal! Tsar Nicholas I betrayed us!" Felix Schwarzenberg said angrily.

"Prime Minister, we can't disobey Nicholas I, can we?" Compared to Felix Schwarzenberg's anger, Franz Joseph seemed particularly shocked.

In his heart, he also disagreed with Felix Schwarzenberg's excessive punishment of the Kingdom of Prussia, but because of his mother, Franz Joseph had to obey Felix Schwarzen Berg's opinion.

After a brief moment of irritation, Felix Schwarzenberg calmed down again. A bitter smile appeared on his lips and he said to Franz Joseph: "Your Majesty, I have a hunch that this may be the last time we will fight." Germany’s chance to incorporate Austria!”

Franz Joseph disagreed with Felix Schwarzenberg's premonition. After experiencing this war, Franz Joseph also became more arrogant. He did not think that the Kingdom of Prussia would defeat Austria in the future. empire.

"Mr. Prime Minister, we still have many opportunities!" Franz Joseph comforted Felix Schwarzenberg: "Right now, we must listen to the advice of Tsar Nicholas I!"

Felix Schwarzenberg nodded in agreement with Franz Joseph's opinion. Now that it has lost the support of France and Russia, the Austrian Empire cannot continue to act. Otherwise, Prussia will be Austria's today. tomorrow.

On November 28, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire sent private telegrams to Emperor Nicholas I of Russia, agreeing with Nicholas I's suggestions.

At the same time, after the news of the massacre in the Kingdom of Prussia reached the French Republic, the French Republic also had a subtle chemical reaction.

The tragedy of the Berlin Massacre made the people of Paris once again recall the massacre that took place in Paris two years ago. When the memories were opened bloody again, people's hatred of the Legislative Assembly became more and more obvious.

Under the guidance of Jérôme Bonaparte and other Bonapartists, a movement called "Severe Punishment of the June Massacre of Members of Parliament" was launched in Paris, and many republican MPs were all listed.

Lamartine and others who were idle at home were also listed by "people with a heart". The only people in the entire Legislative Assembly who were not stained by this incident were the Bonapartists.

In the massacre that shocked France, the Bonapartists acted as the masses.

During this massive demonstration, the impulsive crowd smashed republican newspapers and periodicals, and republican editors were beaten.

When the editors wanted to file a lawsuit with the police, the police gave various excuses and finally gave up the opportunity for the republican editors.

Some republican deputies approached Jérôme Bonaparte, hoping that he could organize the actions of the angry workers.

"Gentlemen, this is a democratic march!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to the Republican MPs.

"Your Excellency, President! If you are not willing to stop it, then we will do it after the next opening of Parliament..." Republican MPs threatened to vote against Jérôme Bonaparte's renewed proposal to abolish the "constitution in which the President cannot be re-elected" .

It has to be said that Tocqueville's efficiency is indeed relatively high. Some Republican MPs were persuaded by Tocqueville to vote in favor next time.

However, they did not know that Jerome Bonaparte had long been unwilling to follow any legal channels.

It won't be long before he kicks the damn parliament down to establish his own dictatorship.

"It's up to you!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded calmly.

The congressmen who hit a wall with Jérôme Bonaparte could only choose to leave in despair.

After the Republican MPs left, Jérôme Bonaparte called in his newly appointed police chief Mauppard.

"Director Maupar, I don't need to tell you what to do!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Maupar.

Mopar immediately expressed his understanding and left the Elysee Palace.

On November 28, the battered Republican newspaper office once again faced a blow.

The police department completely blocked the republican, former order party and some Montagnard newspapers in the name of publishing newspapers that did not comply with the regulations. Now, except for the newspapers that praised the government, all other newspapers in France were completely blocked. put an end to.

Mopa's actions were impeached by the Legislative Assembly, which demanded that Mopa resign immediately.

In order to retaliate against Jérôme Bonaparte, the constitutional amendment proposed by Tocqueville once again failed by less than three-quarters.

On November 30, Finance Minister Achille Fuld brought good news to Jérôme Bonaparte.

According to the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors of the Bank of France, the Bank of France injected 30 million yuan into Société Générale to revitalize French agriculture.

On the surface, these 30 million francs were intended to revitalize agriculture, but in fact they were military expenditures during the coup of Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Okay! The coup will be scheduled for the early morning of tomorrow!"

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