Make France Great Again

Chapter 774 Algeria Strategy

"October! That's great!"

Jérôme Bonaparte smiled and nodded in response to Valewski.

If Maximilian's coronation date is set for September, then Jérôme Bonaparte will most likely not be able to attend his coronation.

Because he has a crucial European Monetary Union meeting in September.

The success or failure of this meeting will indirectly affect Jerome Bonaparte's next series of actions, so Jerome Bonaparte cannot leave it alone.

"Your Majesty, if there is nothing else, I will leave first!" Walewski said goodbye to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Well! Be careful all the way!" Jerome Bonaparte waved his hand, and Valewski left the room.

Immediately afterwards, Jerome Bonaparte called Mokar over and ordered him to call the Minister of War Montauban in front of him. He had something to say to Montauban.

"Yes!" Mokar nodded and replied to Jérôme Bonaparte, then left the study and went to the Ministry of War to invite Minister Montauban.

After about half an hour passed, Mokar brought Montauban to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte stood up and extended his hand to invite Montauban: "Montauban, let's sit on the sofa and talk!"

"Yes!" Montauban obeyed Jérôme Bonaparte's order and sat on the sofa with him.

Jérôme Bonaparte had just started chatting with Montauban and asked him about his recent situation.

Montauban told Jérôme Bonaparte that as the Minister of War, he was very idle. Apart from routine inquiries every day about the progress of various departments, he had nothing else to do.

"Are you blaming me?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Montauban in a frivolous tone. He did not want to bring the conflict between the two parties to a break.

After all, Montauban himself could take a lot of the blame for him, and he was very grateful to Montauban for his "assistance".

"Your Majesty, no!" Montauban also realized that he had brought subjective emotions into the conversation with His Majesty the Emperor. He quickly shook his head and replied to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Is it because I don't have it or I still don't dare!" Jérôme Bonaparte then teased Montauban, "Forget it! Let's not talk about this anymore. I know you are a little dissatisfied with me!"

"No!" Montauban explained immediately.

"You don't need to explain!" Jérôme Bonaparte raised his hand to stop him, and then continued: "If I were in your position, I would be dissatisfied as well!

Why was it that the previous Minister of War was able to grasp general orders and military affairs, but I could only grasp military affairs?

Why would His Majesty the Emperor ask me to do something on his behalf that he is unwilling to do..."

Jérôme Bonaparte's self-ridicule made Montauban feel slightly relaxed.

The fact that His Majesty the Emperor was able to ridicule him in front of him was enough to prove that His Majesty the Emperor himself did not care about those things.

In other words, his actions just now would not arouse the emperor's disgust.

"Your Majesty, this is just your guess. That's not what I think in my heart!" Minister Montauban answered Jérôme Bonaparte seriously.

"No matter what you think in your heart, I can tell you clearly that I am indeed a little too harsh on you!" Jerome Bonaparte stopped his smile and said seriously to Minister Montauban.

"Your Majesty, I am able to hold the important position of Minister of War only because of your grace!" Minister Montauban replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Indeed, although the power of Montauban, the Minister of War, was severely weakened by Jérôme Bonaparte, it was still not comparable to those generals.

The Minister of War served as a platform through which Montauban could be transferred to a place far away from France to serve as emperor.

He is also grateful to Jérôme Bonaparte, who transferred him to this platform.

"You don't need to say more to flatter me!" Jérôme Bonaparte waved his hand and said to Minister Montauban, and then asked Montauban: "Montauban, aren't you going to Algiers soon? You have been appointed governor! Who do you think should be the better minister of war?"

"Your Majesty, this kind of thing is not something that can be discussed without permission!" Montauban replied to Jerome Bonaparte: "This all depends on the dictatorship of your Sacred Heart!"

"But, I just want to ask you who you are more optimistic about taking over!" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Minister Montauban, and then emphasized: "Don't be careless, answer me seriously! "

After Montauban pondered for a moment, he said to Jerome Bonaparte: "Your Majesty, in my humble opinion, the next Minister of War should choose one between General Vaillant and Marshal Canrobert!"

"Why did you choose the two of them!" Jerome Bonaparte asked Montauban.

"General Vaillant is not only your current adjutant, but he also served as the commander of the National Guard of the Seine Province in the past. Therefore, after Vaillan becomes the Minister of War, he will definitely work with Chief of the General Staff Niel to handle the national affairs. The problem of the Self-Defense Forces!" Montauban explained to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Marshal Canrobert is the hero of the Crimean War, and his achievements are obvious to all!

Therefore, it makes sense that he would serve as Secretary of State for War.

In addition, Marshal Canrobert himself is not a soldier who particularly likes to fight for power, so he can also cooperate well with Niel! "

After listening to Montauban's words, Jerome Bonaparte nodded with satisfaction.

The candidates in his mind are generally the same as Montauban. The Minister of War cannot choose a soldier who is too tough, because the tough Minister of War and the tough Chief of General Staff are bound to conflict.

By then, Jérôme Bonaparte would have to spend a lot of time just mediating the conflicts between the two parties.

Likewise, one cannot choose someone who is not firm enough to serve as Minister of War, because a guy who is not firm enough to stand can easily be led by Niel.

Jérôme Bonaparte thought about it and found only four candidates: Vaillant, Canrobert, Trochu, and Renault. Since Renault had already served as Minister of War, coupled with his own age, , Jerome Bonaparte passed him directly.

And Trochu's age is a bit too young. If he becomes Minister of War too early, it will not be good for Trochu's future. (Although Trochu himself may not have really thought that.)

Therefore, only General Wayan and Canrobert provided him with choices.

"Just Vaillant!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Montauban.

"It would be great for General Vaillant to succeed me as Minister of War!" Montauban replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

The selection of Vaillant as Minister of War meant that it was just around the corner for Montauban to go to Algiers to take up the post of Governor-General. He could finally stay away from Paris, a place of disputes, and go to Algiers to serve as Emperor of Turkey.

Next, Jérôme Bonaparte talked about Algiers with Montauban. He told Minister Montauban that after he went to Algiers to serve as governor, he must closely unite the people in the coastal cities of Algiers. Producers and some tribal leaders worked with them to suppress the residents of the interior of Algeria.

"The further away from the coast, the more strictly the household registration system must be implemented! Strive to strictly control the information of each household!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Montauban, "At the same time, you must also be in your own hands The jurisdiction implements a strict whistleblowing system!

We strive to keep the population in the inland areas firmly locked within the areas we have demarcated, so that those damn guerrillas are unable to receive help, thus completely eliminating the guerrilla soil. "

"I understand, Your Majesty!" Montauban replied violently to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"For those who are willing to join France and abide by French civil laws, you can be lenient!" Jerome Bonaparte replied to Montauban.

"Understood!" Montauban nodded again and said to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Also, I want you to give appropriate "warmth" to our neighbor Morocco after you serve as governor!" Jérôme Bonaparte hinted that Montauban could take action against Morocco.

After all, Morocco was once the "base camp" of anti-French guerrillas in the Algiers region.

Many guerrillas would immediately choose to take refuge in Morocco after being heavily surrounded and suppressed by French troops.

However, since Marshal Biro in 1847 completely wiped out the large rebel groups in Algiers, he also threatened the Moroccan border.

Morocco did not dare to provide asylum to Algiers. Abdel Kadivine was captured by the French army only after losing Morocco's asylum!

Later, Jérôme Bonaparte provided Montauban with a suggestion, allowing him to lead his army to conduct exercises near the border area between Algiers and Morocco, thereby deterring Morocco.

At that time, all he needs to do is use the excuse that the soldiers are missing, and he will be able to lead the army to completely take over Morocco.

Of course, Jérôme Bonaparte doesn't want to take over Morocco so soon.

Anglo-Spanish capital in Morocco is still being injected into it in a steady stream. Jérôme Bonaparte needs to wait until the Anglo-Spanish capital stops injecting capital before he will consider sending troops to invade Morocco.

Montauban stated that he would definitely comply with Jérôme Bonaparte's orders.

Next, Jérôme Bonaparte asked about the status of rifles in the warehouses of the Ministry of War in Montauban.

Montauban told Jerome Bonaparte that although the MTL1842 rifles in the hands of the War Department had been sold as much as possible, nearly one-third of the rifles were still unsold.

“I have informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the rifles that are in the backlog to sell them all at low prices as soon as possible!

Then you can just cooperate with them!


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