Male God is Mine!!

Chapter 5: Farming Article (End)

Early the next morning, Tian Mi woke up, her body was refreshing, but her waist was a little soft and her lower body still ached.

Li Gu cherished Tian Mi. He felt that he was too irritable last night. He wiped Tian Mi's body last night and saw that it was swollen. But Li Gu was heartbroken.

No, I even brought Tian Mi to the bed for breakfast.

If it weren't for going back today, Li Gu said nothing would let Tian Mi get out of bed.

Allow Li Gu to hold the donkey cart at home, and follow Li Gu back to her family with the gift of returning.

Li Gu took care of Tian Mi everywhere, feeding Tian Mi an orange, then pour a glass of water to Tian Mi, and constantly picking vegetables for Tian Mi while eating, but he envied Tian Mi's two sister-in-laws! The satisfaction in Tian Mi Niang's eyes is almost overflowing!

In the afternoon, Li Gu helped with farm work at Tian Mi's family. He was strong and worked fast. Father Tian Mi nodded again and again. Don't mention Tian Mi's family being more satisfied with Li Gu's son-in-law, Tian Mi's father is even more proud to say that he chose well!

Every day after that, Ma refused to even wash the bowls for her, and the whole family made offerings like her ancestors.

Everyone in Lijia Village knows that Li Gu's wife is doted to heaven, and the daughters-in-law of Lijia Village are all kinds of envy, jealousy and hate.

Tian Mi chatted with Ma during the day and walked around the village when she was fine.

In the evening, Li Gu was tossing about her.

At noon two months later,

On this day, Ma's cooked crucian carp soup, Tian Mi loves to drink it, and Tian Mi can make two bowls of it.

As a result, as soon as I smelled the stew of the soup today, I felt my stomach tumbling so badly that I quickly got up and ran into the yard to retaliate.

This was anxious for Li Gu, and Li Gu dropped the bowl and chopsticks and went to the village doctor.

After diagnosis, I'm overjoyed! One month pregnant!

Li's family is happy from ear to ear, isn't this just overjoyed! The daughter-in-law has only been in the door for two months before she has it. Then he hurriedly went to Dao Xi in Tianjia Village, and Tian Mi's family directly brought 50 red eggs to Dao Xi.

"Ding-the male protagonist's favorability degree is +5, and the favorability degree is 95. I will complete the task immediately, so happy!"

More than eight months later, Tian Mi gave birth to a big fat boy. Listening to the baby's loud cry, Tian Mi hooked her lips and suddenly understood that this is the continuation of life. It's so curious, so wonderful!

With tears in his eyes, Li Gu held Tian Mi's hand tightly.

Although Tian Mi did not say a word when giving birth to a child, he also knew that giving birth to a child was not easy.

"Daughter-in-law, thank you very much!"

"Ding-the male lead favorability degree +5, the male lead favorability degree 100.

mission completed! Replicating host consciousness——

Copy successfully——

Ready to leave the host


Tian Mi was in a daze, and when she recovered, she had returned to the white space.

"The task completion is 100. The task score is 95. 95 points are earned. Complete the body wish and get 10 assignable data points.

May I ask the host, do data points need to be allocated? "

Tian Mi nodded, "Well, distribution, all add to the charm."

Load host data:

Name: Tian Mi

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Appearance: 60 (100 points)

Skin quality: 65 (100 points)

Body: 80 (100 full marks)

Intelligence: 70 (100 full marks)

Physical strength: 60 (100 full marks)

Charm: 55 (100 points)

Specialty: No

Special skills: No

Points: 95

Grade 1

The screen reappeared, and Tian Mi's profile changed slightly.

Looking back on this mission, Tian Mi was very happy. Without Wess, there was no cold laboratory. The world outside is so vast, there are many people outside.

Tian Mi Niang's family is very good, Li Gu is very good, and Li Gu's parents are very good. Everything is so good, she suddenly thanked the system for finding her, and she felt that even if nothing was given to her, she was very satisfied.

Hearing Tian Mi's heart, 0051 felt a little sympathy for Tian Mi, because she had never owned it, so even a little bit was satisfied.

"Does the host take a break or continue the mission?"

"Continue the mission!"

She doesn't want to stay here, there is no one here, there is nothing, she is going to the outside world!

"Receiving task-task successfully received-transmitting host -"

"Successful transmission-loading task content -"

(Outside Xiaofan)

Li Gu felt that in his last life, he must have been a great good person. Otherwise, how could he marry such a good wife? He would not dislike him and be so beautiful and well-behaved. And gave him a big fat boy! He feels that life is complete, and even if he is allowed to die now, he is willing.

amount. Forget it, he can't bear Xiaojiao's wife, let him wait for his death.

Feeling that the trouser legs were being pulled by something, Li Gu looked down and saw that his one-year-old son was holding a halazi and wanted to feed him noodles.

Li Gu grinned, not caring that the noodles were covered with his son's saliva, bent over and took a bite, "Um~ the noodles with my son's saliva are fragrant!"

Hearing that, Tian Mi, who was sitting down on the bed sewing clothes for her son, looked up at the big and small next to the bed and couldn't help but laugh. Exposed sweet dimples.

Seeing his daughter-in-law smiled, Li Gu smiled even more happily, reaching out and lifting his son up high, causing the kid to giggle.

Tian Mi was so scared that she threw her clothes away: "Be careful!"

Li Gu laughed, "It's okay, I can't fall!"

The laughter in the room spread outside,

The birds on the jujube tree heard it and followed suit.

Li Gu thinks that he understands, this is the meaning of his wife and children hot on the bed!

And this end, without Li Gu, divorced his wife and remarried.

Liu Mengmeng still cannot escape the fate of being married (sold) by her stepmother just after crossing, except that she was married to Li Zhuzi, a pork seller in Lijiacun.

Li Zhuzi is a widower, Liu Mengmeng’s son is only 15 years old, Li Zhuzi is 25, and he has a 5-year-old son. Li Zhuzi is strong and honest, not good-looking, but not ugly.

Seeing that his little wife was so thin and small, Li Zhuzi wanted to raise Liu Mengmeng to be fat and white!

Perhaps it was the heroine effect. Liu Mengmeng married and lived well.

Liu Mengmeng is kind-hearted, Li Zhuzi is honest and honest, and his son is also well-behaved.

At first, Liu Mengmeng was also a little wronged. She is a new century woman who has just graduated from university.

As a result, a car accident sent her into this ancient village ravine.

If you cross, you can cross, if you cross, which one is not the princess!

It's good to be out! Anyhow, she is a young lady!

She did well, dressed as a poor girl who was malnourished and stunted!

Well, it’s fine to dress as a poor girl, but why is she so fate? !

She was sold by her stepmother to the widower as a follow-up wife just after crossing, and she was still a pork seller!

Okay, should she sigh, at least have meat to eat?

Well, forget it, this Li Zhuzi looks pretty good, so shall it?

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