Male Inferiority and Female Supremacy in the World of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 360: 359 My Handsomeness Makes You Feel Inferior

  Chapter 360 359. My handsomeness will make you feel inferior

  Gou Xuan did not say in the end which true disciple he had a crush on, and kept emphasizing that it was a rumor.

  But Fang Zhou believes that he is a ghost, and there may be no reason for it. Although most of the rumors are nonsense, there must be an opportunity for the rumors to appear. Otherwise, why no one rumored that he was having an affair with Qin Yunzhu? Just because it's impossible.

  But Gou Xuan refused to confess, and Fang Zhou couldn't force him to admit it. After all, he is a reasonable person.

  The two left Calabash Space, and Gou Xuan took the ark to meet with the members of the patriarchal organization, and answered his questions along the way.

   Fang Zhou guessed right, patriarchal organizations have always existed in the world of cultivating immortals.

   It’s just that they have been suppressed and destroyed many times. Every patriarchal organization will not exist for too long, but every time it is like a weed, the wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze blows again.

   It corresponds to that sentence—where there is oppression, there is resistance. Male immortal cultivators are treated unequally in the world of cultivating immortals, and this spirit and motivation of resistance will always exist.

   The patriarchal organization that Gou Xuan joined was founded not long ago, and it has just started, but everyone is a like-minded person. He believes that with the enthusiasm of his companions, the organization will eventually grow stronger.

  Fang Zhou listened silently, the excitement of finding the organization in his heart quickly disappeared, and he became as calm as water.

  Although there are many beautifications in Gouxuan, it is obvious that this is a weak organization, a gadget created by a few rookies with enthusiasm, with no influence or combat effectiveness.

  But it doesn’t matter, not all organizations have this kind of virtue at the beginning. They only need the correct program and action plus a little money to grow rapidly.

   Fang Zhou originally thought that the meeting place would be far away, but Gou Xuan took him directly to Yunshan City.

   Could it be that his friends are all hiding in Yunshan City?

   Fang Zhou was puzzled, and Gou Xuan took him to a remote courtyard in the city, led him into the room, locked the door, lowered the curtains, and the room was suddenly dark.


   "Ouch! Brother Fang, why did you hit me?"

   "If you don't hit me, who are you hitting? Say, what do you want to do by bringing me into this small dark room?"

   Gou Xuan covered half of his eyes, and took out a mirror-like magic weapon from his bosom.

  He put the magic weapon on the table, aimed it at the blank wall in the room, and input spiritual energy. The magic weapon immediately emitted light, shining a circular white light with a diameter of about three meters on the wall, which also illuminated the room slightly.

  Gou Xuan explained to Fang Zhou: "This is called a telescope. It is a magic weapon that can transmit images over long distances. It needs a dark environment to function properly."

   Fang Zhou stared at the binoculars with bright eyes: "You actually have such a treasure, why didn't you take it out earlier and let me see it?"

  After being influenced by Ark, Gou Xuan also likes to think wildly now. Hearing that he was asked to take out the treasure to have a look, he immediately thought wrongly and hurriedly stayed away from Ark.

  Ark: "?"

  Gou Xuan coughed and began to explain that the magic weapon of the telescope was given to him by the organization for communication, so it can't be easily shown to others at ordinary times. If he quits the organization, he has to return it.

  The white light on the wall flickered a few times, and soon several figures appeared, all in a relatively dim environment.

   Ark counted, and there were four people on the wall, all men.

   All men! !

   Fang Zhou didn’t expect that one day he would be excited because so many men got together, not excited!

  These are not ordinary men, but male immortals, and the feeling of finding an organization came to mind again.

   "Everyone, this is my new partner, his name is"

   Gou Xuan stepped forward to introduce the four people hanging on the wall, but got stuck halfway through.

  At this moment, he suddenly remembered that he didn't even know Brother Fang's name, and that this guide was too negligent.

  He turned his head to look at Fang Zhou, but was taken aback because Fang Zhou had put on a mask at some point to cover his face.

   Gou Xuan was surprised and said, "Brother Fang, why are you wearing a mask?"

   Fang Zhou crossed his hands: "I'm afraid that my handsomeness will make them feel inferior and affect the unity of the organization, so it's better to cover my face. It's for their sake, don't tell them."

  Gou Xuan: "..."

   Four people on the wall: "…"

  An idea popped up in the hearts of the four of them by coincidence—fuck, where did Gou Xuan find this sand sculpture?

   Actually said they would feel inferior? It's really unbearable, and we have heard your words!

  Ark’s first impression on the four of them was terrible, if he hadn’t cultivated himself well, he would have uttered a lot.

   Fang Zhou calmed down calmly, accepting the scrutiny of this group of male immortal cultivators.

  He put on the mask on purpose, of course not because he was afraid that this group of people would feel inferior... Maybe there was a reason for this, but it was mainly just in case.

  The devil knows whether this patriarchal organization is a fishing organization. Maybe three of the four people in it are the ghosts sent by the female boxing organization to lurk, and they specialize in fishing for little white-faced fish like Gouxuan.

  So until the investigation is clear, Fang Zhou will never reveal his true appearance.

  The four inspected the ark... MMP, how does he inspect it with a mask on?

   On the contrary, Fang Zhou could clearly see the appearance and strength of the five people.

  There is no doubt that they are all young and handsome guys, and they are all of Gou Xuan's little boy face type. They don't even have a real man. In terms of muscle and masculinity, they are not as good as Qiao Sen. Poor review.

  These four people have completed the foundation establishment. Like Gou Xuan, they are high-level miscellaneous soldiers. Fang Zhou is the strongest.

  Gou Xuan hurriedly introduced Fang Zhou. Among the four, there was only one short-haired man named Shen Hao, who looked a bit masculine, and the remaining three long-haired men were so fresh that people almost doubted their gender.

   It was Fang Zhou's turn to introduce himself. Fang Zhou crossed his hands and said, "My surname is Fang, and my name is Fang Dage. You can call me Dage or Pigeon."

  Fang Dage?

  Whoever believes in this name is an idiot.

   The three long-haired men looked displeased, but they didn't say anything. Only Shen Hao snorted coldly and stared at Fang Zhou dissatisfied.

  Gou Xuan's expression was awkward. I didn't expect Fang Zhou to refuse to show his face, and he refused to say his real name. Then why are you here?

  Shen Hao directly asked Gou Xuan what was in his heart, and his voice was full of gunpowder: "Hide your head and show your tail, and refuse to say your name. Are you here to join us, or to entertain us?"

  The others nodded approvingly, and Gou Xuan thought so too, but he didn't dare to nod.

   Fang Zhou squeezed away Gou Xuan, stood in front of the four of them, smiled slightly: "Let me say a few words."

   Facing the critical gazes of the four, Fang Zhou restrained his smile and said in a deep voice: "First of all, I am not joining you now, so it is my freedom to protect my true information, and you have no right to interfere."

   "Second, I just agreed to Gou Xuan's proposal and came over to take a look. I haven't decided whether to join you yet. I'm an outsider who has nothing to do with you. Who are you showing your face to?"

"Thirdly, as an organization, we should try our best to show our strengths to attract and develop new members, instead of picking and choosing from outsiders who are interested. You are just a small organization that is not visible, not a famous family. Without this qualification."

   Fang Zhou pressed his hands on the table and looked at the four of them with extremely oppressive eyes.

   "After I have finished speaking, who agrees and who opposes?"

  (end of this chapter)

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