Chapter 395 394. The **** decides the head

  Shen Hao didn't expect Fang Zhou to answer the question by himself. He pointed to himself, and after Fang Zhou nodded his head, he stood up and said loudly: "Of course men are not bullied!"

   Fang Zhou was amused: "What does not being bullied have to do with patriarchy? Other men can bully you as long as they are stronger than you."

  Shen Hao gritted his teeth, as if recalling some unpleasant memory, with an angry look on his face: "But the ones who bullied me since I was a child are all women!"

  Other people actually felt the same way. It seems that they were often bullied by women when they were young.

   "Okay, I know you were often bullied by women when you were young, please sit down and let me tell you."

  Ark again appointed Gou Xuan to answer this question.

  Gou Xuan stood up slowly, and said his answer: "Male rights should be treated equally, and gender should not be used to distinguish between strong and weak."

   Fang Zhou nodded for him to sit down, and called Luo Jinsong to answer.

  Luo Jinsong's answer is similar to Gou Xuan's answer: "Male rights are fair, and we can't look down on us and bully us just because we are men!"

   Zhuang Hongyu’s answer is the same as that of his friends. These guys have been fighting for the cause of patriarchy for three years. They must have discussed this issue long ago, so the answer can be said without thinking.

  Ark finally asked Wang Xiuzhu to answer.

  Although Wang Xiuzhu still has question marks all over his head, the answers of other people are also deeply touching to him.

  In order to become a deacon, he had to kneel and lick Yan Gulan, but because of his male status, he could not get the approval of other female disciples.

  Although they were deeply moved, everyone else had finished what Wang Xiuzhu wanted to say, and couldn't think of anything else for a while.

  Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Wang Xiuzhu became nervous, and directly shared his personal experience: "Male power is... It doesn't have to be women on top, I can be on top too!"

  Everyone was slightly taken aback, and immediately understood Wang Xiuzhu's words, and Qi Qi let out a hey hey laugh.

  They all thought that Wang Xiuzhu was also a veteran fan of Lao Shiji, so that he could blurt out such obscene words, but they didn't know that Wang Xiuzhu's experience was much better than their group of little virgins who were still relying on their hands.

   But in this way, with a common identity, the relationship between the two parties will be much closer immediately.

   "Kang Bang!"

   Fang Zhou tapped the blackboard with a ruler, attracting everyone's attention: "Your answers can be summed up in four words, fair and equal, right?"

  Everyone nodded in unison. These four words really clearly expressed their aspirations.

  Ark continues to talk about the formation and status quo of the current social atmosphere where men are inferior to women.

At present, in this different world, men are an oppressed and discriminated group all over the world, and they are in an unequal position with women in various fields such as politics, economy, culture, thought, cognition, concepts, and ethics. .

   Ark just talked about the status quo of men being discriminated against, which immediately aroused the same hatred among the five people, because these are all their personal experiences.

   But there are more details that Ark did not mention. For example, the fundamental reason for the formation of the social ethos of patriarchy and femininity is that women completely overwhelm men in terms of force.

  In the final analysis, women can easily cultivate, but men cannot. Women have mastered the violence that has an absolute advantage.

   Violence cannot solve all problems, but it can solve the people who ask them.

  If this cannot be changed, then no matter how many theories and methods there are, they will be lofts in the air, which will collapse with a single poke.

   It’s just that this question is too pessimistic. Fang Zhou didn’t want to hit this group of guys who finally got out of the state of salted fish, so he didn’t point it out to them.

  Besides, there are actually many inequalities and injustices in the world caused by birth, power, wealth, etc., not just men and women.

   It's just that the five people in front of me are not the real bottom of society, they are all immortal cultivators. In the eyes of the people at the bottom, they have already stood at a height that is beyond reach.

   Other causes of injustice do not affect them as much, only gender discrimination affects them the most.

   To put it in a more realistic way—only men are inferior to women can affect the vital interests of the five people, so in the eyes of the five people, only men are inferior to women, and there is no gap between the rich and the poor, and there is no such thing as princes and generals.

   To describe it in one sentence, the **** decides the head. Of course, this is human nature. Except for great men, no one is exempt from it.

   Ark has no choice but to choose them, because male immortal cultivators have a certain resistance, and only by uniting can they change the social atmosphere.

  If it is replaced by low-level men, no matter how many there are, they will not be able to stop the cultivators, because it is difficult for low-level men to cultivate, they are just ordinary people, and there is no threat to the cultivators.

  Besides, what the system requires Fang Zhou to do is to change the ethos of men being inferior to women. He has no ability to do other things at his own expense, so he should leave them to the latecomers.

The first class talked about what male rights are. With this class, Fang Zhou created a consensus among the five people—men are an oppressed and discriminated group. We want to eliminate all kinds of injustice and discrimination, and we are seeking the interests of the male group. , so what we do is just and legitimate.

  This consensus made the members of the Man's Flower excited like chicken blood. Originally, the Man's Flower organization was already notorious in the world of cultivating immortals, and they were labeled as demons and heretics.

   This made Luo Jinsong and the others deeply confused and painful, and even doubted what they were doing.

  But Ark’s words regained their confidence. Everything they did was for the benefit of men all over the world, and it was irrefutable justice.

   Ark knocked on the blackboard again, allowing the group of **** guys to focus their attention.

   “With the same consensus, we need a common goal.”

   Fang Zhou wrote a line on the blackboard and asked the five people to read it aloud.

   "Our goal is to eliminate all injustice caused by gender in the world!"

  This sentence seemed to be poured down like a tube of chicken blood. After reading it, the spirited guys flushed with excitement. Even Wang Xiuzhu, who didn't know anything about the situation, was infected by this emotion.

  With the same consensus and the same goal, the next step is the way to achieve the goal, which is the most important point.

   Fang Zhou wrote "A way to achieve the goal?" on the blackboard, and then turned to ask the five people: "The patriarchal organization is clearly seeking benefits for men all over the world, why do they keep failing?"

  The whole cold question made the boys' blood cool down a little, and they all fell into thinking.

   Fang Zhou asked Shen Hao to answer by name again. This time, the kid couldn't say anything. After holding back for a long time, he only let out a fart: "Too many enemies!"

  (end of this chapter)

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