Male Inferiority and Female Supremacy in the World of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 398: 397. The Difference Between Having Connections and Not Having Connections

  Chapter 398 397. The difference between having connections and not having connections

   Fang Zhou never thought that a single sentence could move this group of guys so much.

  He actually had his own plan in mind. The main task required him to create a real patriarchal organization, but the task has never been successful.

   Fang Zhou thought for a long time, and guessed that a real patriarchal organization would most likely need to be recognized by the mainstream of the world of cultivating immortals, such as the recognition of the Zhengdao Alliance. Only in this way can it be worthy of the difficulty.

  That's why he is trying to push the Men's Rights Association to the table to see if this method can work.

  This is the end of tonight’s class, and the rest is about details, such as formulating rules and regulations and talent selection mechanisms. These can only be relied on by Ark itself, and this group of reckless spirit guys can’t help.

   Fang Zhou looked at everyone again: "Now tell me your decision, do you plan to stay and work hard for your dream together, or do you want to disband and go your separate ways?"

  Except for Wang Xiuzhu, the other four spoke their answers almost without hesitation.

   "We stay!"

  With the leadership of Ark, this patriarchal organization is much better than their previous small fights. This is what they dreamed of, and the fool chose to leave.

   Fang Zhou looked at Wang Xiuzhu again: "Xiuzhu, do you want to join us?"

  In addition to answering Fang Zhou's questions, Wang Xiuzhu remained silent throughout the whole process. Although he was full of question marks at first, he soon figured out what was going on.

  After being raped and revenged by cult members, Wang Xiuzhu has already awakened to become a patriarch. After this class, he has been deeply persuaded and incited by Fang Zhou.

  As soon as he heard Fang Zhou's question, Wang Xiuzhu immediately stated: "I am willing to join you!"

  Others looked at Wang Xiuzhu with a much more intimate gaze.

   Fang Zhou also smiled and said: "Very good, I now announce that the Men's Rights Association and the Women Enemies Alliance are officially established!"

  The five people immediately cheered neatly and excitedly. Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the inn is very strong, otherwise people would have heard it long ago.

  After the establishment of the two organizations, Fang Zhou became the president of the Men's Rights Association and the leader of the Women's Enemies Alliance.

  He also took out the patriarchal manifesto he had prepared, and asked everyone to recite it together, which invisibly strengthened the cohesion.

  According to Fang Zhou's habit of being aggressive in the past, he didn't intend to show his face to become the president of the Men's Rights Association, but in order to complete the task, he had to take a risk.

  As I said before, if an organization wants to grow and develop, it cannot hide forever in the dark, and Ark cannot hide behind the scenes forever if it wants to promote the progress of patriarchy.


  After the establishment of the Men's Rights Association, there are too many things that need to be done. Instead, the Women Enemies Alliance can lurk first and start when needed.

  Luo Jinsong, Shen Hao, and Zhuang Hongyu went back after playing in Taobao Mall for a few more days, and each took the tasks assigned to them by Ark.

  The task assigned to them by Ark is to use their respective connections to find out which are the more famous male immortal cultivators and female immortal cultivators who are sympathetic to men in the immortal cultivating world.

  He will also arrange for Wei Yuanling to investigate, with a two-pronged approach, he must obtain more information.

  The two sides will continue to use the telescope to communicate with each other. Gou Xuan’s telescope, which was damaged by Fang Zhou, has already bought a replacement in Taobao Mall, which cost him a lot of savings, and his heart aches.

  The first thing he did when he returned to Tianjianzong, Fang Zhou went to meet the real Yujian.

   "What, you want to set up a Men's Rights Association, and you want me to write a letter to the Righteous Alliance for you?"

  Realist Yujian's kind-hearted mentality couldn't help but cause some waves. She looked at the ark, and really couldn't figure out what weird ideas came up with this big man's reincarnation.

Fang Zhou smiled and said: "That's right, I hope the real person can do a little favor. As a male, I really don't want to see men in the world of cultivating immortals encounter injustice and discrimination, so I plan to set up a men's rights association to give them some care and support." Help, such a simple thing, the real person will never refuse, right?"

   This is no small matter!

  Realist Yu Jian muttered in his heart, if it was her, then it wouldn't matter. At her level, gender is no longer a problem.

  But Fang Zhou hopes that Master Yujian will write a letter to the Zhengdao Alliance in the name of Tianjianzong, and also hopes that Tianjianzong will be the first to recognize the Patriarchal Association.

   This is a big problem. Tianjianzong is one of the five permanent members of the Zhengdao Alliance, and it can affect the whole body, so you can't express your opinion at will.

  If the Patriarchal Association is recognized by the Zhengdao Alliance and Tianjianzong, it is equivalent to becoming a member of the Zhengdao Alliance and can enjoy the treatment of members of the alliance, and it is no longer a pheasant sect association.

  Although Fang Zhou vowed that this association is really only used to care for men and give away oil and rice during festivals, Master Yujian knows that it is not that simple with his toes, and Fang Zhou will never come up with such a thing for no reason.

Master Yujian pondered for a while, and then said to Zhou: "Fang Daoyou, I can help you write a letter to the Righteous Way Alliance on this matter, and the letter will also express my personal approval, but the Righteous Way Alliance must first recognize your patriarchal association. , the Heavenly Sword Sect will admit it, okay?"

   This is for the sake of the reincarnation of the boss of the Ark, so Yujian Daoist will agree to give it a try. If it is replaced by someone else, then you can roll as far as you really want, don’t even think about it.

   Fang Zhou smiled and said: "Then I will trouble the real person."

   Needless to say if you owe favors, how many times Fang Zhou has helped Tianjianzong, asking them to help once is a courtesy.

   It is imperative to ask Master Yujian to help write the letter. If Fang Zhou is asked to write it himself, then this letter will definitely not be delivered to the high-level hands of the Righteous Path Alliance. They will not read a letter sent by an unknown person.

  It would be different if it was Yujian Daoist. She is one of the three giants of Tianjianzong, and is also a well-known bigwig in the world of cultivating immortals. Who dares to give her face?

  The letter of Master Yujian will definitely be read by the high-level executives of the Righteous Path Alliance, and they will also attach great importance to it, and will carefully consider the matters mentioned in the letter.

   This is the difference between having connections and not having connections.

   As for whether the Righteous Way Alliance will agree after reading it, Fang Zhou is not too sure.

  If this trick fails, Fang Zhou can only consider using other means.

  During the period between Yujian Zhenren writing letters and waiting for a reply, Fang Zhou was not idle, and he was going to start a newspaper called "Pioneer of Men's Rights".

  If the Men's Rights Association wants to compete for the right to speak, it must first make its own voice.

   In this regard, Fang Zhou has a unique advantage. He cooperates closely with the Heavenly Sword Sect, and can use the unique sales channel of the Heavenly Sword Sect in the whole world to successfully sell newspapers to the entire world of cultivating immortals.

  In order to ensure the sales of the newspaper, Fang Zhou intends to serialize Lao Shiji's new works on the Patriarchal Pioneer.

  After leaving Yujianfeng, Fang Zhou went to Tianjianfeng, and revealed to Wei Yuanling his idea of ​​running a patriarchal newspaper, hoping that she could cooperate.

   Piledriver World Line—Xuanling’s Punishment, progress 100% add group: 692761646 to obtain



  (end of this chapter)

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