At the same moment!

Newspapers were being printed frantically, and the first one to get the news was naturally Bucky’s old partner, Morgans, who had been watching the whole process of the incident!

“Hey hey! Bucky! What you did this time scared my heart out!”

Morgans had a phone bug hanging on his chest. The shock in his words made his voice tremble. As he spoke, he looked back at the dusty red continent!

“Ha ha! Ha ha! Morgans, you’re going to make a fortune this time!”

“I will definitely earn a share from you!”

“But Bucky! The world government will definitely kill you this time!”

“hehe! hehe! Come on then! I let them know the horror of Bucky Express!”

Bucky and the others flapped their wings and arrived very far away from Mary Joa. They were looking for their own ship, which was driven out of the port by Liqui!

Li Ji was originally very smart, but a little stupid, but after several years of training by Bucky, his IQ was almost that of a human! I can’t tell the course, but I can still do it by letting the boat drift with the current!

“Nice job, Niche!”


Bucky and the others searched for a long time in the air before they found it. Although it was a bit laborious, can you still expect a lion to drive a boat to your designated location?

“Bucky! The world government, navy, and alliance countries, these people together are very powerful! “Morgans could only say vaguely, but he did not dare to say explicitly that Bucky would fail!

“hehe! Morgans, I think highly of you! Your eyesight is not sharp enough! How dare you call yourself a professional journalist?”

Bucky sat on the bow of the boat, not panicking at all. The number of people was indeed overwhelming, but he was sure of one thing now! Wulaoxing has restrictions!

“oh! Bucky, what do you think?”

“Wulaoxing, there are restrictions!”

“What’s the meaning?”

“Ah! Don’t tell others, one of the five old stars is a phantom beast species, why don’t you come to hunt me down? Is it really just to save people?”

“Killing me to protect the Celestial Dragons, wouldn’t the World Government’s face be better than saving a bunch of trash?”


Morgans thought about it, and there were indeed some problems in looking at it this way. It was obvious that Bucky could be restrained, but he did not come over and chose to save people!

“You publish a news that the Five Old Stars can only be active in the holy land of Mariejoia!”

“Are you sure it works?”

“hehe! Just wait and see! Click!”

Bucky smiled! Whether it will be effective or not is not up to him, but depends on how many people have ulterior motives!

“Bucky! you sure?”

After hanging up the phone, Robin and others were equally puzzled. They also sensed something unusual about this incident!


“Im may not have any restrictions, but I can be 80% sure about Wulao Xing!”

“oh! Uncle Bucky, tell us, we want to know!”


“Decades ago, during the Battle of the Valley of Gods, a large number of Tianlong people were about to be kidnapped. This kind of thing can be said to be shocking, but the Five Old Stars did not take action!”

“It was just that Garp was asked to fight this war that was almost impossible to win. In the end, Garp and Roger teamed up to defeat Rocks!”

Bucky talked lightly, Robin nodded slightly, she also noticed this, and had seen the strength of the Five Old Stars, and confirmed that the incident was very suspicious!

“after! Tiger, the fishman, breaks into Mariejoia and frees the slaves!”

“Logically speaking, this kind of attack on the World Government and the reputation of the Tianlong people should have been wiped out long ago. I don’t believe that the Five Old Stars can’t beat Tiger!”

“But Tiger was fine and even formed a pirate group!”

“After that, I went to war with the World Government, went to war with the Navy Headquarters, killed the Draconians, and now, destroyed Marie Joa!”

“None of the five old stars took action, or in other words, even Marie Joa never left!”

When Bucky said this, Robin, Hancock suddenly understood. This matte

r seemed to be getting closer and closer to what Bucky said, and the doubts in his heart were even greater. Is there really a limit to the Five Old Stars?

“Ahem! Of course, this is just speculation, we have to wait until someone helps us prove it!”

“Can someone help us prove it? who? how to prove!”

“That’s right! Uncle Bucky, why are you speaking so unclearly now?”

“hehe! Other kingdoms!”

It was Robin who spoke, and she already understood what Bucky meant!

One word! Who doesn’t want to be the head of the world, the king of the world?

Half a day later!

At Morgans’ base, countless seagulls soared into the sky. Their goals were all over the world, wherever there were people, they would go!

The islands closest to their base!

“What! Is this news true?”

“who! Who can make it this far? Destroy the entire Crimson Continent!”

“It’s Bucky! It’s him again! He split the entire Crimson Continent and managed to escape!”

“OMG! What kind of existence is this?”

“monster? Still God!”

“A large number of Celestial Dragons and slaves died tragically! The darkest day since the establishment of the world government!”

“terrible! terrible!”

“I can’t believe it at all!”

Frightened, countless people were frightened. They even saw the news in the newspaper and were so frightened that they even threw the newspaper away. It was completely unacceptable!

Contrary to what the residents of these islands think, all countries, especially some powerful countries, looked thoughtful as soon as they got the newspaper!

Although they were shocked by the news of the destruction of the Crimson Continent, they were more concerned about the restrictions on the Five Old Stars!

if! If Wulaoxing is really restricted, then their room for maneuver will be huge!

“Everyone! What do you think!”

All countries have received orders from the World Government and are already in a state of meeting, and this newspaper comes at just the right time!

“king! I think we should stop sending troops and test the truth first. Bucky’s words have never been false!”

“king! I don’t think we should believe this unreliable statement. If there were no restrictions on Wulaoxing, our country would be doomed!”

“I agree, we should send troops immediately to support the World Government’s decision!”

“I disagree! It is unjustifiable that the World Government destroyed Mariejoia and left us to die instead!”

“That’s right, the World Government clearly has so many high-end combat capabilities, so why did Bucky split the Red Continent?”

For a time, the meetings of various countries began to argue non-stop. Some people agreed, some opposed, and almost started fighting!


The king roared, and the meeting fell silent for a moment. He read the newspaper and rubbed his brows. This was a war where one side would definitely suffer losses! One side is destroying the country by making the wrong move!

“Don’t send troops yet. Use the dispersion of troops as an excuse to delay for a month or two!”

The king then sat upright, with a look of domineering and ambition in his eyes!

“king! No!”



“Why not? Battle with Bucky Express? How many hundreds of thousands of troops can be left? This time it’s not just going through the motions, it’s about working completely for the World Government!”

“Once the losses are too heavy and other countries that are not franchising countries set their sights on us, no matter what we do to resist, we will destroy the country anyway!”

“Then let’s take a gamble! Bet Bucky is telling the truth! There are really limits to betting on the Five Old Stars!”

The king’s eyes flickered, and no one else was talking!

Of course, not every king thinks so. Most of them would rather fight with Bucky Express than take risks!

There are also several big and powerful countries that choose to test the foundation of the Five Old Stars. If it is true, then they are in charge of everything!

This is a huge gamble, and it could easily lead to the destruction of the country!

Won! The future is endless!

Lost! Nothing!

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