“Then Dandy thank you so much, all these things are given to you!”

Tranx thanked Dandy again, then took out the two universal capsules and threw them in the open space beside them.


After a puff of smoke exploded.

A storage cabinet and a refrigerator appeared in place.

The storage cabinet contains a variety of toys and technological items.

In the refrigerator is a variety of delicacies, this refrigerator comes with its own electricity, so there is no need to worry about food spoilage.

“Ah~ thank you Tranx!”

Dandy was just a teenager, very interested in these things, and immediately thanked him.

“Haha, no thanks, then let’s go first!”

After saying hello to Dandy.

Tranx uses teleportation to return home with Ram and Rem.

After they returned, Bulma kindly asked the maid to prepare some dinner.

Vegeta didn’t say much when she saw Ram and Rem, just asked him not to delay his cultivation and leave.

And Terance, who loves to play by nature, runs away to play.

Only Bulma remained questioning Ram and Rem.

Upon learning that Ram and Reim’s home had been destroyed by the bad guys, Bulma was furious.

After knowing that Tranx saved them, he also praised Tranx with great satisfaction.

During this period, Tranx also agreed with Ramrem and did not disclose the chat group.

After dinner, Tranx had wanted to prepare a room for Ram and Rem.

Unexpectedly, the two were pulled by Bulma.

“Tranx, I’m sorry, your little girlfriend can’t be with you today because today they’ve agreed to sleep with me.”

Bulma took Ram and Rem’s hands and looked triumphantly at Tranx.

Ram and Reim, on the other hand, were red-faced and shy.

“Okay then!”

In the face of Bulma’s teasing, Tranx could only shrug helplessly.

Then he went alone to the gravity training room, and after testing his current strength, Tranx excitedly went to rest.



Tranx woke up to the prompts of the chat group.

At first glance, it turned out to be Kasumigaoka Shiyu in @ him.

Kasumi Shiko [Group Leader]: “@Super Saiyan, Tranx Little Brother, how is Ram, has he recovered the broken angle?” ”

Super Saiyan: “Rest assured! Ram’s horn has been restored, and Sister Shi Yu don’t call me little brother okay! ”

Tranx was a little helpless, although he was only seven years old, but he was really not small.

Kasumi Shiko [Group Leader]: “Yes! That’s good, Tranx Little Brother! ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu still calls the name of her little brother in her own way.

Tranx was speechless.

And that’s when it happened.


The room door was opened.

Tranx’s attention was drawn back, and he was stunned when he looked at the door.

Ram and Rem, dressed as maids, walked in.

“Rem~~Rem~~Brother Tranx is awake!”

“Yes! Sister, but why would Brother Tranx be stupid! ”

“Well, maybe it’s because Rem is so cute!”

“My sister is also very cute!”


After seeing Tranx wake up, Ram and Reim began to discuss themselves.

Hearing the two men’s questions and answers, Tranx couldn’t help but twitch at the corners of his mouth.

How does this scene give him a familiar feeling?

If you have a poisonous tongue, it will be more like them when you grow up!

He shook his head at the thought of it, though the poisonous-tongued Ram and Rem were also very cute.

But obviously this well-behaved look is more likeable.

“Ram and Rem, what are you doing here?”

Tranx looked at the two men in maid costumes with a puzzled look on their faces and asked.

Ram and Reim glanced at each other.

Then Ram said, “We want to stay!” ”

Hearing her words, Tranx was stunned.

But considering that their homeland has been destroyed and their relatives and clans are dead, there is really no need to return to the world over there.

Not to mention that Ram and Reim are still so young, how to survive after they go back is also a problem.

If you stay here, there is also yourself and Bulma to take care of.

Thinking of this, Tranx suddenly showed a bright smile and said, “Ram, Rem, welcome to stay!” ”

He said he was going to get up and get dressed.

However, the clothes were snatched by Ram.

“Brother Tranx, please let me come!”

Ram’s gaze was very firm.

Tranx had wanted to say he had come, but seeing their determined gaze, he had to hand it over to them.

After all, who could refuse the service of two little maids!

After breakfast.

Tranx began teaching Rem how to use chat groups.

In the era when Ram and Reim had no internet, there was never such a thing as a chat group.

Fortunately, Rem learned quickly.

It’s just a matter of a while to be able to send messages in the chat group.

Of course, it’s actually very simple to send a message in a chat group.

Just what you want to say to the chat group, it will be sent out automatically.

Rem: “My name is Rem, please take care of me!” ”

Kasumi Shiko [Group Lord]: “Hey! Has Rem learned to use chat groups? ”

Super Saiyan: “That’s right, I taught it.” ”

Blood Red Pepper: “It seems that the new person’s receptivity is good!” ”

Kasumi Shiko [Group Leader]: “@Super Saiyan, why is Reem still where you are?” ”

Super Saiyan: “That’s right, Rem and Ram have decided to stay on my side!” ”

After seeing his words, Kasumigaoka Shiyu thought about it and understood the current situation of Ram and Rem, and they really didn’t need to go back now.

Kasumi Shizi [Group Leader]: “This is good, but is it convenient for you to be there?” ”

Super Saiyan: “Of course it’s no problem, everybody likes them very much, see… Pictures .jpg. ”

Tranx, who was in the amusement park, took a group photo and posted it to the chat group.

In the photo, Vegeta, Bulma, Trans and Tranx, as well as the Ram and Rem sisters, are all there.

Except for Vegeta, who still looked grim, everyone had a smile on their faces.

Today is the day Vegeta promised to take them to the amusement park.

Kasumi Shizi [Group Lord]: “What envy!” ”

Super Saiyan: “Haha, what’s there to envy about this, by the way, are you free tomorrow?” ”

Kasumi Shiko [Group Leader]: “What? Isn’t it hard for my brother to be ready to ask me out? ”

As soon as these words were uttered, Kasumigaoka Shiyu herself blushed, how could she say such a bold word!

When Tranx saw this, he also had a strange look.

But fortunately, he also knew what kind of person Kasumigaoka Shiyu was.


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