“What’s the matter, Tranx is so old, isn’t it normal to have a girlfriend?”

Bulma said with a look of course.

“Brother is so powerful!”

Some things are unknown, but Terance still thinks his brother is very good.

When everyone saw that Bulma said this, they were powerless to refute it, and they accepted the facts.

Think what they were doing when they were so old?

I didn’t expect Tranx to find a girlfriend, which is also too powerful.

Everyone went to the place where the budokai signed up.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu was pulled by Bulma to whisper, and from time to time she could see Kasumigaoka Shiba blushing.

Tranx and Kling walked ahead and talked.

“Speaking of Tranx, two years have passed, and I don’t know how strong your strength is now?”

Kling asked curiously.

“Well… Better than my dad! ”

Tranx shrugged.

“Huh?! No way? ”

Kling was a little stunned to hear his words, and looked at Vegeta and then at Tranx, with a look of disbelief.

Vegeta’s strength he knew, except for Son Goku, he was the strongest.

And Tranx actually said that he surpassed Vegeta, how can this not surprise him, you know that Tranx is only seven years old!

On the side, the Turtle Immortals, YamuCha, and Sun Wu rice all looked at Vegeta in shock.


However, Vegeta only snorted haughtily and did not explain anything.

After all, it is not shameful to be surpassed by his own son.

And his reaction was even more solid to Tranx’s words, and the crowd was even more shocked.

“I can’t believe it, Tranx, how did you cultivate?!”

Kling sighed, his expression a little lonely.

Obviously, he was cultivating at the same time, and when he was a child, he thought that his strength was almost the same as that of Sun Wukong.

However, now he can only be reduced to the role of playing soy sauce.

No matter how hard he tried to cultivate, he was still left far behind.

Under this blow, he couldn’t help but want to give up cultivation several times.

The Yamucha on the side was the best example, he had long given up cultivation under this blow, and now he had become a salted fish.


Tranx just smiled and didn’t say much, lest they be hit again.

“By the way, Tranx, you’re so smart, I don’t know if there’s a way to make us strong too?”

Then Kling asked in a loud voice.

As soon as these words came out, the turtle fairy, Yamucha, and even Bik, who was hiding in the distance, all pricked up their ears, wanting to listen to Tranx’s explanation.

Tranx thought for a moment and said, “I want to get stronger… It’s not impossible. ”

“What’s the solution?”

Kling was a little excited when he heard this.

“The talents and potential of the earthlings are indeed limited, and perhaps you can make a wish to become a Saiyan to the dragon.”

The method given by Tranx is to give humans the blood of a Saiyan, a wish that the Dragon should be able to fulfill.

The Saiyans, on the other hand, have great talent and potential and should be allowed to continue to grow stronger.

Further, perhaps you can also make a wish to obtain Sun Wukong’s Saiyan bloodline, so that you can become stronger faster.

When Kling heard this, they fell into deep thought.

The strength of the Saiyans they have seen with their own eyes, Sun Wukong and Vegeta they are both Saiyans, so the strength will be so strong.

Today, even the descendants of the two have far surpassed them.

If they were also Saiyans, they might not have been thrown so far away.

Tranx looked at the contemplative men and shrugged his shoulders, the way to do it was for them, just to see if they were willing to do it.

“By the way, why haven’t you seen Goku until now?”

At this time, Bulma looked left and right, but did not see the figure of Sun Wukong.

“Oh yes! Didn’t Goku say he was coming? Why hasn’t it appeared until now? ”

Kling also looked around.

“Goku hasn’t come yet, could it be that he has already gone to the contestants’ lounge?”

Kiki was also looking left and right looking a little anxious.

For a while, everyone was looking for the figure of Sun Wukong.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Goku should be here soon.”

Tranx smiled and comforted everyone.

Yet he had just finished speaking.


Suddenly two familiar figures appeared in front of them.

“Yo! Everyone has changed a lot after not seeing for a long time! ”

It was Sun Wukong who appeared in front of everyone, and he smiled and greeted everyone.

The other is the sister of the turtle immortal, the divination mother-in-law.

Seeing the appearance of Sun Wukong, everyone was a little excited, and everyone greeted each other.

The most exciting thing about Sun Wukong’s return is Kiki and Klin, and of course, Bulma.

Tranx glanced at Vegeta.

Although Vegeta did not show any expression on his face, it could be seen from his slightly trembling hand that he was also very excited in his heart.

“This is Sun Wukong!”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu not only sighed a little when she saw everyone’s excited look.

“Yes, he is Sun Wukong.”

Tranx squeezed her hand with some sighs.

Although Sun Wukong is not a competent father, his unique personality charm is admirable, even Tranx is very admirable.

After reminiscing with everyone, Sun Wukong finally remembered Vegeta, and saw that Sun Wutian was still sitting on his shoulder and walked over.

“Yo! Vegeta hasn’t been seen for a long time! ”

Sun Wukong raised his hand and smiled and said hello.

“Ahem! It seems that you haven’t stopped cultivating in hell either! ”

Vegeta snorted haughtily.

“Haha, you’re the same!”

Sun Wukong smiled and then looked at Tranx.

“Eh? What is this? ”

“My name is Tranx, and I came to you two years ago to learn teleportation, Uncle Goku, you should remember it!”

Tranx chuckled.

Two years ago, he had asked the god Dandy to contact Sun Wukong, who was cultivating in the World King Star.

He then learned teleportation from Where Sun Wukong was.

“Ah! Didn’t you say it was Vegeta’s child? How to grow so tall! ”

Sun Wukong looked surprised.

At this time, Vegeta said with a proud face, “Hum! Kakarot, Tranx’s strength has surpassed mine, and I think even you should not be his opponent. ”

“Hmm! I can feel that his strength is very strong, and I am looking forward to fighting with you! ”

Sun Wukong didn’t deny it and nodded, but whether he could defeat him would need to be known after the battle.

“Uncle Goku, this is my girlfriend Kasumigaoka Shiba.”

At this time, Tranx also introduced the Kasumigaoka Shiyu beside him.


Sun Wukong was surprised again, he remembered correctly, Tranx’s age was not old, but he didn’t think about it so much.

“Hey! If you don’t hurry up and register, the registration will end soon. ”

At this time Bick urged.

Then everyone signed up for the competition.


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