You must know that the black technology items researched by Lala are strange.

For example, [Teleporting], in addition to the communication function, can also transfer items and creatures.

Another example is “changing male to female”, the appearance of the light gun, a prop that can change the gender of men and women in a certain period of time, which is simply the black technology in black technology.

There is also the “Complete Exchange Jun”, which allows the user to exchange bodies with others.

Everything that Lala makes is based on interest and does whatever you want, but most of these items are defective.

Also a teenage genius inventor, compared to Lala, Bulma has produced only a few things.

What can be remembered is the Dragon Ball radar, the watch that shrinks the human body, and the Saiyan Superman transformation suit.

Even the time machine was invented by Bulma, another space-time machine.

But this alone proves Bulma’s genius.

Tranx grew up under the eyes and ears of Bulma, and he also liked to study technology

very much

If he wasn’t in the World of Dragon Ball, maybe he would still want to experience what it’s like to be Iron Man.

That’s when it happened.

“Ah ~ ~ finally finished, my jump wapu jun, hehe ~ ~”

Lala excitedly picked up her new invention and smiled excitedly, looking a little cute and cute.

In other words, Lala had not even noticed Tranx standing behind him now, which made him a little speechless.

“Well, now it’s time to give you a try of jumping vapjun’s ability!”

After a while of fun, Lala was ready to start her new invention.

“That… I think it’s better that you don’t try it easily. ”

Tranx was speechless when he saw that she was going to experiment with the new invention he had just created.

The newly invented things do not know what defects and dangers there are, but if you experiment with yourself, it is very dangerous, and this guy is too rash!


Lala was stunned when she heard the voice behind her, and turned around to see that it was a strange handsome man.

However, what she didn’t notice was that she had already started jumping Vapujun.

The next moment, both disappeared into the research room.

Only two people’s clothes were left.

‘JumpIng Wapujun’ ability: Allows mobs to do short-distance, random space jumps, but the clothes they wear will not jump together, and they will have to wait for a day to recharge each time they use it.

When Tranx and Lala reappeared, they had come to a dark and narrow place.

Where is this place?

Tranx looked confused, and suddenly felt a little cold in his body, and his clothes had disappeared.

He immediately remembered this invention of Lala, as if he could not transmit clothes.

Suddenly his right hand seemed to have caught something, and he was suddenly shocked.

“Huh? What are you?” ”

In the darkness, Lala lay on top of him and looked at him curiously, as if the night did not affect her vision.

He used his left hand to condense the air bomb, and the light suddenly illuminated the entire space.

It turned out that they were in a closet, and they were hung with all kinds of beautiful clothes of girls, and this was a girl’s room.

“That… Hello, my name is Tranx, and I was invited by King Debiluk. ”

Tranx introduced himself.

“Was it The one Dad invited?” Hello, I’m Lala! ”

Lala smiled, and then looked at him so curiously.

“Well, I think we’ll go out first!”

Who can stand this kind of scene! Tranx just wanted to get out of here quickly.

There is no difference between a man and a woman, but he can’t.

After saying that, he used teleportation to return to the research room just now.

Then he quickly picked up his clothes and put them on, which was relieved.

Slowly calming down, Tranx felt the position of King Debiluk, and then used teleportation again.


Inside a splendid and atmospheric basilica.

King Debiluk and his wife Saifei, as well as a group of his cronies, are waiting here.

“King! I wonder who we are waiting for? ”

Suddenly summoned, these men didn’t know what was going on!

“Hahahahaha, Saastin, this time I invited a very powerful being, wait for everyone not to slack off, understand?”

King Debiluk laughed.

The man known as Sastin is the captain of the Royal Guard of debilulu, that is, the captain of the Special Guard who guards the royal family against foreign enemies or assassins.


When Sastin heard the king’s words, he stood up straight with a serious face.

When the men present heard King Debiluk’s words, they were immediately a little curious.

He was recognized by the king himself as powerful, who was this man?

That’s when it happened.


A figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

“King, be careful!”

Saastin was the first to react, thinking that the person who suddenly appeared was an assassin, so he pulled out the large sword from his waist and cut it without hesitation.

And yet…

The great sword stopped less than a centimeter away from the coming man.

“Yikes! You guys react quickly! ”

Tranx looked at Sarstin with some surprise.

Only then did the people around react.

However, when he saw that the person in front of him had actually used two fingers to catch Sastin’s big sword, he was stunned.

You must know that Sastin is the captain of the Royal Guard of Deby Lux, and his strength is incomparable.

In the entire Debiluk Palace, only The Debiluk King was able to easily block Sastin’s attack.

But I didn’t expect that the person in front of me was easily blocked.

“Sastin back off!”

It was also at this moment that the majestic voice of King Debiluk sounded in the main hall.

Hearing King Debiluk’s order, Sastin immediately put away his sword.

“Hahahahaha, Tranx, I’m sorry, the men don’t understand things, you’re all right!”

King Debiluk jumped from his throne and then walked over and laughed.

When the men around them heard the king’s words, they understood that the man in front of them was the one invited by their king.

“Oh, of course it’s all right, you’re a very good subordinate.”

Tranx chuckled.

To tell the truth, now that his body had lifted the limiter and became infinitely stronger, even if he stood still and let Sastin cut, it would not hurt him.

“Haha, Sastin is the most proud of my subordinates!”

Although Sastin’s actions just now were more rash, King Debiluk still admired him very much.

“I didn’t expect King Debiluk to be a child!”

Tranx was also a little amused to look at the childlike King Debiluk.

Of course, he knew why, but it was not surprising that he met for the first time!

“This guest, the king, only turned into a child because he had exhausted his strength in the war to unify the galaxy about ten years ago.”

Then Sastin stood up and explained.

“Oh, is that so?” Tranx thought for a moment and then said, “I have fairy beans here, maybe I can restore the power you have consumed.” ”

The Debiluk family has a characteristic, that is, if the energy consumption in the body is too much, the body will become smaller.

The original Lala experienced the same thing.

And Xiandou can recover the injury and energy, and it is reasonable to say that as long as the energy of King Debiluk is restored, then it can restore the state of the adult.

King Debiluk was overjoyed when he heard this, “It would be great if I could really recover, and as a thank you, I will agree to any request.” ”

“Oh, no problem.”

With that, Tranx took out a fairy bean and handed it to King Debiluk.

Of course, he is not free, when the time comes to see what high-tech will be brought back, even if he can’t use it, he can hand it over to the universal capsule company to make money.


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