Chapter Eighty-Three Ice Lan Grand General, Estes actually flirted in public!!

“Tranx, what now?”

Red Hitomi looked at Tranx and asked.

The night raiders all looked at him as well.

Tranx looked at the walls, all of whom he knew well. Three beasts plus hunters!

Except for Sai Shu, who was killed early, all of Esther’s men were here

Seeing this, he chuckled and said, “I’ll deal with Estes, you guys.”

“Let’s deal with the rest!”

The red pupil’s gaze kept looking at a figure on the city wall.

That figure was seven or eight points similar to Akatsuki, and it was Akatsuki’s sister, Black Hitomi.

In fact, Tranx originally wanted to say that you looked good, but he didn’t expect That Red Pupil would interrupt him.

Looking down at The Red Pupil, he also understood why. It is the sister of Black Hitomi and Red Hitomi, and the bond between the two is very deep.

To put it simply, the two have become the killers cultivated by the Empire since they were young.

During one of the assassinations of the betrayed general Najiehitan, she was tricked into leaving the Empire and joining the Night Raid.

Black Hitomi, on the other hand, stubbornly believes that Akatsuki has betrayed her, so the two begin to love and kill each other.

Sighing, Tranx didn’t stop it. However, Red Pupil couldn’t wait to rush over. Meanwhile.

The three beasts and hunters beside Estes, except for the black pupil accident, suddenly all changed their faces.

“What’s going on? The body can’t move. ”

“It’s like being held down by something, so heavy!”

“What the hell is going on?”

The changes in the men around him made Estes a little confused.

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Boss, our bodies can’t move!”

Will blushed and said.

“Yes, it seems like something is holding us down.”

The pseudo-nun Niu even used the imperial weapon [Military Music Dream] to become a muscular macho mode, but she still couldn’t break free.

“Big guy, I don’t seem to be suppressed.”

At this time, Black Hitomi raised his hand.

“Oh? It seems that the other party has something to control your imperial tools, and black pupils are your words.”

Estes didn’t change her expression in any way, her eyes were on the red pupils that rushed over.

“Sister, just leave it to me!” I’ll personally free her. ”

Black Hitomi pulled out the saber from his waist [Dead MarchIng Eight Rooms], and a smile appeared on his face.

Then she jumped off the wall and greeted Akatsuki. At this time, Estes also jumped from the city wall.

“So is my opponent you?”

Estes slowly drew his sword from his waist and walked towards Tranx.

“No, your opponent is only me.”

Tranx shrugged and greeted him. The two men walked a few meters apart and stopped.

“Oh? Who are you? ”

Estes looked at Tranx with interest.

She found that this tall and sunny and handsome teenager in front of her actually made her feel incomprehensible.

This immediately aroused her curiosity.

“My name is Tranx.”

“Tranx! So what is your purpose in coming here? ”

Esther asked again.

“It’s just to help Red Hitomi overthrow this rotten empire, and I don’t want you to stand in my way.”

Truth be told, Tranx didn’t want to kill Esther, a woman he admired so much.


A smile appeared at the corner of Esther’s mouth, “If you can defeat me, I will do as you wish.” ”

“Is that so! Okay. ”

Tranx knew that a queen-like woman like Estes would not shake her will for the words of others.

If you want to make such a person submit, then you can only conquer the other party with great strength.

Esthers smiled even more when he saw this. Fighting is on the verge of breaking out.

The next moment, I saw her leaning over and rushing over, very fast. The thin sword in his hand stabbed straight into Tranx’s heart.

Tranx’s face remained unchanged, and he quickly extended two fingers and caught the tip of the opponent’s sword in an instant.


Esther was a little surprised, he didn’t expect that his sword could be caught so easily.

The strength of the man in front of her was beyond her imagination.

In an instant, Tranx became a hunting target for Estes. It was her hobby, hunting powerful enemies.

The next moment, I saw Esther kick over and shoot out with an ice spike.

Tranx reached out and slapped it twice in quick succession in the air, and the ice spike burst open Esther’s foot.

Seeing this, Estes stepped forward to attack again, and his swordplay was constantly used with solid ice. The dazzling attack makes the average person unable to react at all.

However, it was still too slow in front of Tranx.

“This General Estes is really powerful!”

Brand’s face was dignified, such a powerful combat ability, especially to assist JianBing to make unexpected attacks.

If it was against Esther, I am afraid that he would be killed in a few rounds.

“It’s really strong, but Tranx is even more powerful, and you haven’t noticed that Leoni put his hands on his chest without a nervous smile.”

“Tranx never moved half a step, and he didn’t take the initiative to attack.”

Red Pupil added.

“That’s right, Tranx didn’t use his power at all. Najahitan was shocked. ”

Unexpectedly, the enemy she had always considered the most terrifying did not take advantage of Tranx.

“Ahem! Tranx was just playing with general Estes, didn’t he see that even those men were frozen! ”

From the beginning, Chelsea noticed that Esther’s men were standing still except for Black Pupil.

What’s the difference between that and the guards they’ve encountered along the way?

Chelsea even ventured to guess that Tranx could easily control Estes, but he just wanted to play.

She guessed correctly.

If Tranx used the power of the mind, Estes really didn’t resist it

You must know that today’s Esther, even the move of Morbot Mo to freeze time and space has not been created.

After all, this move is also a move created by the original Estes in order to prevent the protagonist from escaping.

At this time, the battle between the two in the field also became more and more intense.

“Drink ah ~ ~ ~ ”

Suddenly, Estes jumped into the sky with a sigh.

Then a large ice ball with a diameter of more than ten meters was condensed with one hand and smashed towards Tranx.

However, Tranx only punched the hockey with a light punch

“Let’s make all the moves!” Otherwise, the game could have ended. ”

Tranx’s smile remained unchanged, as if he had just been playing with Estes.

“Huh! Tranx, I’m getting fond of you, how’s that? Do you want to come to be my man? ”

Esther looked at Tranx, who had never moved half a step under his own attack, and his eyes couldn’t help but light up.

This is exactly the strong man he is looking for.

As soon as these words came out, the night raiders behind them could not help but be shocked. I didn’t expect Estes to say such a thing.

If Estes had fooled Tranx over, that would have been the end of it.

“Hey! What to do, Red Pupil is not here, what if Tranx really follows Esther? ”

Lubbock whispered with some concern.

“Ahem! Do you think anyone wants to be as as you? ”

Marcine gave him a dismissive glance.

“Well, I have to say that this Great General Esther is still non-faceted, often charismatic, and strong in strength, and it is really uncertain!”

Chell thought hard and said.

“The little handsome guy at Tranx wouldn’t have done such a thing!” I’m sure Leonay wasn’t worried at all. ”

After all, she was such a big beautiful woman with a good body who had been circling around Tranx, and she had never seen him show any lustful performance.

It was also at the time when they were talking about it.

Tranx smiled and said, “I have to say that General Estes is indeed very attractive. ”

“Oh! So did you say yes? ”

Esther’s eyes lit up, and he watched as his gaze became more and more pleasing.

“No, or you can surrender to me.”

Tranx shook his head and smiled.

When Esther heard this, he was not only not angry, but laughed even brighter.

“Then come and conquer me!”

Before the words could be heard, Estes instantly created countless solid ice in the sky and shot down like raindrops.

Tranx swung it with one hand, easily blocking all the solid ice.

However, this was nothing more than a feint of Estes, and her real attack was on the ground.

Rumble!!! The mountain shook in a flurry.

Suddenly the ground cracked, and a huge ice cone popped out, aiming directly at Tranx.

But it still didn’t work.

He just held out his finger and tapped it, and the ice shattered instantly.

“So strong!”

A series of attacks by Estes overwhelmed the Night Raiders.

In particular, the sudden huge ice cone on the ground is even more heart-wrenching.

However, what shocked them even more was that Tranx lightly blocked Esther’s attack.

At this time, Esther’s gaze also became more dignified than ever. She secretly said in her heart, it seems that only that trick can be used!

“Admiral Binglan!!”

Suddenly, a strong cold air emerged, and in an instant, a snow storm blew up throughout the area

This phenomenon caught the night raids not far away a bit off guard. The cold air made everyone shiver.

“What the hell is going on?”

Marcinus held themselves in both hands and looked around, as if they had entered a snowy field.

It was white all around, and nothing could be seen clearly in the distance.

“I’ve heard of this move, it’s General Esther’s move, which is said to be able to freeze hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the battlefield in an instant.”


Nadhitan explained solemnly.

“What? So what do we do? ”

Mayne’s thin body was already frozen and trembling.

“They can only wait until their fight is over.”

However, Najiehitan’s voice did not fall, and the snowstorm suddenly stopped.

“Is it over?!”

The Night Raiders looked toward the center of the battle.

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