"Uh... right. If it were you guys, maybe it's a pick-up, so don't you have to worry so much?

"What do you mean?

"Here, take a look. Quickly, you've got people running after you to solicit you."

Looking back when I was told, there was a pair of upperclassmen.

You thought Kursche had me ahead of you, and I'm about to regret it.

"Can I work with my senior classmates?

"Yeah. So as for good rookies, there can be solicitation matches between units every year. Of all the freshmen this year, you guys are getting a lot of attention, aren't you?

Apparently, the students who were watching the final exam fight are rumouring about us.

Krusche told me his predictions, especially to Aria, who defeated Lios, who was known among the school students as a top-notch prowess, with many units to come.

"Heh. By the way, is Krusche uniting too?

When I asked, Krusche showed a slightly hesitant gesture,

"Unfortunately, I'm alone now."

Maybe it's a pattern that originally worked with upper classmates, but it's like graduating and they're all gone?

"And anyway! If you guys say you want to join, I guess there's very little you can refuse? So I think you should think about it. Sometimes I think we can go in and try adventures together for a while."


I look out for Aria.

"I think so."

I got her permission, too, and I'll make a suggestion.

"Then can I try and unite with Krusche?

"Huh? With me?

Krusche to round your eyes.

If he's looking for a member again, that's just fine.

I don't really want to be in a unit with a lot of nobility in the first place.

I'd prefer the same civilians if possible, but more than just classmates, I'd be a lot more comfortable with having an upper class.

And it's not long since I've met him, but I think he's someone I can trust.

"Uh... but..."

Is there any circumstance, Krusche got a little lost and then

"... So if you mean try it for now?

"Oh, is that good?

"Ugh, yeah. If it's okay with me like this, but...... Oh, for once, don't worry! Me, because I never had the strength to be hubbed!

... are they hubbed?

"I am Aria. I hear about you from him. Greetings."

"I'm a Kruschet! Nice to meet you, Mr. Aria!

"Krusche is now one of us! Dirty Titty ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '

What, that mysterious melody?

...... hmm?

I mean, you were calling me ~ or something, except that's all women, and you didn't disagree at all?

The day after the entrance ceremony ended and we were to try and unit up with Krusche.

We were diving into the dungeon.

I still have a few days until class starts.

Then quickly, we decided to see how much we could actually do in this unit by then.

Two nights and three days by appointment.

By the way, the place is the 'Great Labyrinth of Seland', which also set the stage for entrance exams.



Krusche's positive fist poke blows more than two turns and more than a few meters of well-physique oak.

The oak slammed against the trunk of the tree deathly turned into ash.

"Kursche, behind you!


Kursche, hacked and instantly turned to my voice, rolled out a backward kick as it was.

Then the tree that was about to strike Kruschet from behind - whose identity is Trent the Demon - is literally crushed to pieces of wood dust.

"Awesome power......"

Aria shrugged like a groan.

"You're not wearing anything to strengthen your muscles, are you?

"Yeah. Me, I'm just confident of power!

As I say so proudly, he was the bearer of a power that did not suit that small body.

His style of combat is complete hand-to-hand karate.

He says he's not equipped for anything, but he's only going to defeat the demons with his own power.

The current location is on the second level of the dungeon.

It's called the forest floor, and as its name suggests, it's a tree-covered hierarchy.

Demons such as Oak and Trent, which are mainly designated as Hazardous D, appear.

Ordinary adventurers are like struggling opponents, but Krusche is almost a blow.

It was more like an overkill.

"That's the upper class."

"Well, not really."

Krusche dyed his cheeks like a little light,

"Besides, you guys are amazing enough. Besides, you're stronger than you were at the exam, aren't you? My impression is that I was struggling a little harder with my enemies in this level band..."

Leaning his neck, Krusche re-bears the backpack he was putting down to the ground for the fight.

It was three or four times the size of me and Aria's luggage.

"Is that really okay? If you get tired, I'll take your place, okay?

"I'm fine! Because I'm confident in my health!

On Krusche's own offer, he's actually carrying the bulk of the baggage.

Sure, I don't seem tired at all... well, I'm telling you in person, okay?

Still, just like too much luggage......?

You noticed my gaze like that, Krusche looked embarrassed,

"... Me, me, I'll eat twice as many people..."

Apparently, there's a lot of food in there.

At the time of the entrance exam it was up to the first tier, but this day could be reached to the second tier of the safety zone at once.

It is a camp here today.

In fact, when I got into Knights College, what a great privilege it was to get all the supplies - food, as well as maps and potions - from the school for the expedition.

You don't have to worry about nostalgia at all because of it.

… but we have to apply and report on each case.

"Sure don't eat well"

"Ugh... you're not fuel efficient, sorry..."

Kursche, who kept eating the preserved foods he had brought, and so on, has apologized for the bad looks of the bat.

"No, I think it would be healthy to eat well"

"Oh, yeah?

At the end of the meal, we decided to hypnotize ourselves in a narrow tent into a river lettering.

It's a place where demons don't come out, so just like in exams, there's no lookout.

It took the form of me going in the middle and two sleeping on both sides.

After a while, the Krusche will hear you sleep.

I was about to go into a little sleep, too.

"Hey, Lucas......"

Aria accidentally called me out of the blue, and I rubbed my eyelid.

'What's the matter with you?... Huh!?

She was snuggling from the beginning, but even more, she was leaning towards me.

My face is so close.

It's almost like a hug outfit.

'Cause you haven't done it at all since...'

Are you excited, Aria, who is roughing up her breath a little.

A damp breath strokes my nose.

He said he wouldn't... although it was certainly only that night that I slept with Aria.

'Cause it's not good to fuck in a place like this...? Kursche's sleeping right next door.... but I'll do it when I get back, huh?

'... yeah. But at least just a kiss'

Her lips were touching each other, wondering if her face was approaching.

Well, if it's just a kiss...

At first it was a gentle tone.

But gradually it was enough for Aria to get her tongue...

"Oh, hey, the sound..."

I had a great deal of difficulty keeping her from making any noise because she wanted it passionately.

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