at the same time.

  In the waiting hall of Hawaii Airport.

   As long as there is an open space, there are people sitting there, countless people. People from all countries. Everyone has it.

   They arrived early, here, they have been waiting for a day!

at this time.

   Boxing champion Mayweather is shrinking in a corner, constantly observing everyone here.

   Ever since I saw that man running on the ocean in the English Channel, Mayweather has become more awed by the world. He finally learned that there are masters in this world, and there are masters that he can't even imagine.

   He wanted to observe through his naked eyes, and wanted to discover what the common characteristics of those masters were.

   At present, Mayweather has confirmed two points.

  First, ragged clothes! Must be ragged.

   Because the strong man he saw was in rags. If you think about it carefully, they have been practicing in retreat for many years. If they come out spotlessly, then they probably didn't do any business during the retreat, and they all dressed up.

  Secondly, talking nonsense.

   must be nonsense.

   Because the strong man he saw was full of nonsense, but in the end... it turned out to be true!

   The current Mayweather has begun to face up to the gossip on the Internet, and begins to face up to the myths and legends. What if it is true?

   Next to Mayweather is his friend, Connor, the UFC gold belt winner. People give their nicknames-mouth cannon.

   Mouth Cannon was also observing the crowd, and whispered: "What you said is true? Are there really masters?"


Mayweather said with great certainty: "I tell you. There must be. But the number is definitely not large, because...If the number is huge, it has been reported in the news before. It is impossible for us to hear even a little bit of news. Arrived."

   "You said, can we break into the top 80 this time?"

   Connor is a little anxious. His expected ranking has fallen back again...

   At first, he wanted to break into the top ten. Finally, I just want to break into the top 30.

   Then, he thinks that he should guarantee fifty and fight for thirty. After all, the higher the ranking, the higher the bonus. And the greater the chance of becoming famous.

   But now... Connor is a little desperate. If there are such masters in the world as Mayweather said, give yourself a kick, can you survive? His requirements are not high now, guarantee 80!

   Mayweather shook his head: "I'm a little unconfident. I just want to strive for the 90th place now."

   "Ninety? Your requirement is too low, right? Even if you have a master, is it possible that the top ninety are not such masters? Are you kidding. You can say that you are also the champion of boxing."

   Mayweather looked a little bitter, and took out a pair of steel thorns from his personal leather bag:

"I was sloppy. I was a boxer. When I came, I thought about it and brought a pair of finger tigers. I was afraid that the audience would say I cheated and said I was shameless. But now it seems that it is implicit. It's too subtle..."

   Looking at his fingers, Mayweather looked aggrieved at the people sitting on the ground in the airport.

   There is a mountain knife. Some have a fire axe.

  There are those with steel guns.

   There is also a spear that is more than two meters long.

   What's more, there are those with automatic rifles. It's so special...I'm just a pair of finger tigers, is it too subtle? It's not as good as bare-handed, at least it will die beautifully.

   Connor said with lingering fear: "I also checked a lot of information when I came. Fortunately, I took the weapon."


   Talking, Connor patted his personal suitcase.

   "What did you get?"

   Connor lowered his voice and said, "Folded spear. Hush, don't pass it out, I'm afraid they will **** it. This is my trump card. I'm going to assemble it after I get on Recovery Island."

   "Brother, you are still shameless. You were originally a UFC champion, and you still have long weapons. Alas, I was sloppy, really rash..."

   Mayweather's face grew more distressed. How to fight with others?

   The two brothers comforted each other, and business talked about each other.

   However, they don’t even know what kind of players they are competing with...

   What is a weapon?

   What about the spear. What about automatic rifles?

   Even if you carry a rocket launcher, what can you do?

   You are holding an automatic rifle and facing someone like Feng Yuxiu, do you have a chance to pull the trigger?

   You came with a rocket launcher, facing a strong man like Ji Jixu, did you hit him?

   Zhou Xianfu wanted to prove that in the eyes of some people, heat weapons are actually not as powerful as physical bodies. And sometimes, the destructive power caused by the flesh even surpassed the imagination of this era.

   ‘oh oh oh—’

   A faint whistle sounded.

   There was a sudden silence in the airport.

   Immediately afterwards, everyone stood up silently, began to pack their belongings and bags quickly and began to run out.

   Mayweather glared: "What happened to them? What sound?"

   Connor was shocked: "The whistle! Quick, the fleet of the Recovery Group is coming, quick, quick, quick!"

   "Clean up, Mayweather!"

   Talking, Connor, in a suit and sunglasses, carried his little suitcase and ran away. What about the good brother? Brother shit, I can't get on the boat late.

   Mayweather installed the finger tiger and hurried out of the airport.

   When the two came to the main road, they realized that there was a huge crowd!

   Really crowded!

   As soon as they left the airport, they were suddenly scattered by the crowd. Tens of millions of people, tens of millions of people throughout Hawaii are heading toward the coastline. In Hawaii at this time, you can't see the color of the ground. You can only see the heads surging forward...

   Mayweather jumped up and looked ahead. There were so many people, there was no end in sight. He knew that he would not be able to get on the boat for the rest of his life if he lined up like this.

   He was thinking, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his shoulder.


   Mayweather covered his shoulders and looked forward, only to see a person running forward on his shoulder just now. You can see a person's back faintly, stepping on the shoulders of countless people all the way forward...


   Mayweather yelled, heartbroken. Immediately drill down, taking advantage of his short body, drill forward from under the person's crotch.

   That's called a gong and drum noise, that's a sea of ​​people, and that's a mountain of people.

   The officials of the Hawaii City Hall originally wanted to maintain order and assist in boarding the ship. But at this moment, he was surprised to find that he could not even get out of the door. Outside the door, people would burst the walls on both sides of the road.

  Everyone is surging towards the coastline...

   No one has seen such a grand occasion in Hawaii.

   on the beach. On the pier.

   2,400 yachts are all docked along the coastline.

   The helicopter also stopped on the tarmac.

  As soon as it stopped, uncountable people dived inside.

   There are no rules, no rules. There are no rules.

  The employees of the Recovery Group are also very Buddhist, and the seats are reserved for those who are predestined.


   "Hahahaha, I get on the boat and pull!"

   "Come on."

   "Hurry up for Lao Tzu from the front."

   "Move quickly. A huge army is coming from behind. Move quickly!"


   Chaos, chaos to the extreme.

   However, no one from the Recovery Group came out to deal with such chaos. No one maintains such chaos.

   They will stop here until they are full and leave.

   will not care if there is anyone behind who hasn't boarded the ship...Anyway, those who are predestined live.

   What if someone who is predestined comes and finds that there is no seat?

   The undeserved person on the boat naturally has to come down randomly and ‘take the initiative’ to make a seat for someone.

   and helicopter.

   That's not for ordinary riders. Among them, most of them are for regular reporters and TV stations and media. They will be sent directly to Recovery Island. The rest is for some really strong riders.

   In just five minutes, the first ship is full.

   ‘oh oh oh—’

   The captain did not stop, and pulled the whistle. The yacht immediately turned towards the direction of Origin Island.

   Soon, the second one is also full...

   One after another.

   ships are constantly being filled.

   At this time, the sound of a mountain whistling and tsunami swept from the island, getting closer and closer. Everyone looked at, only to see millions of people holding high the banner of protest, roaring and running towards:


   "The justice team, solemnly protest."

   "The rules of the Recovery Group are unfair. The organizing committee is required to immediately change the rules of the competition, otherwise you will face consequences that you cannot afford!:"

   "Immediately change the top 100 rewarded competition system to the top 100,000 rewarded game system!"


   "Where is the chairman of the Recovery Group? Get out and talk!"

   "The Recovery Group must respond. You can't bear the anger of millions of people!"


   The scene fell silent.

   The people on the entire coastline are stunned. The people who got on the boat also poked their heads to watch the excitement.

   The team leader, Lin Keling's personnel manager Jiang Sheng frowned: "What are they doing?"

The person beside    quickly began to explain.

   In a few words, Jiang Sheng understood the demands of those people and couldn't help but sneered:

   "Without a cerebral thrombosis in ten years, I can't think of such a trick. I have said, how can we welcome the era of warriors with a large number of people?"

The staff next to    asked: "Mr. Jiang, how should we respond?"

With a'pop', Jiang Sheng lit a cigarette, smiled and jumped onto the top of a ship, picked up a loudspeaker and shouted: "I, the person in charge this time, speak up. You want to do it. Well?"

   The menacing justice group locked Jiang Sheng, and immediately walked out of a dozen speakers, and shouted angrily:

   "We solemnly protest the rules of the Recovery Group!"

   "The Recovery Group should leave one hundred thousand places!"

   "The Recovery Group does not follow the Olympic spirit. This is not long-lasting for you. Friendship is the first and the competition is the second. You have to do it all."

   "One hundred thousand places will be vacated immediately. My fair team will give priority to occupying ten thousand places!"

   Jiang Sheng smiled and shook the soot: "What if I don't?"

   "Then your recovery group will face serious consequences!"

   "You are waiting to bear the anger of two million people!"

   "In the whole world, no one can ignore the power of two million people!"

   "Recovery Group, don't you dare to fight the whole world?"

   Jiang Sheng was amused at these words.

   Against the world?

   He couldn't help but think of Zhou Xianfu's killing tens of thousands of people on the beach alone, blood on the beach. He remembered Zhou Xianfu's great wish, and said in his heart that he would integrate this world...

   Jiang Sheng flicked the cigarette butt, pointed at the people of the justice group, and said lightly:

   "One of them counts as one, as long as they belong to the fair team. All are disqualified."

   After speaking, Jiang Sheng jumped off the boat.

   Everyone is stupid.

   Is it such an understatement?

   The power of two million people! You just ignore it?

   There are people in this world who can ignore the protests of two million people?

   No one cares about them.

   Two million people are many, but in the ocean of tens of millions of people, they were swallowed up in an instant...

  All the people in the justice team felt like they had hit cotton with a punch. They had imagined a lot of scenes. But I didn't expect this to be the case. A random person came out, his identity was not stated, and everyone in the justice team was completely ignored by a single sentence.

   "No, no, no..."

   "You can't do this!"

   "Let the chairman of Recovery Group come out and talk to us personally!"

   "You dare to fight against two million people?"

   "Don't you care about democracy?"

"Do not!"

   "You can't do this!"


   Everyone in the justice group exploded. After all the hard work to come to Hawaii, the plane ticket alone cost tens of thousands. In this sentence, don't even have a little chance and hope?

   No one cares about them. It's time to board the ship!

   No one thought that the world would collapse into the well-known justice group... Originally expected that they would at least make waves, but now, they have not even made any ripples.

   So many days, so many people. As a result, everything was wasted in Jiang Sheng's sentence. No one cares about them.

   And a few days later, maybe they will understand. To cancel their qualifications directly, is it not protecting them?

   The frog at the bottom of the well will never understand how big the sky is.

   They also can’t imagine how the strong in this world surpasses everyone’s imagination...

   ‘oh oh oh—’

   Ship after ship keep going to sea. Go in the direction of Origin Island.

  Recovery Group only takes part. However, the location of Origin Island was announced. Allow the rest who want to participate in the competition, they can go by themselves.

   only half a day!

  In just half a day, all the cruise ships were full.

  All the helicopters also took off with full load. Of course, there will be a **** competition for seats. This will not be described too much.

   The people from the Recovery Group left, only a million people were picked up. This island left 30 million people who were unable to board the ship. There are also hundreds of corpses of ‘Missed’ on the beach...

   just said that when the recovery group left, it also conveyed a message-tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, all the players will cross the sea from the origin island to the recovery island.

   Tomorrow is three o'clock in the afternoon, which is the fourth day.

   As usual, the Recovery Group will not give ordinary players any chance to fix it. There is no chance to rest. All you need is the strong.

   Everyone is stupid.

   It's three o'clock this afternoon, just the third day.

   just cut off the recovery group said, waiting for the three-day rule in Hawaii.

   And tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, the game will officially start?

   Everyone in the world feels a little caught off guard. All this is too fast!


   Registration from tenth time. To the three-day collection.

   Then... After only one day, the game started directly?

   Under the sunset, countless yachts were full of contestants, including athletes, champions, underground black boxers, mercenaries, and killers.

   There are also existences that ordinary people cannot understand...

   broke through the waves and landed on Origin Island!

   From this moment on, the last strong man really unfolded.

   Origin Island is just a desert island with a radius of no more than 30 kilometers. It will accommodate millions of contestants waiting here for 24 hours.

   From the moment everyone logs on to Origin Island, the truly dark side of this world will be completely revealed in everyone's eyes.

  They will know that the chaos in Hawaii...maybe nothing at all.


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