followed an order. Millions of people boiled over the entire Origin Island.


   The people in the first row, as if they were crazy, jumped out of the sea against the waves.

   is only ten seconds, hundreds of thousands of people have gone to sea. From different directions of the entire Origin Island, different corners of the sea went into the sea.

   Among hundreds of thousands of people, at least 80% are wearing life jackets, and they also bring their own various equipment.

   One minute later.

   The entire sea was occupied by swimmers.

   I couldn't even see the sea at a glance, I could only see the appearance of the contestants fluttering in the sea.

  Someone is wearing flippers.

   too much, even webbed hands.

   was too much, even took a snorkeling oxygen cylinder.

  The people in the first row are comfortable, but the people behind have entered the Shura Field. It's called crowding people next to people. With such a high density, let alone swimming, it is estimated that I can't even walk.

   So, hundreds of thousands of people got stuck in the sea, and many people drowned in the sea because of the crowd.

   "Help me! Help me!"

   A U.S. national was hit back and forth in the sea, crying for help constantly. He could have struggled out, but no matter how many people were behind him, they swam directly from above him, one by one, and even the heartbroken, and pushed him in.

   Just calling for help for more than a minute, the American man began to sink into the sea with all his strength.

  Before he lost consciousness, he saw in all directions, countless people fell as weak as him...

   As soon as the sea crossing contest started, he entered the Shura venue directly.

   At this time, Olip, the key to the former world freestyle, is now fully dressed. He glanced at Phelps, who was swimming forward very quickly, with some trepidation, and murmured: "You are the real enemy."

   With a ‘punk’, he plunged directly into the sea from a place where there were few people.

As soon as    entered the sea, he was like a white stripe in the waves, using the power of his hand webs and fins to paddle forward wildly. The speed even surpasses the speed of a normal person running on land.

   They are swimming champions, even without the help of any tools, they can swim at a superhuman speed. Not to mention that the power of fins and hand webs is now also used, which makes the speed increase geometrically.

   Ordinary people have no ability to catch up with them.

   While he was swimming fast, Olip suddenly felt a cold in his stomach, and a sharp pain hit his whole body.

   Under the swimming goggles, Olip’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked down at his stomach. However, a two-foot-long hole was cut out of the belly. The intestines and blood are being squeezed out due to the pressure of the sea water.



   Olip screamed in horror, trying to reach out and cover his stomach. But at this time, I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

   The neck began to bleed too.

   At this moment, Olip heard an indifferent voice in his ear:

   "Swim fast? Fuck, go to death!"

  Olipp turned his head hard, only to see a big white man looking at him ferociously, and a butterfly knife in his hand was inserted into his chest again.

  Olipp was scared crazy: "NO!"

   "Help, help."

   "It's killing. Oh, help, it's killing, it's killing here..."

   screamed while Olip struggled to escape. But the ankle was grabbed with one hand, and before he had time to react, he just felt a pain in the bend of the knee.

   looked back, only to see that the man used the sharp butterfly knife directly into his knee bend. Severed ligaments and hamstrings. Olip suddenly lost consciousness and control with one leg. He screamed, and the other foot was also grabbed.


   Olip whimpered and made a pleading sound. He wanted to let this person see him pitifully and let him go. But he thinks too much. None of those who can come here are law-abiding citizens.

   The man smiled and took off a pair of webbed feet from his feet, and said coldly:

   "I was missing a pair of fins when I came, and I didn't expect you to get it together. Oh, how fast is it to swim, is this a competition you can participate in?"

   said, put the fins on his feet, and quickly walked away.

   Olip lost control of his legs, and his hands swayed frantically in the water: "Help... Gurulu... Help, help..."

   "Save me, save me, ohhh. Save me..."

   At this time, a man with an Asian face swam by, and Olip seemed to have grabbed the last life-saving straw, and slapped the water with his hands frantically to keep himself from sinking:

   "Help me, help me...oooooooooo..."

   "Help me, take me ashore. Save me..."

   The man glanced at Olip and raised his brows: "Huh? Webbed hands?"

   said and swam over, regardless of Olip’s struggle and cry for help, he pulled out a long knife that was pinned to his back. ‘Puff Puff’ passed through the water in one fell swoop.

   Olip was hit by a knife and suddenly lost consciousness. He was vague, he could only see the person holding one of his hands, taking off the webbed hand in his palm and going away.

   Olip sinks slowly. I can't move both hands and legs, but desperately watching myself get farther and farther from the water...

   I, the former world champion in swimming, eventually drowned in the shallow sea...

   This was his last thought before he died.

   And just as everyone was struggling to swim forward, at this moment, dozens of people suddenly accelerated. They quickly surpassed the second group of people and moved towards the first group of squares at the forefront.

   Everyone was shocked.

   "Oumaika. How do they swim so fast?"

   "Machine! It's a machine!"

   "Fuck, they cheated."



In front of   , dozens of people wearing fins are constantly swinging in the water, but in their hands, they are holding an ‘underwater booster’. With underwater boosters and flippers, these people can swim faster than even the world champions.

   What's more, they are not tired at all like this.

   At the forefront, a young man from an island country swam forward holding a powerful underwater booster, and soon surpassed countless people. He glanced back and sneered:

   "Hehehe...this is the difference between humans and beasts. Humans can use tools...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

   was talking, the young man suddenly let out a creepy scream.

He looked back, only to see a man wearing fins and a waterproof mask swimming behind him, and suddenly he copied a spear from behind aimed at his back door, a spear Just got stuck.

   The young man can even feel the cold spear, the touch in his stomach...

   "Ah ah ah ah. Ba Ga, Ba Ga, Ooo, Ba Ga..."

   The young man screamed in horror. I just saw the person behind me indifferently glanced at myself, and also sneered in Japanese:

   "Swim so fast? Come back to me!"

   said, pulling the spear back.

   ‘Puff’... a sense of tearing.

   "Ah yo——"

   The young man let out a weird scream, rolled his eyes and began to fall into the sea.

   The people behind him swam over, drew out the spear, and snatched the underwater propeller he was holding. Replace him, swim forward...

   Three minutes later.

   The sea is red.

   is a sea of ​​blood!

   The real sea of ​​blood!

   In a place where there is no supervision, when everyone is rushing forward. The cruelest aspect of human nature is reflected.

   In this sea, there are people who kill for equipment.

   There are people who kill people in order to compete for rankings.

   There are people who kill because of crowding.

   There are people who kill people because they are jealous of others swimming fast.

   Three minutes after being in the water, there were thousands of sunken corpses on the bottom of the sea...

  The shallow sea near the origin island was completely red with blood.

   All the swimmers are crazy and frightened. They thought they could get bonuses as long as they swim fast. They all believe that everyone speaks martial arts ethics and everyone has moral qualities. Should no one dare to slaughter such a fair and honest massacre, right?

   It turns out that they were wrong...

   However, this is just the beginning!


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