Finally, Zhan Bowen couldn't beat Zhan Yan. If he didn't agree, Zhan Yan would kneel in the garden until he agreed. He had no way to take Zhan Yan, so he agreed to the marriage.

Fortunately, Fu Yunting and his wife promised him that they would show their face well and would not let her suffer a little injustice.

The marriage between Fu Zhan and his family is naturally extremely luxurious.

Zhan Yan, wearing a white wedding dress, walked slowly into the church in the eyes of people's blessing. The white dress was dotted with thousands of broken diamonds, flashing a dazzling light in the sunlight. The white veil covered her face with a happy smile.

The door of the church was closed from the inside. When the last ray of sunshine was blocked by the ruthless door, the bride had come to the bridegroom.

As another protagonist today, Fu Beichen, dressed in a black suit handmade in Italy, was solemn and awe inspiring, revealing his natural dignity and momentum.

The thin lips slightly curved an arc, at least on the surface, he seemed in a good mood.

The wooden chair behind him was filled with representatives of the city's dignitaries. As the most famous figure in G City, no one did not give him face on such an important day as his marriage.

"Ms. Zhan Yan, are you willing to marry Mr. Fu Beichen, live with him according to the teachings of the Bible, become one with him before God, love him, comfort him, respect him and protect him as you love yourself. Whether he is ill or healthy, rich or poor, remain loyal to him until he leaves the world?"

The priest's low voice echoed in the huge church. No one spoke. Everyone waited patiently for the protagonist's response.

"Yes, I will."

Zhan Yan's voice was tight, and Fu Beichen's deep eyes suddenly flashed a strange look.

"Mr. Fu Beichen, are you willing to take Ms. Zhan Yan as your wife, live with her according to the teachings of the Bible, become one with her before God, love her, comfort her, respect her and protect her as you love yourself. Whether she is ill or healthy, rich or poor, remain loyal to her until she leaves the world?"

Fu Beichen did not respond.

Zhan Yan hesitated to look at him, but suddenly looked into Fu Beichen's dark and unfathomable eyes, and his heart began to cool uncontrollably.

A few whispers burst out in the packed church. Although they didn't know what had happened, the sensitive crowd still noticed the difference between the bride and groom.

Fu Beichen's thin lips opened slightly, and the voice had not yet come out——

A pleasant mobile phone bell was ringing. Everyone looked at each other and wondered who was so short-sighted on such an important day. The mobile phone didn't vibrate. If Fu Beichen's wedding was disturbed, I'm afraid it wouldn't be easy.

Just heard that Fu Beichen was not very satisfied or even disgusted with the bride who grew up together.

Only they know the reason!

Just when everyone was confused, Fu Beichen took out his mobile phone from his pocket, answered the phone and said, "I'll be right there!"

The priest hesitated to look at what happened in front of him. He couldn't help sweating on his forehead. No wonder he had a bad hunch when he went out in the morning that if the wedding fell into his own hands——

That's amazing!

"Fu Shao, it's your turn to answer the wedding oath!"

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