Venerable Ananda can be regarded as an eminent monk in Tianzhu, and he is absolutely powerful!

But he couldn't even catch a move from the young man in front of him!

In an instant, the remaining eight bald donkeys in gold and silver were beating fast and their legs were shaking slightly.

Everyone remembers what the World Honored One said

"The place outside the territory is where heaven-defying opportunities and fatal crises coexist. The real crisis does not lie in the ancient creatures!"

"The real crisis is people!"

"Anyone who dares to go outside the territory will have no trouble. Although it is difficult to encounter them, once you encounter them, try not to provoke them!"

When they were preparing to enter this extraterrestrial place, these terrifying rumors were already known to everyone.

But these bald donkeys thought that with Venerable Ananda around, there would be no accidents.

Now that Ananda was easily killed, what happened before them Young people still look careless

"Senior, I was blind just now, no offense intended."

"Sparing the young monk a humble life can be regarded as accumulating immeasurable merit."

The slightly fat Tianzhu monk who had just commanded Han Xuyi was crying and begging for his life in fear.

Although the other monks were frightened, they were not so weak, and seemed to regard death as home.

In their opinion, Han Xu must be a super old monster who has been practicing for many years.

This kind of old monster is violent, cruel and murderous. If it falls into his hands, it will not end well.

Suddenly, one of them seemed to have thought of something, but immediately Then he shook his head helplessly.

It was all about death anyway, so why beg for mercy!

People who practice martial arts are somewhat bloody, and these Tianzhu monks are naturally the same.

Han Xu walked back and forth confidently, and he had already learned these things people

"Humph, another meritorious deed! Another hypocritical and dirty word used by Buddhism to confuse people!"

"If saving your life is a merit, then I don’t want this merit today, so what can I do!"

Having said that, Han Xu waved his hand!

A pure white bolt was thrown directly into the fat monk's face.


In an instant, the fat monk's entire body became distorted, and all his bones were shattered, causing a numbing sound.

The fat monk is dead!


The remaining seven monks' hearts tightened and they gasped!

Although he had already regarded death as home just now, no one can be truly calm and indifferent in the face of death.

Suddenly, all the monks unconsciously took a step back, without even noticing it themselves.

"A group of Tianzhu bald donkeys still want to take away my treasure?"

"If you don't tell me some news that interests me, you won't be able to die today!"

Han Xu moved his hands according to his heart and cast the Six Souls Terror Curse.

He raised his hand a little, and his true power burst out. At this moment, everyone felt that their souls were shattered and their livers and gallbladders were... This is the natural enemy, here is the ultimate Horrible!

This is a real insect-eating body, thousands of ants searching for the soul!

What is death?

At this moment, death is relief, comfort, and bliss!

"I repeat, I want to hear something useful!"

Han Xu's unhurried voice sounded again. This is the only hope for relief for this group of monks in hell!

"I say, I say, I say it all!"

"Senior, spare me!"

"I've hired them all!"


Han Xu waved his hand and retracted the Six Souls Fear Curse.

All the monks' faces were pale, without a drop of blood. Their faces were full of exhaustion and decadence, their arms were loose and their heads were drooped.

For a moment, everyone realized that the ground they were stepping on was so solid.

"Say it!"

Han Xu shouted sternly, and these monks came back to their senses.

Then, these monks were all dragged out, hiding nothing, but telling them everything they knew.……

"Senior, we have all said it, can you give me a way to survive?"

"You don't deserve to survive!"

After Han Xu finished speaking, he turned around suddenly, and his breath rioted!

In just a moment, all the monks lost their breath and died completely.

Han Xu walked towards a secluded place while meditating.

It turns out that the Tianzhu monks did not come from experience when they entered the outside world. , their purpose is to hunt down the little princess of the Asura clan!

According to the information provided by the system, the Asura clan in Tianzhu is closely related to the Jiuli clan in the Central Plains in ancient times. Later, they went to Tianzhu for some reason and were People call them the Asura clan.

This clan is extremely powerful and has countless masters. They have been fighting for hegemony with Buddhism in Tianzhu, but they failed in the end. The Asura clan was massacred, and only a few clansmen and their little princess escaped. Come out.

However, these things have nothing to do with Han Xu, and he does not want to participate in them. At most, he will just kill some of these disgusting bald donkeys after meeting the Tianzhu monk.


After a while, Han Xu came to a quiet place surrounded by clouds, mist and thick trees.

The so-called Star Tianyuan Fruit is a rare divine object. It uses the power of the boundless starlight in the vast sky to gather calmness and concentration to protect the purity of the heart!

The main purpose of taking this product is not to increase one's power. The main purpose of taking this product is to protect the spiritual platform from being possessed by evil spirits.

This function seems a bit useless, but for reaching Han Xu's current state, it's a godsend!

The higher the realm, the more mysterious the technique becomes, and it is especially easy to become obsessed with it if you study it painstakingly.

Throughout the ages, there have been many amazingly talented and beautiful people who have broken the records of many predecessors, but in the end they became obsessed and became half-crazed and half-stupid useless people.

Now with the Star Tian Yuan Fruit, all this can be easily solved!

Of course, such a divine item brought significant improvements to Han Xu.

Han Xu sat cross-legged, held his breath and concentrated, and refined it after a moment.

In addition to the clarity of the spiritual platform, his power has also been greatly increased!


Han Xu exhaled a long breath after finishing his practice, feeling refreshed.

"This foreign land really has endless opportunities. If it can continue like this for a long time, wouldn't it be……"

Suddenly, when he said this, Han Xu frowned.

Opportunities come with dangers, and now the dangers are coming!

There were bursts of roaring sounds from the southwest, like mountain torrents and thunder!

"It is impossible for such a large-scale collapse and natural crisis to occur in a place outside the territory that has always been blessed with beautiful things."

"To be able to arouse such a momentum, they must be wild and ferocious beasts, and there are extremely many of them!"

Immediately, Han Xu came to a conclusion!

Han Xu did not intend to escape, but waited in place.

At this time, the ferocious beast had appeared!

The four corners of its head were like human faces, and they were like all the ancient beasts!

And they were in groups! , visually estimated to be thousands of them, all looking like crazy, running in formation!

Like a flash flood and a tsunami, huge rocks shattered, ancient trees were broken, and everything was in a mess!

Even some slightly short mounds were They were swept away in one fell swoop.

These thousands of wild beasts running wildly are just a group of destroyers. Nothing can resist this wild torrent!

And I don’t know when, Han Xu has been locked, and all the beasts are rushing to Han. The story comes, smoke and dust billowing!

"It seems that there is no way to avoid this battle!"

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