On the white jade platform.

Su Chen tasted the tea leisurely, and was not surprised by everyone's discussions.

It wasn't until the voices in the hall gradually stopped that he said slowly

"It seems that none of you believe that Jiang Beihe would do such a thing. "

"But everyone in the rivers and lakes knows the Jiangnan hero Jiang Beihe, and how many people really know him?"

"Jiang Beihe, whose real name is Jiang Qin, was just a companion of Jiang Feng back then. "

"But Jiang Feng has a kind personality and has been together for a long time, and he has long regarded Jiang Qin as his family. "

Later, when Jiang Qin became an adult, Jiang Feng let him go free, and made a lot of money on his own to help Jiang Qin open a household in Jiangnan. "

This is the later Jiang Beihe. "

But what Jiang Feng didn't know was that Jiang Beihe was gentle and kind on the surface, but secretly he was a complete hypocrite. "

"After he gained a firm foothold in Jiangnan, he secretly planned the 'dart silver theft case', which caused the Double Lion Dart Game to be wiped out. "

"The rivers and lakes only know that Jiang Beihe is righteous and squandering money, but they don't know that all those goods are stained with the blood of the double lion dart master. "

And the most shameless thing about Jiang Beihe is that he always holds a grudge against Jiang Feng in his heart. "

He thought that he had been Jiang Feng's scholar as a lifelong shame, and he had to kill Jiang Feng to relieve his heart. "

"After Jiang Feng and Hua Yuenu lived in seclusion, in order to keep it secret, they only told the location to a few people close to them, and one of them was Jiang Beihe. "

Jiang Beihe had a poisonous plan because of this, and used this information to attract the twelve astrological aspects, which finally caused the tragedy of Jiang Feng's destruction. "

And he himself remained out of the way, and no one could suspect him. "



The hall was silent.

Su Han's words have been down for a long time, but everyone still hasn't come back to their senses.

Because the amount of information in these words is so great that they feel their heads buzz after listening to them.

Jiang Beihe's shamelessness is far beyond everyone's imagination.

This is no longer a matter of planning the murder case behind the scenes, but a betrayal of the old master, and revenge, and even a wolf's heart and lungs are not an exaggeration!

In the eyes of everyone, Jiang Feng can be said to be benevolent and righteous to Jiang Beihe, and what the ancient gentlemen did was nothing more than that.

Even at Jiang Feng's most critical moment, he told Jiang Beihe his location, which shows his trust in Jiang Beihe.

And Jiang Beihe was not only grateful, but resentful of Jiang Feng, and even plotted behind his back, causing Jiang Feng to be destroyed.

For a while, the crowd in the hall was excited, and everyone was eager to crush Jiang Beihe's bones and scatter ashes

"Oh my God! I can't imagine that this Jiang Beihe is sanctimonious on the surface, but he is so insidious and vicious behind the scenes. "

"I suspected before, where did this Jiang Beihe get so much wealth, it turns out that he has secretly done all the things that lack virtue, and all this silver is stained with blood!"

"Back then, the Double Lion Dart Bureau was destroyed because of the loss of dart silver, and it was all caused by this Jiang Beihe. "

"This Jiang Beihe is simply a white-eyed wolf who can't be raised, Jiang Feng treats him so well, but he will take revenge!"

"It's a shame that I really regarded Jiang Beihe as a 'hero' before, such a sinister villain, it's not a pity to die. "

"If Mr. Su is well exposed, he should let a sinister villain like Jiang Beihe be ruined, so that he can be happy. "

"Phew! Such a sinister villain, everyone will be punished, if he doesn't die, the entire Daming rivers and lakes will be responsible. "

"Made! It's because of this Jiang Beihe that my Ming First Divine Sword and Yulang Jiang Feng have all been destroyed. "


The fifth private room on the south side of the third floor.

Ah Fei slapped the table and said angrily: "I can't imagine that there is such a shameless person in the world, if I touch him, I will kill him!"

Li Xunhuan raised the flask and took a sip, shaking his head at Ah Fei's angry behavior.

If it were twenty years ago, he would have been as angry as Ah Fei, and even ran to do chivalrous deeds.

But now he has long been smoothed out, just a prodigal son who is at ease with what he encounters.


On the white jade platform.

Su Han shook the folding fan lightly, and without waiting for everyone's discussion to end, he continued:

"Jiang Beihe's shamelessness is far more than that. "

He clinged to power and took the initiative to cling to Liu Xi, the governor of the East Factory. "

He knew that Liu Xi had a goddaughter, so he ruthlessly left his pregnant wife and became Liu Xi's son-in-law instead. "

Over the years, Jiang Beihe has completely become Liu Xi's minion, and secretly helped him kill many people in the rivers and lakes. "

"But a villain like Jiang Beihe will never be loyal to anyone. "

Although he is Liu Xi's son-in-law, he has been out there countless times, and even has an illegitimate daughter. "

The illegitimate daughter and her mother went to Jiang Beihe's house, and Jiang Beihe brutally drove them out. "

Later, Liu Xi entrusted Jiang Beihe to find the legendary treasure of the rivers and lakes, but he never thought that he would really get it. "

But Jiang Beihe did not hand over the six god dice, but hid them privately. "

This shows the man's capriciousness and wolf ambition. "

"A sinister and cunning hypocrite like Jiang Beihe, to be honest, is rare in the entire Daming rivers and lakes. "

"The only one who can be compared with Jiang Beihe is probably the Long Xiaoyun who is known as 'Yi Bo Yuntian'. "

As soon as these words came out, there was another uproar in the hall.

Jiang Beihe actually joined Liu Xi and became Liu Xi's godson-in-law.

This secret news shattered the three views of a group of high-rollers.

Defecting to the imperial court or being an eagle dog in Dongchang is simply a taboo in the rivers and lakes.

Even in order to marry Liu Xi's goddaughter, he abandoned his wife and drove his illegitimate daughter out of the house, showing his meanness and coolness to the fullest.

Especially when he heard that Jiang Beihe secretly helped Liu Xi to kill the people in the rivers and lakes, it made everyone grit their teeth with hatred.

They thought that Jiang Beihe was already shameless, but they didn't expect it to be even more shameless.

But after listening to Su Han's last sentence, everyone was a little confused.

Why do you say that there is a dragon roaring cloud?

This Long Xiaoyun is also a well-known figure in the Daming Jianghu.

Like Jiang Beihe, he is second-rate in martial arts, has a first-class reputation for chivalry, and is extremely generous.

Almost everyone knows that there is a Xingyunzhuang in the north, and there is a dragon and a fourth master in Xingyunzhuang, who is kind and charitable, righteous and wealthy, and has friends all over the world.

Therefore, there is often a saying in the rivers and lakes that 'don't crane in the south, and howling clouds in the north'.

Now Jiang Beihe has collapsed to the point that he can no longer collapse the house.

Backstabbing the old master, ungrateful, Tianxing is cold, attached to Dongchang, and mutilates the rivers and lakes...

Taken together, these crimes are light to say that they are ruined and discredited, and they have reached the point where everyone spurns them and everyone shouts and beats them.

Could it be that this dragon roaring cloud is also a raccoon dog?

A bad premonition appeared in the hearts of all the high-rollers in the hall.

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