As soon as Murong Fu said these words, everyone in the hall nodded.

Then everyone focused their attention on Su Chen.

At that time, Murong Bo was very famous in the world of Song Dynasty and had a wide range of friends.

Although he died suddenly and violently, the Murong family in Gusu held a grand funeral and invited experts from all walks of life.

It can be said that Murong Bo's body was buried in the cemetery in full view of the public.

This is completely different from Xie Xiaofeng's disappearance.

Therefore, everyone could not accept the fact that Murong Bo was still alive.

On the white jade stage.

After hearing Murong Fu's plea, Su Chen felt the expectant eyes of everyone and said slowly:

"The rules for inclusion in the King of Martial Arts Ranking are that you must be a living person"

"Since Murong Bo is ranked eighth on the list of King of Martial Arts in the Song Dynasty, it naturally means that he is still alive."

"As for why he faked his death and where he is now, it is related to a murder case thirty years ago."

"This case is not the topic of today’s chat, and Su should not comment in detail."

"However, as Mr. Murong is the son of the listed martial king Murong Bo, if he persists in his request, Su can also make some comments."

As soon as these words came out, everyone burst into applause.

This can be regarded as an unwritten rule in the Snow Bookstore.

Su Chen is only responsible for commenting on the established topics.

But there is one exception, that is, the requester comments for the list. For example, when he reviewed the Rouge List before, he answered the mysteries of life experience for several Rouge Beauties.

Although Murong Fu was not on the list, he was the son of King Wu Murong Bo who was on the list.

And he was also asking about Murong Bo. , naturally conforms to this unwritten rule.

Next, let’s see if Murong Fu dares to ask further questions.

After all, there are lessons learned from A’Zhu, Wang Yuyan and others.

Knowing some truths may not be a good thing


In front of the railing on the third floor.

Murong Fu said loudly without any hesitation:

"Please tell Mr. Su all the truth about my father."

He did not hesitate.

When Murong Bo died, he was only a few years old, and he had to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the Murong family.

In the past thirty years, he has been living a very hard life. Not only did he have to support the prestige of the Murong family, but he also had to The great cause of restoring the country as taught by the Murong family's ancestors was running around.

He didn't know how many nights he spent, thinking that it would be great if his father was still alive.

But now he was told that Murong Bo was still alive! He had been alive for thirty years, and even reached the level of King Wu. Realm.

So what does all the suffering he has suffered in the past thirty years count?

He can't understand it at all.

What kind of hardships allowed Murong Bo to pretend to die for thirty years without any news, not even contact with his biological son.

Even to The entire Murong family did not care, and all the burdens were placed on his young shoulders.

Therefore, Murong Fu must know the truth, even if the answer is not what he expected.

On the white jade table, the tea cup in Su Chen's hand was imperceptible. He sighed softly, and then said loudly:

"Since Mr. Murong insists on asking, Su will comment in detail here."

"Regarding this matter, we must first start with the origin of the Murong family in Gusu."

"The Murong family of Gusu in the Song Dynasty was not actually from the Central Plains, but was a descendant of the Xianbei royal family who founded the Yan Kingdom."

"Therefore, the Murong family in Gusu has always had an ancestral motto, which is to revive the Yan Kingdom. The masters of the Murong family have always had this goal."

"After Murong Bo became famous, he made friends with powerful figures everywhere in order to revive the Yan Kingdom and strengthen his power."

"However, at that time, Song and Liao were on good terms with each other, and the war was not prosperous. The situation in the Song Dynasty was stable, and there was no opportunity for the Yan Dynasty to take advantage of it."

"In order to provoke disputes between Song and Liao, Murong Bo planned the Yanmen Pass Murder Case that shocked the world."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall suddenly showed a look of horror.

No one thought that commenting on Murong Bo would bring out such shocking secrets.

The Murong family in Gusu is not of Central Plains blood, but a descendant of the Murong family in Xianbei , and have been thinking about restoring the country.

This sounds like a fantasy to everyone.

The Yan Kingdom has been dead for hundreds of years, and they are still thinking about restoring the country.

But what shocked everyone is that back then The Yanmen Pass murder case was actually planned by Murong Bo.

Although this incident has passed thirty years ago, it is still often mentioned in the Song Dynasty.

Because the impact of this murder case was too great.

The two countries of Song and Liao had decades of peace. , it was broken.

Three hundred thousand Khitan cavalry broke through the border and swept across the Central Plains. Unknown how many border people died as a result.

And the most important thing is that no one knows how the Yanmen Pass murder happened.

Could it be that this incident has been sealed in dust for thirty years? Is the truth about the murder case going to be made public today?

For a moment, everyone in the hall started talking:

"Oh my God! The Yanmen Pass murder case was actually planned by Murong Bo behind the scenes?"

"Such a cunning and cunning Murong Bo actually planned the Yanmen Pass Massacre in order to provoke a dispute between Song and Liao."

"It is said that in the Yanmen Pass murder case, a key figure of the Liao Kingdom was killed, which made the Liao Kingdom start the war at all costs."

"Murong Bo's plan was indeed successful. After the Yanmen Pass Massacre broke out, there was no longer peace between Song and Liao, only the innocent people on the border were pitied."

"Damn it, Murong Bo, had he ever thought about the millions of Central Plains people who died innocently and tragically in the war between Song and Liao?"

"It’s in vain that I still have some admiration for Murong Bo. I didn’t expect this person to be so sinister and vicious. Mr. Su did a good job of exposing him!"

"This Murong Bo is not from the Central Plains. Naturally, he will not show mercy to the deaths of the people in the Central Plains. He should be cut into pieces by a thousand swords."


In front of the railing on the third floor.

Murong Fu was completely stunned.

I never expected that things would develop to this point.

Su Chen directly exposed all the background of his Murong family, and even charged Murong Bo with a heinous crime.

Behind the scenes, he planned the Yanmen Pass Massacre with the intention of provoking a dispute between Song and Liao.

This one crime alone is enough to plunge the Murong family into a state of eternal doom.

And the truth of the Yanmenguan murder case has not yet been exposed.

A feeling of fear emerged from his heart.

Because the current situation is no longer under his control.

"Please continue to comment, Mr. Su, and expose the truth behind the Yanmen Pass murder case!"

"Those people who died tragically at the hands of Khitan cavalry need this truth."

At this moment, a sonorous and powerful voice came from another private room.

It came from Wang Chongyang.

As a hero who had fought against the Jin Dynasty all his life, he was undoubtedly very angry at Murong Bo's behavior. He was even more eager to Do you know what the truth behind the Yanmen Pass murder case is?

As soon as these words came out, they also received responses from all the Song Dynasty people in the hall, and they all agreed:

"Please Mr. Su expose the truth behind the Yanmenguan murder case!"

"Please Mr. Su expose the truth behind the Yanmenguan murder case!"

"Please Mr. Su expose the truth behind the Yanmenguan murder case!"


On the white jade stage.

Su Chen looked indifferent, first took a sip of tea, and then said slowly:

"The Yanmen Pass murder case was a conspiracy carefully planned by Murong Bo"

"First of all, we need to mention a key figure, that is Xiao Yuanshan"

"He was originally a member of the Khitan clan, and was the commander-in-chief of the Shan army of Queen Xiao of the Liao Kingdom. Because he was trusted by the Empress Dowager of the Liao Kingdom, he was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Shan army."

"But his wife is from the Central Plains, and her youth was taught by the Han people from the Central Plains, so she has a great affection for the Central Plains and has been committed to the good-neighborly reconciliation between Song and Liao."

"The two countries of Song and Liao were at peace for decades, and much of it was due to Xiao Yuanshan's contribution to persuading peace in front of the Queen Mother of Liao."

"By chance, Murong Bo learned that Xiao Yuanshan was going to his father-in-law's house in Wuzhou, Song Dynasty to pay his birthday on the eighth day of September, so he hatched a plan."

"He rushed to the Shaolin sect to secretly meet with Shaolin abbot Xuanci, and lied about the Liao Kingdom sending masters to attack the Shaolin sect on the Double Ninth Festival and seize martial arts classics."

"At that time, Xuanci had just become the abbot. He felt that Murong Bo's reputation was great, so he believed his lies and immediately gathered a group of experts to strike first."

"So Xuanci personally became the 'leading brother', leading the Beggars Gang leader Wang Jiantong, Master Zhiguang, Zhao Qiansun,"Wansheng Sword" Wang Weiyi,"Earth Jue Sword" Huangshan Heyun Taoist, Shanxi Datong Prefecture"Iron Tower" Fang Nobita, Jiangxi's"Three Heroes of the Du Family" and other twenty-one masters rushed to Yanmen Pass as quickly as possible"

"Next is the outbreak of the Yanmenguan murder case."

"Xiao Yuanshan just went to the Central Plains to visit his relatives, and there were no guards around him, but his martial arts were very high."

"Witnessing the tragic death of his wife, Xiao Yuanshan became furious and broke his vow not to kill people from the Central Plains."

"In that battle, there was a rain of blood, and twenty-one top masters from the Central Plains made him kill seventeen people."

"The only four people left, Abbot Xuanci and Wang Jiantong, had their acupoints tapped, Zhiguang was knocked into a tree, and Zhao Qiansun fainted from fright."

"Xiao Yuanshan also woke up from the explosion, his murderous intention dissipated, leaving only full of sadness"

"His wife died tragically and his infant son also lost his breath. Xiao Yuanshan had no nostalgia for the world and jumped off the cliff with his son in his arms."

"And just after falling off the cliff, he suddenly discovered that his son was still breathing, so he used his last strength to throw his son up."

"After Xuanci and others unblocked the seal, they soon learned that the intelligence was wrong and felt deeply guilty for the manslaughter of Xiao Yuanshan's family."

"But because the matter was too ugly, if it spread, it would be a fatal blow to the reputation of several people, so the remaining four people tacitly chose to conceal the matter."

"Xuanci and Wang Jiantong were even more guilty, so they took the baby left by Xiao Yuanshan back and decided to join forces to teach them carefully as atonement."

"As for the identity of this baby, you may already have the answer."

"It was Qiao Feng who was the leader of both the Beggar Clan and the Shaolin Clan."

Su Chen finished his words, but there was still silence in the hall.

Under Su Chen's eloquent narration, the truth about the Yanmen Pass murder case that had been hidden for thirty years was completely revealed to everyone.

Everyone was shocked by this truth. It’s so bad.

Because there are so many amazing secrets contained in this short paragraph.

No one expected that the Abbot Xuanci of Shaolin and Wang Jiantong, the leader of the Beggar Clan, were involved in the Yanmen Pass murder case.

No one expected that Xiao Yuanshan would be so brave. So far, more than 20 of the top masters from the Central Plains were no match for him.

What's more, he never expected that Xuanci, the leader of the Shaolin sect's abbot Da Song Zhengdao and the leader of Yanmenguan, would actually commit this crime for his own fame and fortune. Hidden for thirty years.

What was even more unexpected was that the baby Xiao Yuanshan left behind was the current leader of the Beggar Clan,

Qiao Feng. Bei Qiao Feng, one of the double walls of the Song Dynasty and the future leader of the Song Dynasty, actually He is a Khitan.

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