The second private room in the South District

"Another mysterious strongman? More terrifying than the Monk Emperor? This, how many martial saints are there in the Han Dynasty?"

Bai Qing'er said incoherently.

Huanwan and Zhu Yuyan also had wry smiles on their faces.

The power of the Dahan Jianghu broke through the limits of their imagination time and time again, which made them a little numb.

Just when they thought the Dahan Jianghu only had search engines. During the time of the three martial saints, the Palace Master of the Divine Palace, the Demon Lord of the Demonic Heart Palace, and the

Master of the Tianmen Clan. The fourth family of divine beasts suddenly took action, known as the head of the four great families of divine beasts, and one of the driving forces behind the Qianqiu catastrophe.

Just before them When they were surprised that a Buddhist martial sage like the Monk Emperor appeared in the world of Han Dynasty, a mysterious strong man was exposed who made the Monk Emperor think that he was far superior to himself.

Now no one can be sure whether this mysterious strong man will be better in the future. A new Martial Saint appears again. Everyone is even more uncertain about the rankings of the Martial Saints from other dynasties such as the Palace Master of Sou Shen Palace, the Demon Master of Demon Heart Palace, the Master of Tianmen Clan, the Great Master, and the new mysterious strong man. After all,

There is just one person who is supreme without ranking.

However, there are many martial saints in the Han Dynasty, and each of them seems to have extraordinary abilities.

Everyone really wants to know which of these martial saints is strong and which one is weak.


The fourth private room in the east area.

Bu Jingyun stood up in shock, his eyes bursting with light.

His father Buyuanting was actually a participant in the Great Tribulation?

Or did the mysterious strong man come to invite him in person?


"This man was considered a figure thirty years ago, and was known as the number one swordsmith in the Han Dynasty."

"A person with no background has overwhelmed the two sword-making families of Sword Worship Villa and Sword Making City."

"Unexpectedly, he was the father of little brother Bu. He was born in the Bu clan of the nine great aristocratic families."

"In this way, it can explain why Buyuanting is so powerful."

The human-faced emissary sighed, obviously he had also heard of Bu Yuanting's name.

After listening to the human-masked emissary's words, Bu Jingyun couldn't help but have a few memories of his father in his mind.

As for his biological father Bu Yuanting, Bu Jingyun really He doesn’t have much memory.

He only knows that his father left a letter when he was not yet born, and then flew away.

His mother waited hard for three years, but what she came back with was a body that had changed beyond recognition.

But the strange thing is, He stood in front of Buyuanting's grave, but he didn't feel a trace of sadness.

It was as if the person buried in the tomb was not his biological father.

At that time, he only felt that he was cold-blooded and ruthless.

But now after listening to Su Chen's comments, he But another idea came to mind.

Could it be that his father was not dead?

Thinking like this, Bu Jingyun couldn't bear it anymore and stood up and walked out of the private room.

In front of the railing on the third floor, Bu Jingyun stood still, his eyes red. , raised his voice and said:

"I dare to ask Mr. Su, what did my father do after he went to Japan?"

"Now that he has broken the curse of forty years, is he alive or dead now?"

As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly became quiet.

Everyone was also very curious about this.

So far, all the participants of the Qianqiu Catastrophe can only see the tip of the iceberg of the Qianqiu Catastrophe.

The great swordsman has seen the power of future generations. Wuming was the one who prevented the Qianqiu catastrophe.

The master saw a blood moon rising from the land of Japan.

The Monk Emperor saw the birth of a peerless overlord in Japan, becoming the new emperor, and then launched a catastrophe.

The mysterious strong man gave Bu Yuanting a What is recorded in the secret scroll?

The Qianqiu Catastrophe has really touched everyone's heartstrings.

This is a catastrophe that has spread across the entire land of China, and everyone wants to know more details.

Thinking about this, everyone They all looked towards Baiyutai with bright eyes, hoping that Su Chen could answer


On the white jade stage.

Su Chen took a sip of tea, faced everyone's gaze, and said slowly:

"This Bu Yuanting can be considered a legendary figure and deserves comment."

"Since all fellow Jianghu people are curious, Su made a brief comment"

"He got a secret scroll from the mysterious strongman, which also recorded the tip of the iceberg of the great catastrophe."

"But what he saw was not a human being, but a divine weapon. To be precise, it was a world-destroying demonic weapon full of demonic nature and murderous intent."

"At the same time, he also saw a hexagram of heavenly secrets: immortality for eternity, ruthless calamity"

"These eight short words contain four peerless magic weapons."

"They are Qianqiu Sword, Immortal Sword, Great Tribulation Sword and Wuqing Sword."

"The Qianqiu Sword is a strange magical weapon born in the restricted area of ​​life [Sword World]. It is condensed by the sword intention of countless swordsmen in the world."

"The sword body is as illusive as emptiness, and in the brilliance, the spirit never dissipates, even if it has gone through thousands of years, it will not lose its brilliance."

"The Immortal Sword is the magical weapon used by the mythical powerhouse Amaterasu in Japan."

"This sword is said to have the power to create heaven and earth. The blade exudes awe-inspiring righteousness. It has accompanied Amaterasu in the north and south, making it the number one magic weapon in Japan."

"The Great Tribulation Sword was forged by a master swordsmith using miraculous magic, and was finally born after absorbing the thousand-year evil thoughts of Kunlun Mountain."

"As soon as this sword was born, it was fused with the king of the sword world, Mo Kui. The sword has a demonic heart and a murderous heart. It can be called a peerless magic sword."

"As for the last ruthless knife, it is a weapon that does not exist in this world."

"At the same time, it is also the world-destroying demonic weapon corresponding to the Qianqiu Catastrophe."

"Su Mou has said before that after receiving the reminder from the mirror, the mysterious former person used the method of reaching the sky to calculate the secrets of heaven and solved the mystery of the eternal catastrophe."

"In his calculation, the Great Tribulation consists of two parts:"

"One of them is the ruthless sword of the demonic soldier, which contains the most terrifying murderous intention and demonic thoughts in the world."

"The second one is the person who should be robbed, which can also be called the person who robs the heart of the eternal tribulation."

"Only by destroying Wu Qing first, and then destroying the person who robbed the heart, can we completely solve the Qianqiu catastrophe."

"In other words, if the ruthless sword cannot be used, the great catastrophe will never be resolved."

"So what the mysterious strong man entrusted Bu Yuanting to do was to rush to Japan and forge this ruthless sword of the world-destroying demon weapon."

"This is a helpless matter. If you want to save the world, you must first destroy it."

As Su Chen's words fell, the hall suddenly burst into excitement.

That mysterious strong man actually solved the mystery of the Qianqiu Catastrophe.

This Qianqiu Catastrophe happened in the future.

Lian Na has reached the realm of high-level Martial Saint The great swordsmen were helpless and could only forge two heroic swords to deal with it.

Including other strong martial saints, they could only see the tip of the iceberg of the Qianqiu Catastrophe.

But this mysterious strong man directly killed the Qianqiu Catastrophe. All the mysteries have been revealed.

How terrible is this?

Many people have come up with an extremely bold idea.

That is, the strength of this mysterious strong man is even higher than that of the high-level martial saint!

Only in this way can he defeat the monk The emperor entrusted the important task with such determination.

Only in this way can he easily uncover the mystery of the Qianqiu Tribulation.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

That was a high-level martial saint.

If such a thing really existed in the world A strong man, isn't it going to turn the world upside down? The power of the Martial Saint is already close to reaching the sky, and everyone really can't imagine how terrifying a strong man above the high-level Martial Saint can be.

And thanks to this mysterious strong man, everyone finally understands the great catastrophe of the Qianqiu More mysteries.

This Qianqiu catastrophe not only has the corresponding person who robs the heart, but also the corresponding demon soldier.

The Qianqiu will never be destroyed, and the catastrophe will be ruthless!

It’s just Su Chen’s response to the Qianqiu Sword, the Immortal Sword, and the Great Tribulation Sword. The comments of this magical weapon have already made everyone feel extremely horrified.

The Qianqiu Sword was born in the sword world.

The Immortal Sword is equipped with the strong God Amaterasu in Japanese mythology.

The Great Tribulation Sword is formed by absorbing the thousand-year-old demonic thoughts of Kunlun Mountain, the sacred mountain in the Central Plains.

No matter which one it is, it can be called an earth-shattering divine weapon. To be precise, it should be called a demon weapon.

Because they are all weapons related to the Great Tribulation.

What shocked everyone was that, as one of the nine restricted areas of life, The secrets of the sword world once again broke out.

Not only did this sword world give birth to the Qianqiu Sword with the sword intentions of countless swordsmen, but there was even a demon king known as the king in this sword world. This can't help but shock everyone?

The sword world does not exist in In this illusory world, what is this Demon Chief?

Is there still life in the sword world?

Is this person fused with the Great Tribulation Sword also a key figure in the Great Tribulation?

And what shocked everyone the most was The ruthless sword.

This sword is the real calamity-bearing demon weapon, the world-destroying demon weapon.

This sword does not exist in the world. When it appears, it will be the time when the Qianqiu catastrophe breaks out.

And the layout of that mysterious strong man is Yiyuan. Ting forged the ruthless sword and took the initiative to trigger the Qianqiu Catastrophe.

From this point of view, this mysterious strong man was also pushing for the Qianqiu Catastrophe to erupt.

But everyone can understand his original intention.

The Qianqiu Catastrophe is a destiny destiny and cannot be avoided. , they can only deal with it.

If they don’t fight this battle, they will leave it to future generations to fight.

Instead of doing this, it is better to take the initiative to trigger the Qianqiu Catastrophe and make a vigorous decision.

Just think that the Qianqiu Catastrophe is likely to happen in the next few years. Ten years have erupted, and everyone is inevitably excited.

For a moment, the entire hall exploded, and countless wealthy people in the world were talking about it:

"fear! Is this the ultimate secret to the Great Tribulation? That mysterious strong man was really worthy of breaking the mystery of the Qianqiu catastrophe."

"It seems that I still underestimated the power of this mysterious strong man. I am afraid that this person's strength is far higher than that of the great swordsman."

"It’s terrifying. I didn’t expect that there would still be such a terrifying strong man in this world, who would take the initiative to cause an eternal catastrophe and then destroy it."

"good! These are the passionate people like us. Since the great catastrophe is about to break out, let it happen. Why should we, the monks, bother to fight?"

"Did I hear that correctly? Isn’t the Sword Realm a land of nothingness? What kind of existence is Mo Kui, the king of the sword world?"

"I have a hunch that this demon leader must be extremely powerful. He has merged with the Great Tribulation Sword and will definitely appear in the Great Tribulation."

"Now Bu Yuanting went to Japan just to make the ruthless sword? Doesn’t that mean that the Great Tribulation is about to break out soon?"

"This is not necessarily the case. The Wuqingdao is a world-destroying magic weapon. How can it be so easy to make it?"

"It's hard to say, but the person who will rob the heart of the Great Tribulation is probably Hayato Tengyin. He is already at the peak of Sainthood. If the Merciless Sword is born again, the Great Tribulation will definitely break out."

"I'm so worried. Although the mysterious strong man has solved the mystery of the Qianqiu Catastrophe, he has not found a way to deal with it. Once the Qianqiu Catastrophe breaks out, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"This is a catastrophe for the entire China. We cannot place all our hopes on the Great Han Martial Saint."

"Yes, I believe that the combined power of China will be able to suppress the Qianqiu catastrophe!"


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