Martial Arts World

Chapter 150: Smart means

   The so-called not die will not die......

  Some people's mouths are chopped, don't look at where it is, is it the place where they magnify the cannons?

  People in the rivers and lakes speculated that Liu Zhengfeng had suddenly washed his hands in the golden basin. The most serious reason was that he provokes the enemy who should not provoke him. This is so as not to cause trouble to his family.

   Of course, no one knows how to think in the hearts of the people in the rivers and lakes, as long as they do not commit the taboo of the Hengshan School, some things can't be said to others.

   However, some people just have a bad mouth, and they have to send some big news to show their ability to enjoy the coquettish attention.

   I saw a middle-aged man suddenly saying aloud: "Brothers were in the three towns of Wuhan a few days ago, and they heard from Wu Linzhong's colleagues that Liu Sanye Jinpen washed his hands and withdrew from the martial arts.

   When everyone heard it, they immediately started to coax and asked why they were there.

Unexpectedly, another chunky man jumped out halfway and said roughly: "There are a lot of people who know about this matter, why do you pretend to be unpredictable? Everyone is saying that Liu Sanye only because the martial arts are too high, The popularity is so good that I have to wash my hands in a golden basin."

   He spoke very loudly, and all his eyes were concentrated in the teahouse. Several people asked in unison: "Why is the martial arts too high, the popularity is so good, you have to quit the martial arts, is this not surprising?"


  Lin Sha and Lin Pingzhi looked at each other, and they both saw something strange in the other person's eyes.

  Which one is really not open and which one is the one? Hengshan School's internal secret, is it your nameless generation who is qualified to talk nonsense?

  Linsha suspected that the short and fat man was the trust of the Songshan faction. He specialized in rumours and ruined the reputation of the Hengshan faction. When the Songshan faction resorted to thunder, he used public opinion pressure to force the rescue to be impossible.

  Yah, you and Liu Zhengfeng are in full swing, and suddenly jumped out when the Liu family was in trouble. Have you been peeping for a long time and prepared to embarrass Liu Zhengfeng?

   Sure enough, Lin Sha's eyes glanced at the corner of Mo Da's face sitting in a corner, and his already bitter face was more bitter.

   They secretly clenched the gun barrel and the hilt, and immediately flicked the ball when the situation was not good.

   has nothing to do with the Hengshan faction, besides, Mo Da always has to say something before him.

  Seeing the tea house attracted everyone's attention, the chunky man was full of pride, and he continued to make a big surprise without knowing his life and death: "People who don't know the inside naturally feel strange, but they are not surprised when they know it."

   Everyone was excited when they heard their faces, and they all immediately coaxed and said, "What's the inside story?"

   The chunky man still wanted to be pinched. Who would have been blushed by the crowd and said with a big neck: "Liu Sanye's golden basin washes his hands, that is to take care of the overall situation, so as to avoid a portal dispute in the Hengshan School."

   I cross, how dare you short guy!

   He clearly saw that Mo Da's hand holding Hu Qin, the bitterness on his face was even more obviously angry.

  Several rivers and lakes in the teahouse screamed: "What cares about the overall situation?" "What portal disputes?" "Do they have any opinions between their teachers and brothers?"

The chunky man proudly said: "Although the outsiders said that Liu Sanye is the second master of the Hengshan School, but the Hengshan School himself knows all the way up and down, Liu Sanye is on the 36th Road'Returning to the Wild Goose Sword' His attainments have already been much higher than those of the head Mr. Mo Da."

Speaking of which, he deliberately lowered his voice and said excitedly: "Mr. Mo Da can pierce three geese with one sword, but Liu Sanye can pierce five with one sword. The disciples under Liu San's door are all better than Mr. Mo Da Under the door. The situation is getting worse and worse. In a few years time, Mr. Mo Da’s momentum will surely put down Liu Sanye, and I heard that the two sides have collided several times in secret. Liu Sanye’s family is great, no I would like to compete with my brother for this false name, so I want to wash my hands with Jinpen, and then I will become a wealthy man."


Seeing that the chunky man couldn't speak more and more, Lin Sha couldn't sit still and couldn't stop shooting. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the chunky man with a cold voice reminder: "This brother pays attention to speaking and doesn't look at this place, Be careful and blaze from the mouth!"

   The sudden drink made the teahouse a little quiet, and then quickly clamored.

   "What role are you kid, what's the problem with our speech?"

   "Don't ignore this stunned young boy, let's continue with the endless topic just now!"

   "I'm so sullen, I can meet such a rookie who thinks that I don't know the sky and the earth!"


Some daring rivers and lakes were angry at Lin Sha, and accused him of being too busy. The fat man's face was even greener and red and ugly. Seeing everyone help him suddenly, he was proud. Xiang Linsha's eyes were full of disdain.

   Of course, he was afraid to ask Lin Sha for trouble.

   Although Lin Sha is only 15 years old at the moment, he is a six-foot tall ape-backed waist, a body of healthy meat supporting the blue stiff suit, and a body of blood and sharp eyes, which is not a good role to provoke.

And he worked in an iron cloth shirt to reach the summit of the peak. Although he is not as muscle-knotted as those who are purely foreigners, he is also exposed with a tendon and a fleshy that short The fat man is not a famous person in the rivers and lakes, otherwise he will not nest in such a humble little tea house to brag and fart, compare the age difference between the two sides, and decisively play the turtle and shrink his head.

   Of course, Lin Sha's voice is not without effect.

   Those who are not brave, or who have always been cautious and cautious in their actions, have no longer echoed. If no one reminds them, they don’t care. Anyway, the law does not blame the public. But now that Lin Shah has raised a wake-up call, if they don't know what's going on, they can't afford it if Hengshan sends this to find trouble from the beginning!

   "Why, do you have any opinions?"

Lin Sha's eyes were cold, and he slowly glanced at the uncomfortable men and women in the teahouse. His wrists flicked with his short gun and swept across the table with a scream of sorrow. I saw that the gunpoint was cold and flickering, no By the time the teahouse had reacted, the man of the rivers and lakes had responded and had stood upright.


  Lin Pingzhi cooperated with the table, and saw that the two tea bowls on the table were neatly divided into two and two halves, of which the upper half of the cup jumped on the tea table.


   The little teahouse sounded a breath of cold air, and several rude men who were still thinking about giving Lin Sha a profound lesson changed their faces. They sat one by one and dared not move.

   Such a method, they don’t say knowledge, that is, they haven’t heard much about it. Even if they get a shot, the fist-sized tea bowl is divided into two and it doesn’t hurt.

As for the people who admit the goods, their faces are dignified, and Lin Sha’s gaze reveals an undisguised shock. This unknown boy is a clever the majority of book friends to read, the latest and most The fastest and hottest serial works are available at mobile phone users, please read.

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