Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 242: Devour thunder and lightning

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Chapter 242 Consumes Thunder and Lightning

"This Wang Bowen is much better than when he was in Iron Clothes Lane."

Facing this knife, Cheng Feng felt a hint of danger.

In fact, this is normal. When Wang Bowen was in Tieyi Xiang, he had been suppressing cultivation for entering the secret place of Qianxue.

Now, he has gone to Qianxue's secret realm. Naturally, he no longer needs to suppress himself. He has generally reached the advanced level of Tianwu Realm with blowouts, and has even reached the peak of Tianwu Realm.

If Cheng Feng is facing Wang Bowen at this time, if there is no pressure, then it is strange.

Wang Bowen's iron knife slammed in, Cheng Feng blew up all the rivers of vitality, and met with a blue sky knife.


At the moment when the two swords hit each other, a burst of sword-filling intentions poured into Cheng Feng's body first, which not only made his whole body skin cut like a knife.

Even the flesh, bones, internal organs, etc. in the skin were severely cut by this knife, which caused faint pain.

This is the meaning of a knife, at least four to eight percent, and it is also mixed with the power of 'vacuum cutting'.

"Vacuum cutting! This is almost impossible to defend." Cheng Feng's face was frozen.

Om ~~~

After the vacuum cutting, a burst of violent thunder and lightning flew out of Wang Bowen's iron knife.

This knife was powerful and fierce, and suddenly rushed into Cheng Feng's eighty vital river defense, which poured into his body.

Beep beep!

At that moment, Cheng Feng's body was almost filled with thunder and lightning, his body beeped, and even his hair stood up.

It seemed that Cheng Feng would be killed by this terrible thunder and lightning on the spot.

However, in this case, the corner of Cheng Feng's mouth showed a strange smile instead.

Because at the moment when Wang Bowen's thunder knife rushed into his body, Cheng Feng suddenly flashed, and then the instinct of the purple thunder refining trick was exhibited. Absorbing, hammering and forging, just like hitting the iron, practised into the body.

This purple thunder refining formula is a supplementary method of a god-level top boxing martial art 'Thunder Cannon Boxing' obtained by Cheng Feng.

This exercise method is divided into seven layers. By absorbing and refining seven nine-day thunders, people have the same terror ability as the owner of Lei Wuhun.

By that time, Cheng Feng not only possesses physical power, but also possesses the physique of first-class Jiu Lei Wu soul.

However, although this method is good, it is not easy to practice.

Cheng Feng has never had a chance to practice since he got it. Until just now, Wang Bowen's thunder-knife surged into his body.

As a result, he made the right bet.

Wang Bowen's sword-killing strength can be used to cultivate the purple thunder.

Uh ...

Cheng Feng was wrapped in a sky full of thunder, and looked dangerous and dangerous.

Even Wang Bowen was startled, really afraid of Cheng Feng's problems, and hurriedly asked: "Cheng Feng ... are you okay?"

As a result, Wang Bowen had to withdraw his sword.

"I'm fine, Brother Wang, please continue!" But at this moment, Cheng Feng's voice came from Lei Guang, full of vitality, obviously unharmed.

"I'll just say that, with your strength, it's impossible for me to catch even a single knife."

Hearing Cheng Feng's voice, Wang Bowen smiled resolutely, and immediately said nothing, and the second knife was cut out arrogantly.

Wang Bowen's second knife was named Thunder and Lightning Dragon.

As the name implies, the power of the thunder and lightning carried by this knife is so strong that he can condense into a thunder dragon.


When this sword was cut out, it was almost visible to the naked eye, a dragon dragon turned into a thunderbolt, shot out from his iron knife, and blasted towards Cheng Feng.

"Broken Fifth, Rift Sea!"

In the face of this knife, Cheng Feng split the fifth style of breaking, with the power of chopping waves, blocking Wang Bowen's cutting intention.

Then he regretted the opponent's thunder knife with his physical body.

As soon as Dao Jin approached Cheng Feng's body, before he had any lethality, he was sucked into the body of Cheng Feng by the suction of Zilei's body-building method, and then he was crushed, refined, and integrated into his body inside.

Especially the dragon that was formed by lightning.

When Cheng Feng sucked it into the body and refined it completely, all of a sudden, almost half of his body was tempered by Kongyang Honglei.

In this way, not only did his body become stronger, but his ability to adapt to lightning has also greatly increased.

"Hahaha, cool! Really cool!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Cheng Feng couldn't help but uttered a roar: "Brother Wang, let your thunder sword be more vigorous!"

"This ... what's the situation?"

"How come Wang Bowen's thunder sword power, once he touched Cheng Feng's body, it fell into the water with snowflakes and disappeared silently? As if Cheng Feng was using his body and devoured Wang Bowen's sword power!

"But how is this possible !?"

In Tianxuan Hall, everyone was startled when they saw the scenes on Tianxuan's life and death stage.

Wang Bowen couldn't beat the process peak, which was everyone's expectation.

However, when Wang Bowenshi exhibited his most proud martial arts offense, Cheng Feng was as childish as the thunder knife that chopped off the opponent, and sucked into the body like drinking water without any damage.

Unless Cheng Feng is not flesh and blood, otherwise, how can he withstand such a horrible thunder and lightning bombing?

Ordinary people, even high-level martial arts soldiers, are probably dead!

"What the **** is Feng Feng doing?" Wang Wanben asked puzzledly.

"Cheng Feng seems to be ... cultivating?"

Wu Dawang is well-informed and still somewhat hesitant: "Should be practicing, use Wang Bowen's thunder-knife strength to practice a kind of thunder attribute."

Through observation, Wang Wu guessed a little truth.

And Tiemu Zhengxiong, as a master of the broken realm, also saw a little doorway, his face became increasingly gloomy.

Because in just a few hours, Cheng Feng has shown one after another in a row.

This made him particularly irritable, and his killing was getting heavier and heavier.

He has made a decision. Later, if he brings the deceased 'Ozong', if he cannot kill Cheng Feng at the Tianxuan Shengtai, he will go to the killer organization and let those who take the 'killing' profession Go and harvest Cheng Feng's life for him.

Lest Cheng Feng grow up quickly and become a confidant.

"Cheng Feng, you are stronger than I thought."

On the stage of life and death, Wang Bowen took a deep breath and yelled, "Take me the third sword, cut the thunder knife, the third style, Thunder Dragon!"

Om ~~~

Wang Bowen's third knife has almost doubled its power compared to the first two.

In particular, the thunder dragon turned into a thunderbolt is more clear, lifelike, and solid, as if it is true, containing the terrifying power of thunder and lightning.

Cheng Feng was close enough to clearly see the thunder dragon hovering above the seven-foot iron knife, actually in blood red, with a touch of orange.

This is truly a second-level thunderbolt with a nine-day Thunder, Mingyang Orange Thunder!


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