Martial Sage

Chapter 1046: Resentment and Enmity

Everyone is in danger when the military order is issued.

Tieling's face looked like ice, and he got off the horse without saying a word, pressing his lips tightly and stepping up.

The soldiers around, the generals lowered their heads, letting out a path.

Stepping on the gravel and sawdust scattered on the ground, Tieling glanced at the soldiers around him.

In his eyes, a soldier with tears in his eyes, forcefully clamped on the stone fragments that collapsed on the young soldier's head, shaking his hands and pulling out. The young soldier's lower lip had already bitten and bleeding, and the tearful cheeks were full of pain, and he did not dare to hum.

There were also those who covered their bleeding arms and tore their clothes to bandage their wounds. The most shocking is the few corpses standing upright in the center of the city wall, or the smashed lower body, the remaining consciousness is still supporting the dilapidated pupils, and the two hands are touching the river of blood on the ground.

Or it is laid out in large characters, and the head is like a watermelon that has been violently split, and it is integrated with the red wall of the boulder.

A round of stone ball attack has already made the city bloody and messy. Countless eyes were filled with panic, and they all looked at the general in charge of the highest authority in this city.

Tieling strode forward, looking at the injured boy, tore off the cuff cloth with his hands, and wrapped his head.

The lieutenant behind him, the military division greeted him, stood behind him, and reminded him softly.

"General, that...On the wooden pole under that city, what is hanging... is General Tiefeng."

The word Tiefeng came to mind, and Tieling's body was shaken, as if struck by lightning.

After hesitating for a moment, he slowly stood up, supported the city wall, and looked down.

Dawn shines through the shimmering army formation on the tall wooden pole, and the figure with the word written vertically hangs high with the tied hands and feet.

"Second brother."

The trembling sound slowly sounded on the battlefield after the storm and tranquility.

The figure on the wooden pole supported his swollen and congested eyes and grinned, revealing bloody teeth.

"Dage, I never begged for mercy, never insulted my Goguryeo soldier."

"Good job!"

Trembling fingers clasped the solid city wall, tears came out of Tieling's eyes, and he snorted while pursing his lips.

"You have a strong, filial nature, and you can pull away to help Dage, Dage..."

Speaking of this, Tieling whimpered as if in his throat.

The scorching sun completely burst into the clouds, and the bright sun shone on the two opposing sides. Someone took a gun and walked out of the continuous Datang army.

Passing through the army formation, walking out of the forefront soldiers, went straight to the front of the city, stopped in the area where the arrow's range was limited, looked up and squinted the figure on the wall, carrying the gun cupped hands and said.

"General Tieling, don't come here unharmed."

Seeing this figure, Tieling's pupils suddenly widened, even leaning forward suddenly, leaning out of the battlements, and pointing angrily at the lone shadow under the city.

"Tessie! You traitor!"

"Say! Did you get my second brother arrested?"

The people in the city laughed, put the silver spear in his hand into the ground with a bang, and put his arms around his chest.

"General Tie, how can you blame me for this?"

"General Tiefeng insisted on going his own way, questioning whether he wanted to break into the Great Tang army. It's a pity that he forgot a fact."

"General Tang is a master of thousands of li raids. Such sneaking will only increase the laughing stock and be captured instead."

"The last general is not talented, just give General Tiefeng's hands to General Tang, it's just a matter of effort."

The whispered description made Tieling's anger soar, and the eyes of the shadow of the figure gradually heated up.

"Tessie! What a simple task!"

"My virtuous brother is the marching commander, and you, as his confidant general, can you ask yourself, where does the cost of food and clothing come from?"

"Food, food and money, did my second brother owe you a debt?"


Tessie in the city laughed loudly, bringing a touch of sadness in the laughter.

After a while.

Taixi stretched his finger to the figure hanging behind him, and Taixi's face suddenly became cold, with a hint of hatred in his eyes.


"Do you know what a debt is?"

"Five years ago, you rushed into the quiet town like horse thieves and bandits, dragging the boy who was only married for March, and forcibly conscripting. The young man's wife stepped forward, but was overthrown by you!"

"Even from that day on, the boy who was going to be a father lost his child. Can such a crime of massacre of his own child be paid for with money?"

Suddenly drew the silver spear on the ground, put on the spear, and pointed directly at Tieling, the head of the city.

"The enmity of killing one's relatives is not shared."

"Unfortunately, my three-year military camp career has divided me into the ranks of my enemies. I want to do it every time. However, I know the difference in force and the disparity in official positions. If I don't pay attention, I will be exposed."

"I began to practice martial arts desperately, and took over various assassination missions of escape for two years! For two full years! The position of lieutenant has become a shackle in my life, and I can no longer overcome it. The idea of ​​relying on the official position to suppress it was completely wiped out."


A look of hideousness appeared on the grinning face, and the tip of the gun trembled with the unbridled laughter.

"The Emperor lives up to his heart. I finally waited for an opportunity, an opportunity to completely eliminate you wicked people!"


Tessie's smile narrowed, the killing intent in his eyes greatly increased, and the gun was shaken, and he shouted sharply.

"Today's battle is inevitable. General Tang has something for me to convey to you. At this time, if you open the city gate, you can avoid death."

"If you don't follow it, Anqing will be stained with blood, and your corpses will be everywhere!"

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