Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 100 - [54]

Outside the Restaurant,

Still invisible in his bird form, Max eyed his targets as they got into a Chinese style restaurant. He could try and take out his targets here and now, but he knew a slight mistake would be enough to lose them. Azazel was his first target, if he were to teleport away… several thoughts came into his mind.

If he was going to do this, he would need to focus. The first thing he needed to do was to be familiar with the location. Several armed bodyguards from either side were guarding the said restaurant.

Flying around, Max counted down every armed personnel, vehicle and entry & exit points. If this place was going to be used for a gathering for powerful people, then there should be more than just a few ordinary guards. Flying around he finally found his answer.

Just outside the Chinese restaurant were black RV vans. They were stationed at the four corners of the restaurant. From experience, Max could tell these were surveillance vans. As this was the best place to have full control from, the first van was just outside one of the main entrances, not close enough to be a bother, not far enough to not get guarded by the armed security.

Even though Max had transformed himself as a bird, the said bird was over-sized. He always had the problem shrinking in size. Well at least, he was invisible so no one could see him. But there were mutants that had a sharp sense of smell and hearing. While Max could mask out his smell, the flapping of his wings may cause an alert. And he wasn't going to take any chances.

Transforming back into his human form, still invisible, he jumped down, crouching, near the RV van. Walking slowly he stood outside it, turning into his liquid form he went through the door, sliding in from the door cracks.

And he was right, this was a surveillance van. But the best thing was, only one person was there. Forcefully bonding with the said person, Max gained all the Intel he needed.

The RV vans were designed for one man, as there were two monitors attached observing the south side of the security feed.

There were three more RV vans each communicating with each other and if one of them didn't respond in time this would send up a distress signal. It was a very thought out plan for security, if he killed one of the RV van drivers, said driver won't be able to respond, then if not responded in time the rest would be informed of the abnormality, and someone would check on the first RV van.

It was a well thought out plan indeed. But then again, they were underestimating Max.

Still bonded with the black-suited personnel, he started to twist his neck until cracks could be heard. Now dead, didn't hesitate to snack on him, turning him into precious energy that Max could use later. Morphing back into his human form, Max inserted his nifty flash-drive into the computer.

Several strands of codes started running, Max even inserted direct voice commands so that the rest of the RV van drivers won't feel suspicious. Sliding out of the van, Max made his way around every corner of the restaurant. It was already noon, so the meeting would be held after lunch.

This would give Max just the time he needed. Killing and 'consuming' the last of the RV drivers, he made a chain link. Now by automation, all the RV drivers were communicating with each other. Well, all of them were dead, but it was for him to know. Max wanted to pat himself on the back, on how seamlessly he took care of the situation, but he had better thing to do—like killing demons.

Getting out of the van, Max made his way inside. Still invisible, he went into the chef's corner, turning into a staff member. Max smiled as he made his way into the restaurant, at this rate he would have enough time to go on a date with Felicia. "This is going to be easy." He mumbled, smiling. But when he entered the main hall, he started regretting his statement.

This was where his luck ran out, inside he saw several mutants and super powered individuals, most of them were well known criminals of New York. Only a few of them were from the Hell-Fire Club and the rest were from The Hand. From Tomi's memories and the database that he collected, almost all of the super-powered Hand members in New York were present. "Me and my big mouth." He grumbled. At least most of the mutants were Beta level ones, only two Alpha level ones.

First priority was to take down the Alpha class mutants. Still in his staff member disguise, Max started making his way towards his first target.


The dining hall was big, well decorated on the inside. This was the first floor, and due to the meeting, most of the tables were occupied by armed bodyguards. The second floor was where the real meeting was taking place, one could see the meeting through the transparent glass walls from the first floor. The first floor was just meant for the security, it wasn't uncommon for this much security. But weren't one hundred members overkill? Then it finally clicked, it must be because of T'Challa.

After Wakanda has finished updating it's security measures, the young king had started going on 'hunts' more often. And that must be the reason for the increased security, Max was totally off on his conclusion. After Wilson Fisk a.k.a KingPin was attacked that night the whole Hand organization was on it's toes. And after Tomi Shishido's death the Hand organization boosted their security to the teeth.

Well, whatever the reason was it wasn't going to bother Max that much. The surrounding area was fully cleaned, meaning no civilians to worry about. Only the staff members were somewhat innocent. But even then the kitchen is far enough to avoid casualties if an all out battle occurred.

Communicating using his Techno-Organic Virus Max reassured that T'Challa was still in Wakanda. Even though T'Challa's work was clean, Max preferred working alone.

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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