Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 3 - To Marvel

Closing his eyes, he started remembering his life.

He had a loving family. A loving mother, she was a cheerful woman. And Max actually got his personality from her. And it also gave him his over the top love for Comics & Manga.

She was actually one of the lucky talented artists who worked on a few Marvel & DC Comics. And that's why Max got his passion for Comics, if he could, he would love to be a Comic Book Artist.

But Fate had a different cruel twist to his life.

Max's father was a rather quiet person, unlike his extroverted wife. But he was far from ordinary though.

He worked for the Secret Intelligence Agency of their country, as such he had to keep it from his family. But his Wife actually got the gist of his work from the bullet & knife wounds he would have after his so-called 'Work on Abroad' but she couldn't do anything.

She was very supportive, but after a certain mission was completed. Their life turned upside down.

The first one to die was Max's mother. It was a car explosion. Someone rigged her car. It would have taken Max out if not for him being late to get into the car.

The next one was his father. He died in Canada. Even his body wasn't found. If not for the message that was left for Max before his death, he wouldn't have known the truth.

Then one thing led to another. And he walked the life of a Killer… An Outlaw.

When he opened his eyes. He saw the mesmerizing moonless sky filled with stars.

Never in his entire life, he saw such a beautiful night. 'So this is heaven? Wow, this place is rather… dark… but beautiful nonetheless. I ain't that ungrateful ya know.' thought as the chill soothed his feelings.

Then after a few minutes, he saw the moon. Though it looked bigger. I mean much bigger 50 to 60 times maybe.

He could only see half of it as the other side was dark. As he moved his head to the right he saw… something that made no sense. It was the Sun?

'But where are the clouds?'

As he was awing the surrounding beauty. He felt a little earthquake. He finally saw his surrounding as the sun rays fall upon him.

Looking at it, he was on some kind of black ground.' My body… WTF.' He jerked up in his mind, not seeing his body.

'I don't have a body.' He looked everywhere up-down left-right. But he saw only the hard rocky ground.

'Calm down Max, it's probably common here in 'Heaven' Right? It was weird… What the is that… No…NO. AHhhhhh'

The reason he was shouting is, he saw something scary that didn't make sense. It was Earth. But that wasn't the scary part. It was getting bigger. Meaning, he was going to crash into it.



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