Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 83 - [38] Powers Update

I am really really sorry guys.

With New Year came a shit tone of school work. I need to catch up with school. But I am still writing, sometimes I forget to upload new chapters. So I apologize again.

A CHALLENGE for you guys --- help me reach 1.5k power stones and I will upload a new chapter Immediately.

Now enjoy.


The Twin swords, Godkiller and Grasscutter were swords forged by an Ancient Black Smith.

Both were one-sided thin swords, while the first one was not curved, the second one was curved similar to a traditional katana.

One was used by the Olympian god Zeus the other one by the Japanese god Amatsu-Mikaboshi. They were used in the war that the Olympian and Japanese God had with each other.

Each sword had its own history, and when someone held them, it gave them power and keen instincts. And a cry for blood, only people with strong wills could hold these swords and not go mad.

Max was also trying to use them. He couldn't bond with the swords but he could channel his Energy manipulation ability in it.

Max was standing in the empty warehouse, even though he was going to renovate this place, it was a mess as several old-broken-vehicles were kept here, collecting dust. It looked more of a junkyard than a warehouse. The place was big, the ceiling was at least tens of meters high, the only source of light was from the broken windows above high, that were giving away moonlight and Max who was using his powers, creating flashes of lights from time to time.

Deep cuts could be seen on the ground and walls. Some piles of trash were even charred black. A cracking sound of lightning could be heard from outside.

"Let's try it, again," Max said as he gripped the Godkiller in hand. He breathed in and out as he channeled his energy in it, as the blade crackled small bolts of Black-lightning, dancing along the long-blue neon blade.

The 30-inch long silver blade was now glowing neon-blue, as black lightning was crackling around it, wanting to be released.

Max came forward as he did a diagonal slash from up to down. Black lightning separated from it, making something akin to an energy slash, as it crackled forward, destroying anything that was in front. Charring them in the process, leaving behind a deep cut where it went.

The Diagonal slash met a broken car, as it cut through it. Destroying it as it burned without casting a fire. It illuminated the place for a few seconds before the darkness returned.

Max smirked satisfied with the outcome, this blade which was used by Zeus, actually held some of his power. By channeling energy in it he could use it. And only with using a little amount of energy Max could use it.

Max stabbed the Godkiller in the ground as lightning crackled around, going several meters around, destroying anything it could find. This could also be used as an 'Area Of Effect' skill.

He was happy about the sword but wasn't satisfied with it. Why might you ask, because it was very hard to control.

Every time he used it, it was as if he was controlling a wild bull. He had to be careful when using it. As if he lost control he would get attacked by his own lightning.

The sword was based on a higher form of Magic, which was literary used by people who egotistically claimed themselves as Gods. It had properties that could harm Max, unlike normal lightning where he could absorb and redistribute. He couldn't do it for the black lightning that the sword produced. So, it was much harder to control.

Max stored the sword inside himself, it was the best place he could keep it safe.

He pulled back the other sword, Grasscutter, it had a much finer blade. As if it was a piece of art, one could say. A fine black wavy pattern could be seen on the thin one sided blade.

It was sharp and easily controllable. Unlike the other one, it created a dark atmosphere around Max when he used it, making his moves faster and stronger. One could hardly see Max when he used it, it gave a skill that was similar to invisibility.

It didn't have any flashy moves like the Godkiller, but it had its own perks. One could say It was the best sword for an assassin. As not even a sound is made after it cuts through an object, as it nullifies all sound.

Max practiced some more with the swords and finally concluded that he could only use one in hand. As both swords rejected each other. Max tried to fix it by going Negative, but the swords were protected by Mystical abilities that didn't let him hamper with them.

Speaking about his Negative form, it was odd. When in that form, he needed a host to fully use its powers. The host would gain almost all of Max's memories if Max wasn't paying attention. So he was reluctant to use it with people he didn't trust.

His Negative form would give him the ability to instantly make powerful energy beams. He could also communicate with technology, it wasn't communicating at that point as he could control them as much he d.e.s.i.r.ed.

With it, he could transform an ordinary toaster into a machine gun if he wanted. But it also had its limitations as he would need to provide the extra materials and also the blueprints for it. And the ability when used with a host like Peter could make some awesome things happen. The Spider bike was the best example. Those things were built to fight tanks with how much firepower it had.

And also he didn't have control over the host in his negative form, he could separate from the host, but not control their movements. So, Max had to be extra careful when he used this form.

When using this form Max had an infinite amount of light-dimension energy that he could use. Even with swords such as Godkiller, as long as Max was bonded with Peter. No one could kill them in this form, but it gave a lot of stress afterwards, both to Max and the host when using this form.

His Negative form also had an effect on other symbiotes, he tried to touch Phaze the blue symbiote using this form. But the moment he did, the symbiote started screaming as if it was getting burned.

Max could also feel it when he did touch the other symbiote in this form, he felt that he was getting stronger. So, in his Negative form he had something akin to 'Vampiric touch' on the symbiotes.

He tried to see if he could do the same with normal humans, and found that it was only applicable to symbiotes.


A few hours later Max came out of the warehouse, sighing. He felt frustrated about his teleportation ability.

The moment he tried to use it, he would screw it up. Eight out of ten times only a part of his body would get teleported.

Luckily Max could control a part of his body even though it was separated from his main one. He could even 'see' from it. But it was hard and if the part was too far from Max's main body, it would start turning into a pile of goo.

He tried to use his teleportation ability in his normal and his Negative form, but unluckily he still wasn't able to use it properly in either of his forms. But he had a solution to his problem already.

He just needed to visit the X-men. He was going to meet them anyway after helping Steve, so why not. There he could find various ability users.

And if he could somehow bond with Nightcrawler, then he would fully be able to control his teleportation powers. But Max needed to create a situation where he could do that. He only needed to touch him a certain amount of time to transfer the knowledge from Nightcrawler to himself. So, his teleportation power was on hold.

"Well, at least my new power is OP." Max mused to himself, trying to cheer him up. The most overpowered ability he gained was from the Gorgon himself. With his eyes that could turn people into stones, it was overpowering as it is. But Max could use it better. As he could produce eyes in any-part of his body, turning anyone into stone if he wanted. He dubbed the ability 'stone-eyes'. The name wasn't cool but the power was.

And the best part was—when Max used his stone-eyes ability to turn someone into a statue, he could in turn reverse the process with his Negative form. Turning them back into humans if he wanted.

Max didn't know if the abilities would work against powerful beings like Thor or Hulk, but it was powerful nonetheless.

Max didn't fully integrate Gorgon's abilities to himself. If he did he would be trapped with Peter for his powers to stabilize. So, Max created dozens of symbiotic eyeballs and intrigued the powers directly into them. So, he only had to bond with Peter for a few hours to stabilize himself.

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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