Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 89 - [44]

Unknown Location,

"Who is this guy?" a person asked, crossing his arms, carefully looking at the video-feed. The man was wearing a black suit.

The suit was black—sharp-looking and well-fitted, underneath was a white shirt tucked into his black dress-pants. All in all, he looked sharp with a black necktie; his head was neatly decorated with an army cut hair complementing his thoughtful look.

Rubbing his shaven chin, the said person narrowed his eyes. "Replay the last clip?" he said.

The female that was sitting on her computer desk nodded, her appearance: black leather jacket and leather boots, gave her a rather tom-boyish look. With rosy pink skin and black hazel eyes, she was charming nonetheless. Typing on her keyboard, she played back the video once again.

The video showed a person riding his bike, but the said person's appearance was all but blur; the odd thing was, this bike was moving at an abnormal speed. Sometimes it would even leave behind trails of flames on the road.

The man in the suit looked behind him, "You sure it isn't him?" he asked the person that stood behind him. The said person was of Mexican origin, having brown tanned skin and a thin muscular-build. He was wearing a brown biker jacket that had an annoyed expression on his face.

The thin-built man scoffed, "I'm sure of it. The last time he was in California. And said he would be staying there." He said, glaring at the man-in-suit. "And you know me, Coulson. I don't ride bikes."

Agent Coulson nodded, "But if it isn't you or the other ghost rider? Then who? Are there any Inhumans or Mutants that we know of who have the same kind of power?" It was a question towards the lady, who was sitting on her computer desk typing.

"No, maybe Mutants?" she shrugged. "But I mostly think it's technology." She said, zooming on to the footage.

Agent Coulson frowned, looking at her. "Why do you say that, Skye?" he asked.

"Well, the bike was moving at subsonic speed from time to time, but it may also have broken the sound barrier from time to time... We can't be sure looking at the footage, but if you analyze the data, the speed should come from the vehicle itself." She concluded.

"But the thing is, why are we looking at this footage again? The video is almost a week old? Did we find any clue?"

After a while, Agent Coulson spoke, "Not quite… but it's a hunch, an anonymous group tipped us with some info on this guy," He said as he swiped at the touch-screen as the video footage changed.

This time the video footage wasn't that clear, as the video footage was shot from very far away. But with their advanced pixel enhancement technology, the video could be zoomed in and be rendered. The footage showed a single man fighting—no killing his way through a group of people; the incident was on a large cargo ship.

The person in question had a sword in each of his hands and was slicing through the enemies; body parts could be seen splattered everywhere with each swing he took with his dual blades in hand. Even before the minute ended, the same person had taken down at least a hundred of these men. The men that were killed— no, massacred, also had a single odd thing in common, they were wearing black and red clothes that even covered their face.

Skye was shocked looking at the gruesome footage; with wide eyes, she held a hand over her mouth, "This is a slaughter! When and Where did this happen? And who are these guys?" she asked, looking at Coulson.

"In New York Harbour." He replied, shocking all of the people in the room. "This footage was three days old."

"You mean here?" the person who had a biker jacket spoke. "In New York Harbour. But then where are the bodies. I was around that area three days ago."

"Well, that's why we brought you here in the first place, Robbie Reyes. You do have a habit of killing…" Coulson said. "No offense, by the way." He cleared; it was a little hard to talk with a person who was the Ghost Rider.

Robbie snorted, not saying anything. "But what's the first clip has to do with any of this?" he asked. "Are they the same person?"

Agent Coulson nodded; it was Nick Fury himself that gave him this information. How did the former shield director know this? Even he didn't know. But one thing he did know was not to question Nick Fury's intel.

"Yes, this person calls himself 'Max'. We are not sure if this is the same man that was riding the bike, but even if they are different, we have to be careful of him." He said, crossing his arms.

"But that doesn't explain my question," Skye said.

"The people he killed are from a dangerous organization called The Hand. We have been trying to keep out their influence in the USA. But this organization is even older than Hydra and just as dangerous or worse." Agent Coulson finished letting the information sink in.

"That means by killing so many of their members this said organization, this 'Max' person has doomed himself." She said. "So, they most likely will hunt him down."

"It would have been easier that way," the shield agent sighed, rubbing his temples. "The Hand's main focus is New York. It always has been. By killing so many of their operatives, they will most likely start a war here."

Agent Coulson was only half right; what he didn't know was that after Max had killed Tomi, also known as the Gorgon, The Hand organization dimmed down a bit.

And Iron-Fist and Daredevil fought with one of the Hand's key members or one of the figures. And due to this, the Hand will most likely hold off any sudden movement for quite some time. But the Shield agents didn't know that yet.

When Max contacted Steve to lend the boy scout a helping hand, the Captain had asked Nick Fury for help, to find out about this 'Max' guy. So, Nick, in turn, also precautioned the shield group into recruiting him. As he thought, if a person was skilled enough to track down Captain America, he would be capable enough to join the Shield.

Agent Coulson then looked at the two individuals in the room, giving them a severe look, "I hope this information doesn't get leaked." He said; Skye and Robbie Reyes nodded. "And also as you are not working for Shield anymore if you find him. Try to recruit him and try not to engage in a battle." Agent Coulson said the last part mostly to Robbie, who rolled his eyes at the comment.

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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