Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 129 News of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch

"Is it funny?" it was Clint Barton's turn to ask.

"How much do you know about Wakanda?" Ulysses Crowe finally stopped laughing.

"Well, shepherds, textiles, and cool clothes," Clint Barton said.

"These are superficial things that explorers have been looking for for centuries, the legendary city of gold." Ulysses Crow said, "They thought they could find the city of gold in South America, but in fact, the city of gold was The city has always been in Africa."

"Africa?" Steve Rogers asked. "Are you trying to tell us that this Wakanda is the city of gold?"

"It's a technological marvel," Ulysses Crow said. "It's built on the most precious metal known to man."

"Vibranium?" said Clint Barton.

"Yes, Vibranium! They call it a gift from God," said Ulysses Crow.

"The hardest metal on earth," Clint Barton said.

"It's not just a metal, they sew it into clothes," Ulysses Crowe said. "Vibranium powers their cities, and enhances their technology..."

"Wait, you mean technology?" Clint Barton couldn't imagine, "A farming country, they have their own technology?"

"No, not technology." Ulysses Crowe shook his head. "I should change the word. I should use 'sci-fi'. Walking into Wakanda, you will feel like walking into a sci-fi world."

"Wakanda is a third world country, this is just a result of Google." Clint Barton handed a tablet to Steve Rogers.

"It's really ridiculous." Steve Rogers looked at how backward and how backward Wakanda in Google was, how poor and how poor, and Ulysses Crowe said that the technology has reached the level of science fiction. The country is basically two places.

"There are rumors that I stole all of Wakanda's vibranium, but I can tell you responsibly, I only took a little bit of the fingernail, and their vibranium piled up." Ulysses K. "They've been digging for thousands of years, and they've only dug up a little bit of fur," Law said. "I'm the only outsider who's ever seen that scene come back alive."

"The story is really good..." Clint Barton said.

"Wonderful?" Ulysses Crowe snorted coldly, "Wakanda is there, and it won't run with long legs. Is it true or false, you can see it with your own eyes?"

Neither Clint Barton nor Steve Rogers will easily believe one-sided words,

At the moment, they took Ulysses Crowe back and temporarily imprisoned him. They also copied his stronghold in the United States, and brought back a bunch of materials.

"Guys, I have a new discovery." Natasha Romanov sat on the computer. "This is Ulysses Crow's transaction record. Have you found the name of an old friend? To be precise, It's an old friend I haven't met yet."

"Stracker!" Everyone gathered around, and at a glance they saw who Natasha Romanov was talking about.

"It turns out that Strucker is in a small country like Sokovia, no wonder we couldn't find it before." Tony Stark said.

"That is to say, Hydra also has power in Sokovia..." Steve Rogers felt a little headache. Hydra's strength is really bigger than he imagined.

"Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are with Strucker, and Strucker is in Sokovia, doesn't that mean they are also there?" Clint Barton said.

"This is good news," said Bruce Banner, "this pair of siblings is very powerful."

"Wait, what's this?" Natasha Romanoff spotted a strange pattern on a back photo of Ulysses Crowe.

"What's up, what's all the fuss about tattoos?" Tony Stark said.

"It's not a tattoo, it's a brand." Natasha Romanov tapped on the computer for a while, "It's an African word meaning thief, and it's a very unfriendly expression. "

"Where in Africa?" Clint Barton thought.

"Wakanda? No, Wakanda."

"Wakanda branded a thief on his neck..." Clint Barton pondered, "So it seems that the claim that he stole vibranium from Wakanda may be true?"

"Of course it's true, Crow's vibranium was indeed stolen from Wakanda." Tony Stark knew Ulysses Crow better than anyone else, "but he's already taken Wakanda's All the vibranium is taken away, so there is no need to pay attention to this Wakanda."

"We had a chat with Crowe on the way here and he said he only took a small amount of it, and in fact there was a mountain of Wakanda vibranium."

"Did he say that?"

"Indeed." Clint Barton said, "In Crow's mouth, Wakanda should be the most technologically advanced country in the world."

"I'll talk to him." Tony Stark went to the basement where Ulysses Crow was being held. After ten minutes, he came back and changed his attitude.

"Zhenjin is an important element in the Era of Ultron. Any clue, even an uncertain one, is worth a trip." Tony Stark said, "Let's take a look for ourselves."

"Okay, that's it," Steve Rogers said. "When you come back, go to Sokovia to find that pair of siblings."

At the moment, several people took Tony Stark's private plane and flew to Wakanda.

It feels really bad to have the faster and more stealthy Kun-style fighters, but they can't use them because they're dodging Hydra.

"Everything you do now is tied up, and sooner or later, the Hydra will be completely eradicated!" Clint Barton said a little indignantly.

"Captain, if you don't act in the future, you should wear a mask." Tony Stark suddenly said to Steve Rogers, "You are so famous, no one in America doesn't know you. Even if you're resurrected now ' news hasn't spread, but it's a matter of time."

"Yes Captain." Bruce Banner also said, "You are a billboard for the event, telling people wherever you go, 'We are here SHIELD', so what's the point of us hiding Hydra?"

"Okay." Steve Rogers nodded in agreement, although he is not a person who likes to hide behind a mask, but everyone is right, if you really want to hide your actions from Hydra, it is better to wear a mask.

"Stark, you seem to be very famous, don't you?" Clint Barton said.

"I'm not from S.H.I.E.L.D., besides, isn't Iron Man just flying around all day to fight evil."



The plane suddenly hit something.

Because in the eyes of everyone, there is nothing in the air, so the plane did not slow down at all.

As a result, the impact was very violent, and the plane was damaged on the spot. The billowing smoke immediately rose, and the fuselage of the plane began to tilt.

"Be careful everyone! We're afraid we're about to make a forced landing!" Clint Barton's flying skills are still superb, but the side of the plane that was hit is seriously damaged. He tried his best, but he could only watch The plane fell.

"Fortunately I'm wearing battle armor." Tony Stark flew out with a whistle, flew to the damaged side of the helicopter, and carried the plane on his shoulders.

With Tony Stark providing power on that side, and Clint Barton cooperating in it, everyone finally landed without any danger.

There are no ordinary people in the plane, and after such a potentially fatal incident, everyone is fine.

"What was that just now?" Natasha Romanoff said, moving away from the plane. "What did our plane hit?"

"It seems to be an energy shield?" Clint Barton couldn't believe his eyes.

"It's the energy shield." Tony Stark's armor fell to the ground and said solemnly, "I didn't expect someone to make this technology."

"I guess this is Wakanda." Steve Rogers turned his head and looked behind him.

"This is the poorest country in the world?" Bruce Banner said. "It seems that Wakanda really told the world a big lie."

"The protective shield technology is all there, and there are still many advanced technologies in Nawakanda. It really gives people a 'sci-fi' feeling as Ulysses Crow said." Kling T Barton said.

"The poorest country in the world is actually the most advanced country in the world." Natasha Romanov felt that the world was too magical, "To a certain extent, this is more than alien invasion of the earth. It's unacceptable."

At this time, a plane that looked similar to a Kun-style fighter flew over, and after the plane landed, several black people came out.

The first one was a man, his appearance was unremarkable, the rest were all women, wearing uniform clothes, holding a spear in his hand, and all of them had bald heads, so they were not easy to mess with.

"Everyone, if you are lost and accidentally come here, then I will generously point you to the right path, no matter where you go," said T'Challa, who was not yet a king.

"We're here for you," Steve Rogers said directly, "I think this is Wakanda, right?"

"Speak your purpose," T'Challa said.

"We're here for Vibranium," Steve Rogers said.

As soon as the word was uttered, T'Challa looked as usual, but the bald-headed women all changed color, and the spears were aimed at Steve Rogers and his party.

"Old man, after you have slept for 70 years, you should learn how to strike up a conversation." Tony Stark said aside, "You see you annoy girls as soon as you speak."

"Stark, will you show me a demonstration?" Steve Rogers said.

"Then you can study hard." Tony Stark slammed to the front, the face of the armor opened, he looked at the people in T'Challa and said, "This old man just didn't say it clearly, maybe Cause your misunderstanding. I tell you clearly, we are not here to steal your vibration gold, let alone rob..."

"Tony Stark, of course, doesn't need to steal or rob, just buy it." T'Challa smiled, and then said to the bald women who were waiting around him, "Put them all away, where is this like entertaining guests? ?"

"Guest? He just said that he's here for Zhenjin!" Okoye said.

"General, your performance just now tells them that they are right." T'Challa saw that Okaye was still holding a spear and reached out to press it down, and then said to Tony Stark, "Mr. Stark, Ulysses Crow must have said something to you to find this place. I can assure you that all the vibranium has been stolen by him, and Wakanda has no more."

"Rap singer, you don't have to promise us, and the hot girls around you have told us with their guns that Wakanda has vibranium, a lot of vibranium." Tony Stark said, "Also said before. , we don't want your vibranium, of course, it would be better if you are willing to sell me some, if my battle armor can use vibranium, it must be a transformation..."

"Mr. Stark, please tell me directly, what is your purpose?" T'Challa interrupted Tony Stark, and briefly introduced himself, "T'Challa."

"You may not believe it, we are here mainly to bring you a message." Steve Rogers said.

"What news?" T'Challa asked.

"No matter how much vibranium Wakanda has, make sure that it doesn't end up outside," Steve Rogers said. "Especially a robot called Ultron."

T'Challa and several female warriors looked at each other, all feeling that what Steve Rogers said was very strange.

Not to mention the inexplicable mention of a robot, Zhenjin is something of Wakanda, do you need others to worry about it?

But the other party was with Tony Stark, and it crashed a plane because of it. If it was a joke, it was absolutely impossible.

"These people are not simple. In addition to Iron Man, the big man who will change color is also there." Female general Okoye whispered to T'Challa, "and there is another person who looks very similar to Captain America who died 70 years ago. ."

"I see it," T'Challa said. "If he showed up on his own, I might think he just looked alike, but he's with Iron Man and the Hulk, and I have to assume that he's Captain America himself."

"I'm not dead, it's just that I slept a little long this time." Steve Rogers's ears were so amazing that he could hear the whispers of several people there.

"So, the legendary US team, as well as Iron Man and Hulk, you came to Wakanda together, really just to convey a message?" Female general Okoye asked again, Steve Rogers said before The words did not convince T'Challa that he was certain that this group of people must have other purposes.

"Indeed," Tony Stark said.

"Then may I ask, what is the source of your news?" T'Challa asked, "You said there would be a robot called Ultron, how did you know?"

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