Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 131 Captain America Becomes a Woman

"I used to think it was a theory too," said Bruce Banner, "but now it seems that parallel universes should be real."

"Then the videos we've seen before, the ones we think are our future, are actually happening in parallel universes?" Steve Rogers said.

"It makes more sense to explain it that way," Tony Stark said. "Because it's a parallel universe, no matter what we do, the future shown in the video has not been modified, because it is another and us. A very similar universe, and in that universe, there is no room for answers."

The explanation of the answering space is completed, and the "plot" officially begins. The picture begins in a laboratory. The long operating table full of various instruments is arranged in an arc, and the experimenters in white coats are walking back and forth. There is also an injection cabin in the center.

"This is what made me." In the answering space, Steve Rogers recognized the scene in the video at a glance, and he suddenly had a mixed feeling, it was there that he changed from a thin boy to a Super soldier, embark on the road to become a superhero.

"All of this is to create a super soldier." In the video, the skinny Steve Rogers stands on the booth and looks at the laboratory below.

"Paris has fallen, London may be next." The valiant Peggy Carter stood beside Steve Rogers, "If it succeeds, the war can end, which is within the reach of us ordinary people. ."

The two walked out of the laboratory, and Abraham Erskine greeted him and said to Peggy Carter, "Agent Carter, wouldn't it be more appropriate for you to stand under the booth?"

"No, I want to stay," Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers said after looking at each other.

Then, serum injections began.

Steve Rogers lay in the injection cabin.

"The serum will cause immediate cellular changes, and in order to prevent uncontrolled cell growth, the subject will be saturated with gamma rays." Abraham Erskine is directing the experimenters.

There were many people at the scene, but everyone's eyes were on Steve Rogers, but Peggy Carter found that something was wrong with the scene, and he actually took out a lighter from his pocket.

There is no doubt that this person is the little brother of Hydra, and he made a special trip to disrupt the situation.

Peggy Carter rushed over immediately, trying to stop the Hydra, but one step too late, the Hydra lifted the lid of the lighter, and with a loud "bang", a laptop exploded.

Hydra took advantage of the chaos of the explosion,

Ran to Steve Rogers' injection bay, took out his pistol and "banged" it.

At this moment, Steve Rogers is the closest to Hydra, even if the injection has not started, he is still the skinny boy in Brooklyn, and he still won't sit back and watch someone commit murder in front of his eyes.

Steve Rogers jumped out of the injection cabin and rushed towards the Hydra, but he forgot that he was bare-handed at the moment, where would he be the opponent of the Hydra?


The Hydra shot at Steve Rogers without hesitation, and Steve Rogers fell cleanly without any hesitation.

After getting down on the roadblock cat Steve Rogers, Hydra pulled out a dose of serum from the console and wanted to retreat.

But this is not a public toilet, how can you come and leave when you say it?

Hydra had just turned around when he saw Peggy Carter standing there, the black muzzle pointed at him.


Hydra drew his gun and was about to shoot, but Peggy Carter took the lead, and after the gun went off, Hydra fell to the ground.

Peggy Carter took the serum back from Hydra's hand, ran to Steve Rogers' side, and held the other's head: "Steve, look at me, look at me!"

Steve Rogers looked frail and had difficulty speaking.

"The energy is falling," Howard Stark reminded on the side. "We either do it now, or the experiment fails."

"Rogers, come in!" shouted a bespectacled officer there.

"He can't!" Peggy Carter responded viciously. Now that Steve Rogers breathes in less and breathes out more, it's even a question of whether he can survive. Where can he still conduct experiments?

"Stark, you go in!" The officer also saw that Steve Rogers seemed to be really bad, so he turned his attention to Howard Stark again.

"What? Are you crazy?" Howard Stark refused without thinking. "I'm just a button press."

"Stark, get in!" the officer commanded again in a louder voice.

"Technology and power cannot be confused."

"We will lose everything, it must be now!"

"Do you know how much it costs? We won't have another chance."

The officer and Howard Stark argued there.

Peggy Carter, who was guarding Steve Rogers, listened to the arguments and slowly made up his mind.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right back," Peggy Carter said to Steve Rogers.

"I'm not going anywhere," Steve Rogers said, of course, not going anywhere if he wanted to.

"Howard, get ready!" Peggy Carter stood up and took off his military jacket.

"What are you doing?" the officer shouted.

Peggy Carter ignored it, inserted the serum he grabbed from Hydra, and lay down in the injection cabin.

"Agent Carter, what are you doing!" the officer shouted again.

"This is our only chance!" Peggy Carter also exclaimed, "Now!"

"Stark, don't do this!" the officer said to Howard Stark.

Howard Stark turned a deaf ear, pulled down the lever and started injecting Peggy Carter.

After a while, the injection chamber opened, and a brand new Peggy Carter appeared in front of everyone.

"Captain America has become a woman!" James Rhodes was stunned by the plot. "I'm used to seeing Captain Rogers, but it always feels weird to see a female version of the captain."

"And this captain is also Captain Rogers' girlfriend at the time." Tony Stark said, "This parallel world is interesting."

"I just don't know if Peggy Carter took the same path as Captain Rogers after he became a super soldier." Bruce Banner said.

"I'm more concerned about what Peggy Carter was called after he became a super soldier," Sam Wilson said. "Is he also Captain America?"

"Speaking of Captain Rogers did not go to the battlefield, but went to perform in various places. Although Captain Rogers did a good job, obviously this kind of work is more suitable for girls." Bruce Banner said, "So I think, at least in performing this kind of work. At one point, Captain Carter should be the same as Captain Rogers."

The video continues to play.

"Did it work?" Peggy Carter asked Howard Stark.

"It must have worked," Howard Stark said. "You don't need those high heels anymore."

"Peggy, wow~" Steve Rogers, who was lying on the ground, was also stunned.

"I call it an absolute success!" Howard Stark repeated.

"Absolute failure!" The glasses officer's opinion was obviously different from Howard Stark. "Sixty million dollars and all the hope in the world has been wiped out."

"Someone promised to bring an army, and I got a promise of peace and redemption," the glasses officer said to Peggy Carter. "Instead, I got a girl!"

"I know it's not what you want, but I'm not just a human pincushion," Peggy Carter said as he sat there.

"The strategic reserve army is now under my command. You should be glad that you are still here, instead of being accused of disobeying the military order." The glasses officer said.

"Our experiment was about to fail!" Peggy Carter stood up, arguing, "If I hadn't intervened..."

"We're involved!" the glasses officer interrupted Peggy Carter roughly, "every drop of Dr. Erskine's serum goes into you! If we're lucky, one day your blood will tell me how to make a A true super soldier."

"You have a super soldier!" Peggy Carter said.

"Women are not soldiers. They must not fight on the front line." The glasses officer turned and left. "They will break their fingernails."

Bang bang bang!

Everything in the camera, Peggy Carter was punching the sandbag, and the more he punched, the more angry he became, and the last punch hit the whole sandbag directly.

"Nice left hook!" Steve Rogers said aside.

"That's not what Colonel Flynn said, that super idiot!" Peggy Carter couldn't help cursing.

Having said that, Peggy Carter threw a barbell out, shot it against the wall, and said, "If only I could do that to Hitler's head."

"It could have been worse." Steve Rogers ruthlessly shattered Peggy Carter's fantasy and poured cold water over it, "Flynn might let you go on a USO tour with crazy costumes. , tell you to keep smiling every day."

"It seems that in this parallel world, Peggy Carter is destined to be Captain America." Tony Stark said, "Injected with serum, and then put on a 'costume', which is exactly the same trajectory as Captain. "

"Carter should look better in this costume than me." In the answering space, Steve Rogers smiled.

"Captain, we all know that the reason why you left the show and decided to step into the battlefield was to rescue your good friend Bucky." Sam Wilson said, "I don't know that in this parallel time and space, let Peggy What was the trigger for Carter to step into the field, obviously that Colonel Flynn didn't intend to let her in the war at all."

"My personal guess, it should be Bucky too." Thor added to the discussion, "Obviously in this parallel time and space, the relationship between Carter and the captain is also the same, so even for the captain, Carter will rescue Bucky."

"Why are you all staring at Bucky?" James Rhodes interjected, "In our plane, at that time, Captain Rogers was the protagonist, so everyone's attention was on Captain Rogers. But in that parallel plane, Obviously Captain Carter is the protagonist, can't Captain Carter step into the battlefield to rescue her own friends?"

"This may be very small." Bruce Banner said, "World War II was not now, women were not so free at that time, and it was unlikely that women would go to the battlefield. This can also be seen from the attitude of Colonel Flynn. Unless Captain Carter's friend is male. But given how close she is to Captain Rogers, it's very unlikely that she has other close friends of the opposite sex close enough to fight for her."

The video continues.

Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, and the bespectacled Colonel Flynn stood in front of a map.

"Tosberg, Norway, a Christmas town." Howard Stark said with his hands on the map.

"NS is in Norway?" Colonel Flynn wondered.

"Almost." Peggy Carter pushed a small flag to a specific location on the map. "Hydra, Hitler's own paranormal science department."

"Given the gamma signal on the clock tower, they're looking for something that could power all of London," Howard Stark said, looking at the map.

"Or blow up the whole of London in 60 seconds," Peggy Carter added, and then everything was shot, a book was slapped on the table, and Peggy Carter's voice continued, "It's called the Cosmic Cube. "

"That thing must be on its way to Berlin," said Colonel Flynn.

"Although it's almost Berlin, we still have a chance." Howard Stark persuaded, "If we send a team over tonight, we can..."

"You're crazy!" Colonel Flynn interrupted Howard Stark directly.

"I can go," said Peggy Carter.

"Great, you're both crazy now." Colonel Flynn looked at the two of them like idiots. "That's great! Now I've got two madmen walking around here."

"Thirty people." Howard Stark was like a market hawker bargaining, "If this thing reaches the Hydra High Command, everything will be over!"

"I won't let a person, or even a platoon, take risks for a Rubik's Cube." Colonel Flynn, who left with his hands behind his back, turned around with a firm tone.

"The greatest brain in the world," Peggy Carter said, apparently standing with Howard Stark, "Stark is one of them..."

"It's none of your business!" Colonel Flynn interrupted Peggy Carter again, as if he didn't like it. "You're lucky to be here."

"The greatest minds in existence cannot understand the power of this cube." Howard Stark walked up to Peggy Carter and looked at Colonel Flynn.

"Very well, who knows." Colonel Flynn still didn't take the Rubik's Cube to heart. "Maybe the war will end, before Hydra figures out a way to study this damn thing."

"If this Colonel Flynn knew that there was a god who came to Earth to snatch the Rubik's Cube in 70 years, I don't know what he would think." Tony Stark couldn't help but complain again in the answering space.

"I'm afraid my intestines are all regretful." James Rhodes said.

"This is actually a good thing." Bruce Banner said in a deep voice, "Howard Stark is right, the Rubik's Cube is not something that humans can study thoroughly. Forcibly studying it will only bring disaster, just like a god The Shield's research on the Rubik's Cube attracted Loki. That colonel didn't pay attention to the Rubik's Cube, and if he didn't snatch the Rubik's Cube, he would not bring disaster."

"Dr. Banner, there's nothing wrong with just looking at your words. I don't agree with the study of the Rubik's Cube, but in the context of the video, the Rubik's Cube is still to be robbed." Steve Rogers said, "If Colonel Flynn doesn't rob , the Rubik's Cube is in Hitler's hands, obviously Hitler didn't take the Rubik's Cube for collection, his research on the Rubik's Cube will only become more crazy and evil."

"Don't you think it's superfluous for you to discuss this?" Thor said, "According to the development of the video, even if Colonel Flynn did not agree to shoot the Rubik's Cube, Howard Stark and Peggy Carter absolutely I won't stand idly by, and I will definitely grab the Rubik's Cube."

There's nothing wrong with Thor's guess. In the video, Peggy Carter is in a bar, drinking a glass of wine with ice cubes.

"Submerge your troubles?" Howard Stark sat down beside Peggy Carter. "I thought you Brits were resilient."

"Only men, obviously," Peggy Carter said.

"Can I give you some advice?" Howard Stark said.

"I'd rather not." Peggy Carter refused without thinking.

"Flynn's an idiot, but luckily, I'm a genius." Howard Stark said this without being modest, but it was true.

He pushed a box next to Peggy Carter.

"What is this?" Peggy Carter asked suspiciously.

"This used to be your costume, the 'Let's go sell war bonds' costume, but I made some upgrades." Howard Stark slapped a shield in front of Peggy Carter.

"The costume, the shield, it seems that there is no suspense for Peggy Carter to become another captain." Sam Wilson couldn't help but said.

"The question is will Captain Rogers become a superhero without the serum," James Rhodes said. "But so far, all we've seen is Peggy Carter being another captain."

"And what about Captain Rogers, where he's a normal guy, how does he become a superhero?" T'Challa said.

"I guess, this should have something to do with the Rubik's Cube." Tony Stark had an idea in his mind.

"It can only be the Rubik's Cube." Steve Rogers agreed with Tony Stark, "Howard is a genius like Tony. It should be that after they grabbed the Rubik's Cube, Howard researched something based on the Rubik's Cube, Let me in that time and space have power and become a superhero."

"Stracker can use Loki's scepter to create two enhanced people, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Tony's father used the Rubik's Cube, and he should be able to do it." Bruce Banner said.

"Enhancing people?" Thor was more interested in this. "I don't know what ability Steve Rogers in that time and space was transformed by the Rubik's cube. Is it also a powerful ability like Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver?"

Everyone previously guessed that Peggy Carter would snatch the Rubik's Cube. The next plot was the same as everyone guessed. Peggy Carter put on her "captain costume", holding a shield, single-handedly, and easily removed the Rubik's Cube from Hydra. Grab it there.


Peggy Carter shot the Rubik's cube on Colonel Flynn's desk, and said to him even more aggressively, "The war is outside, Colonel, not here. If we want to win, don't just sit behind the desk. ."

"Is it a nuclear weapon?" Colonel Flynn said, looking at the Rubik's Cube.

"Are you listening?" Peggy Carter asked.

"You're an agent, and you're not qualified to perform field missions." Colonel Flynn finally set his sights on Peggy Carter.

"Then you'd better give me a promotion," Peggy Carter said. "'Captain' sounds good, and I'm sure you know what to do."

After Peggy Carter turned away neatly, Howard Stark smiled and watched this scene, and when Peggy Carter left, his eyes fell on the Rubik's Cube, "I know how to deal with this ."

The camera is all, Howard Stark is welding a behemoth, this behemoth is covered with a cloth, and everyone does not know what it is.

Steve Rogers, on crutches, stood behind Howard Stark.

"Ready to go to war? Steve?" Howard Stark asked, wearing his sunglasses, and Steve Rogers had a smile on his face.

"It seems we guessed wrong, Howard Stark didn't use the Rubik's cube to turn Rogers into a fortified man, but made him a weapon." Thor guessed, "I don't know what such a big guy is. "

"I thought I could see the Rogers version of Quicksilver or the Witch, but I didn't expect that." Although Tony Stark didn't seem interested in his mouth, his eyes were fixed on the piece of cloth. Something is full of curiosity.

In fact, he already had a guess in his mind.

"Red Skull used Rubik's cube to create a lot of energy weapons, all of which are very powerful." Steve Rogers also had a vague guess about the big guy Howard Stark made, "Howard was the top genius of that era. , the weapon he created using the Rubik's Cube must be epoch-making."

Video continues.

Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers stand in front of a map.

"The latest intelligence shows that Flight 107 is under enemy fire here." Peggy Carter pointed to a specific location on the map and said, "If your friend is taken by Hydra."

"Bucky's troops are 50 kilometers from the front." Steve Rogers said with a serious face, "I can't let you go."

"This is not a request." Peggy Carter turned into a caring little girlfriend for a second, oh, no, a big girlfriend, "He's your friend."

"A best friend," Steve Rogers said.

"Perhaps better," Peggy Carter said. "If we're going to beat Hydra, we need the help of all our friends."

Steve Rogers grabbed Peggy Carter's hand, "I owe you something."

"You owe me more than that," Peggy Carter said. "You owe me dancing."

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