Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 186 The end of the Avengers leaves, Loki joins the answer

"I still follow the original plan and go to Strange." Bruce Banner, who is already in the form of Dr. Green, said.

"Banner, do you want to smash something and miss the old feeling?" Tony Stark asked.

"Thank you, no need." Bruce Banner turned and left.

"Tony, mind giving us a ride?" Steve Rogers' eyes fell on Tony Stark.

"What do you mean by giving us a ride?" Scott Lang asked.

"Just what you think it means," Steve Rogers said.

"I'd better get smaller." Scott Lang immediately became smaller and jumped on Tony Stark's armor.

Then Tony Stark took Steve Rogers in his arms and soared into the sky.

"What is that dense piece of stuff in the sky?" When they got closer, only a few people saw that the sky was actually full of steel soldiers, Scott Lang couldn't help but said loudly, "Tony, tell me if you're blind. It's gone!"

"Well, there are hundreds of them, right?" Steve Rogers was also stunned.

"500." Tony Stark was no less shocked than Steve Rogers.

"If you could have 500 Iron Soldiers in the New York War, how could we have fought so hard?" Steve Rogers said.

"Before the Great War in New York, I never thought about making an Iron Legion, because I had been fighting alone before that, and I could handle all crises by myself, Iron Man, and I didn't need to make this kind of Iron Legion." Tony Stark said as he flew, "After the Great War in New York, I realized that Iron Man is not enough for everything, I realized the importance of the Iron Legion, I made some, but when I was in Killian, I put it again. It's all destroyed."

"Did you really think of creating the Iron Legion after the Great War in New York?" Scott Lang said, pointing to the iron soldiers who were flying against aliens, "Look at how majestic they are now!"

"This New York battle has changed beyond recognition, and now I won't be surprised to see anything again," Tony Stark said.

The flight speed of the steel armor is still very fast, and it didn't take long to arrive at Wuming Mountain.

In view of the fact that this New York battle was completely beyond their knowledge, the three did not act rashly first, but found a hidden place to hide, intending to observe first, and then wait for an opportunity.

Click! Click!

Thunder flashes, like huge claws, tearing apart the sky.

A few people looked up and saw Thor wearing a red cloak flying in the air, and when the Thor hammer was swung, a huge thunder and lightning came, and each thunder and lightning could split several whale spaceships.

Just two words, prestige!

"How do I feel that when Thor was fighting with us, he was not as strong as he is now?" Tony Stark looked up at Thor and said.

"Yeah, the original Thor was worse than the current Thor," Steve Rogers said.

"Thor has become stronger, so what about you, captain?" Scott Lang burst into foul language as soon as he finished speaking, "holyshit! You're kidding me!"

"Scott, what are you making all the fuss about?" Tony Stark said angrily, "Just tell others loudly that we are here!"

"Captain, the captain is in the sky!" Scott Lang's voice trembled.

"What captain is in the sky, isn't the captain right next to you?" Tony Stark really wanted to slap this idiot.

"No, it's not our captain, it's the captain of the New York Battle." Scott Lang stretched out a trembling finger and pointed in the air, "The captain is there!"

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark looked in the direction of Scott Lang's fingers, their eyes widened at the same time, only to see a man in the sky wearing a star-striped suit with a shield in his hand, The air slaughtered the Quartet, the shield shot, and a row of Qitarians did not wait to land,

People are cut off in midair.

"It's really me, but how can I fly?" Steve Rogers doubted that he was dazzled.

"Captain, why don't you try it now and see if you can fly?" Tony Stark said on the side.

"If I could fly earlier, would I still be able to hide until now?" Steve Rogers said, after a pause, "I can fly even if I can't fly, I'd like to know that in this weird 2012 What have you changed?"

Said that when Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, the figure of Tony Stark appeared in 2012. I saw him wave his hand, and the armor flowed for a while. cut off directly.

"Nanotechnology!" Tony Stark stood up abruptly in shock, "I just developed the Mark 42 at this time, how come there is even nanotechnology!"

"I didn't participate in the New York War at all, but look who is that?" Scott Lang pointed again.

In fact, there is no need for him to point it out, everyone has seen it. After all, a giant with a height of several tens of meters is really conspicuous.

I have to say that Scott Lang's ability is very suitable at this time. I saw him standing there, standing on the ground, with a punch with his left hand, smashing a whale spaceship, and with another shot with his right hand, the sky was full The Tarisians fell like raindrops.

But when it comes to killing the enemy, the fastest is Pietro Maximov. He holds a sword and turns his body into a gust of wind. Wherever he passes, the Chitarians are cut in two, and at the speed of Quicksilver , it wasn't until their bodies turned into two that they realized that they had been attacked.

It can be said that Pietro Maximov is an invincible existence here. Those Zeta Rians attacked so desperately that they couldn't even touch a single hair of his hair, and as long as he shot, no alien could dodge.

It was like an alien harvester. Wherever the figure passed, none of the aliens were injured, and they all died tragically on the spot.

Wanda Maximoff's performance is equally dazzling, the crimson energy is continuously released, and each release can take away the lives of a large number of Zeta Rising people.

"Damn it, the Maximov brothers and sisters are also here!" Tony Stark exclaimed, "Didn't they join us at Ultron? Now they're on the stage early!"

"Didn't Scott also play early?" Steve Rogers said, "But it seems that this Pietro should not be killed by bullets, which is good news after all."

"T'Challa is here too." Tony Stark looked at Black Panther again.

"Compared to T'Challa, I think Natasha is more interesting." Steve Rogers said.

Tony Stark took a closer look and saw that Natasha Romanov was also like a super soldier, rushing left and right among those alien crowds, just like tigers entering the flock, can kill casually. A large swath of Zeta Rians.

"When did Natasha become so powerful?" Tony Stark said in surprise, "This is not something ordinary people can do at all. She has also become a super soldier?"

At this time, Tony Stark noticed that for a few moments Natasha Romanov's eyes were faintly flickering with flames, and lava was faintly flowing on his skin.

"Shti! Desperate virus!" Tony Stark felt a little stunned when he felt that he was not surprised. "Is Natasha crazy, how can she inject this kind of garbage!"

"Not just Natasha, but Clint," Steve Rogers said. "Clint, like Natasha, became a super soldier."

"He still breathes fire?" Scott Long watched as Clint Barton spewed out a flame from his mouth, igniting several Zeta Rians.

"Sure enough, it's the Desperate Virus." Tony Stark also saw the fire-breathing scene in his eyes, "I really don't understand, how could Killian's Desperate Virus fall into their hands..."

"Holyshit!" Tony Stark was interrupted by Scott Lang's ghost call before he could finish his sentence.

"Scott, what's the matter!" Steve Rogers couldn't help but start lecturing, "After so much, why are you still making a fuss like a student just out of school? You can't be calm. Is it? You can easily expose us like this, don't you know?"

"No Captain, Lo, Loki!" Scott Lang exclaimed. "He..."

"Isn't it normal to see Loki? The aliens were brought by Loki, and he was the culprit in the New York War." Steve Rogers said while looking at his heroic flying in the sky.

"Captain, take a look at Loki, and I promise you'll be holyshit too," Scott Lang said.

"How is this possible, it's like I haven't seen Loki before." Steve Rogers looked in the direction Scott Long pointed, and immediately exclaimed, "holyshit!"

Not only barked, but louder than Scott Lang.

"No, Captain, I don't think it's strange that Scott hasn't seen the world. Why are you making a fuss?" Tony Stark shouted to Steve Rogers while admiring his own heroic appearance, "Anyway, it's the same. A hundred-year-old man, still as frizzy as a fledgling young man."

"Tony, take a look and you'll be holyshit too," Steve Rogers said.

"How is it possible, it's like I haven't seen Loki before." Tony Stark didn't realize that Steve Rogers just said the same.

"Then take a look, here." Steve Rogers raised his hand to point to Tony Stark.

"Look at it, you think I'm like you..." Tony Stark looked in the direction of Steve Rogers' fingers, and then he screamed, "holyshit!"

"I'll just say it." Scott Lang shrugged.

"Loki and the Avengers fought side by side, slaughtering the Zetaris?" Tony Stark felt that his brain was running out of time. "What is this unfolding?"

"Yeah, what's this unfolding?" Steve Rogers said. "Loki was the culprit in the Great War in New York, he brought the aliens, and now he's fighting the Zetaris with us?"

"I know this 2012 is very wrong, but this is too wrong!" Tony Stark said, "Could it be that Loki also joined the Avengers?"

That's right, the reason why the three people were shocked by Lianhu Hou Leixie was because they saw Loki, who triggered the New York War, fighting side by side with the Avengers and slaughtering aliens.

This is just ridiculous.

When Captain America and Iron Man were frequently shocked here, Dr. Green Bruce Banner came to a rooftop just like the original timeline. He was about to push the door when suddenly a voice came.

"Be careful with your feet when you go over there, we just waxed the floor."

Bruce Banner turned his head to look, and saw a bald woman in a yellow robe standing there.

"I'm looking for Dr. Strange." Bruce Banner said to Gu Yi.

"You came about five years too early." Gu Yi walked to the rooftop and pointed his finger, "Steven Strange was supposed to be there, 20 blocks away for surgery, but he's traveling in Chicago right now, so I Like you, there is a subtle sense of strangeness."

"Tourism?" Bruce Banner was stunned, what the hell, they studied there for a long time, determined the location of the gemstone, and shuttled over there specifically, and then they were told that Doctor Strange was not in New York at all?

"It doesn't matter if he's not here." Bruce Banner saw the time gem on Gu Yi's chest, "I need that."

"This can't be done." Gu Yi refused like the original plot.

"Sorry, but this is not a request." Bruce Banner walked towards Gu Yi step by step.

"You wouldn't want to do that." Gu didn't panic.

"Yes, I don't want to, but I need that gem, I don't have time to argue with you." Bruce Banner walked to Gu Yi, reached for the gem, but was slapped by Gu Yi, The soul is out.

"What the hell?" Bruce Banner looked at his illusory body and was shocked at the time. This ancient one is too strong!

"Let's start over." Gu Yi smiled, "Okay?"

"I'm very sorry, but we need that gem, our world needs that gem, and countless lives are waiting for that gem to save," said Bruce Banner.

"Sorry, I can't help you." Gu Yi refused, "The reality that helps you is the reality that destroys mine."

"With all due respect, I don't think the science supports your claim," said Bruce Banner, walking quickly to Gu Yi.

Gu Yi stopped when she heard the words, she stretched out her hand, and a golden line appeared out of thin air.

"The Infinity Stones create the flow of time you know, and if you take one away, a tributary will be created." With Gu Yi's explanation, the dynamic effects of the Infinity Stones and the tributaries are also simultaneously presented on the golden lines. Your reality is good, but not so good for my new one. In this new tributary reality, without our primary weapon against the forces of darkness, our world will be turned upside down and millions will suffer Disaster. Tell me Doctor, can your science stop this?"

"No," said Bruce Banner, "but we can erase it. Because after we run out of gems, we can take each gem back to its original point in time, back to the moment it was taken, so that , in terms of time, in that reality, it never left."

"Yes, but you left out the most important part." Gu Yi turned around and walked, "If you want to return the gem, you have to survive."

"We will, I promise." Bruce Banner walked up to Gu Yi.

"I can't risk this reality for a promise." Gu Yi still refused, and it sounded quite reasonable, "The Supreme Mage is responsible for protecting the Time Gem."

"Then why did Strange hand it over?" Bruce Banner asked.

"What did you say?" Gu Yi's expression changed at that time.

"Strange, he gave the gem to Thanos," said Bruce Banner.

"Is it voluntary?" Gu Yi asked.

"Yes," said Bruce Banner.

"Why?" Gu Yi asked.

"I don't know, maybe he's wrong," said Bruce Banner.

"Or I was wrong." Gu Yi stared at Bruce Banner for a long time, she waved, and the huge body of Bruce Banner lying in a corner flew over and merged with his soul.

"Strange will be the best among us." Gu Yi took out the time gem and gave it to Bruce Banner.

"So there must be a reason for him to do that," said Bruce Banner.

"I'm afraid you're right," Gu Yi said. "I'm counting on you, Bruce, we're all counting on you."

"Thank you," Bruce Banner thanked.

"Oh, in addition, let me remind you again." Just as Bruce Banner was about to leave, Gu Yi said again, "There is no Mind Stone on that mountain, oh, it's a scepter now."

"The scepter isn't there?" Bruce Banner asked.

"In a base of S.H.I.E.L.D." Gu Yi pointed his finger in one direction and said, "Now everyone is fighting aliens on the mountain. You want to take away the scepter. Now is the best time."

"Supreme Master, what happened in 2012? This is obviously our past, but why is it completely different from our past?" Bruce Banner couldn't help asking, "What happened?"

"I'd be happy to reveal the secret for you, but you guys are running out of time." Gu Yi smiled and asked, "Are you trying to solve the doubts in your heart or the problems of your world?"

"That's a pity." Of course Bruce Banner was going to the gem, and he immediately contacted Steve Rogers, "Hey, Captain, I know where the scepter is, but I need help."

"We only see the Cosmic Cube here, and the scepter is really not in Loki's hands." Steve Rogers asked, "Where is the scepter?"

"In a SHIELD base." Bruce Banner said.

"Sneak into the base, it sounds like Scott's forte." Steve Rogers said directly to Scott Lang beside him, "Scott, you go and help Bruce, the scepter is handed over to you."

"No problem." Scott Lang's mask closed.

"I'll give you a ride." Tony Stark directly launched a mini drone. After Scott Lang got smaller, he took the drone and flew towards the center of New York City.

"What is that?" Steve Rogers said. There were new changes on the battlefield. I saw some steel soldiers carrying bombs that were similar to nuclear bombs, but much smaller than nuclear bombs, rushing towards the portal. go.

"They also plan to blow up the mothership, but what kind of bomb is that, why have I never seen it?" Tony Stark looked at the "bee bomb" in amazement.

"No matter what bomb it is, since we use it to deal with aliens, it must be a very powerful weapon." Steve Rogers said.

What he said was true at all. When the steel soldiers flew into the portal with the "bee bombs" on their shoulders, the portal was ablaze with flames, and the flames almost engulfed the entire sky. This world seems to be They all vibrated.

Then, those Chitarians fell to the ground one by one as if their souls had been taken away.

New York war, this is over.

So Easy.

"The casualties seem to be zero?" Steve Rogers asked uncertainly.

"It's zero." Tony Stark said, "There is no one else on this mountain except these superheroes, and the superheroes don't know why they have increased their strength, and these aliens can't help them. "

"We fought so badly in this battle at the beginning, or you carried the nuclear bomb and prepared to sacrifice yourself to end the war, but they..." Steve Rogers had an extremely unreal feeling again, "Zero casualties?"

"Not good!" Tony Stark said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Steve Rogers asked.

"They're going to give Thor the Rubik's Cube to bring him back to Asgard!" Tony Stark said.

Steve Rogers took a closer look, isn't it, Nick Fury packed the universe cube into a special box and handed it to Thor.

And Thor did not ink at all, holding the Rubik's Cube in one hand and Loki in the other, a rainbow bridge fell from the sky and disappeared.

Steve Rogers: "..."

Tony Stark: "..."

The two looked at each other, dumbfounded.

Why is this Thor so straightforward?

As soon as the war is over, take the Rubik's cube and leave?

Nick Fury has no opinion?

They seemed to have Alexander Pierce coming over to argue at that time. This is good. They don't give each other a chance to argue, just take it away!

"What do we do now, Captain?" Tony Stark asked.

"What else can we do? The mission failed. At least we can't get the Rubik's Cube." Steve Rogers said helplessly, "Let's retreat, we can't go to Asgard to get the Rubik's Cube."

When they rendezvous with Scott Long and Bruce Banner, good news here, the scepter and the Time Stone are in hand.

"Is there any other choice for the universe cube?" Steve Rogers was a little unwilling.

"No, there is no other choice." Scott Lang said helplessly, "We don't want to go anywhere else, we only have one dose of Pym particles left, one dose per person! Don't think about it anymore, let's go home."

"If we don't try, no one else will ever want to go home." Steve Rogers still wasn't going to give up.

"I see!" Tony Stark thought of something and said quickly, "There are other ways to get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and get more Pym particles." He walked up to Steve Rogers and said , "Recall, military installations, the Garden State."

"When are they there?" Steve Rogers asked.

"They're all..." Tony Stark said, "I probably know when."

"How much?" Steve Rogers asked.

"What are you talking about?" Scott Lang was bewildered.

"Looks like we'll have to improvise." Steve Rogers didn't answer. He pointed to the scepter and said to Scott Lang, "Take this back to base."

"New Jersey, 04, 07..." Then Steve Rogers and Tony Stark began setting up new coordinates for the shuttle.

"If you go and don't succeed, you won't be able to come back," Scott Lang reminded.

"Thank you for your encouragement, Little Transparent." Tony Stark first said to Scott Lang, then turned to look at Steve Rogers, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you trust me?"

"I trust." Steve Rogers said solemnly.

Then the two disappeared.

"Bruce, you just look at it like this and don't persuade them?" Scott Lang looked at Bruce Banner helplessly.

"I believe them," said Bruce Banner. "We should go too."

Two rays of light flashed, and Bruce Banner and Scott Lang also disappeared.

The end Avengers just left, and no one noticed except Gu Yi.

Although this New York battle has become unrecognizable because of the answering space, and it is completely different from the New York battle experienced by the endgame Avengers, but the strange thing is that the endgame Avengers still took away the Mind Stone and Time Stone, the same as the original timeline.

For all of this, Thor does not know, he and Loki "walk" in the Rainbow Bridge hand in hand.

"No Thor, we just had a victory, and you're in such a hurry to take me away?" Loki said. "I mean, shouldn't we celebrate? Have a drink or something."

"I don't think they would welcome you," Thor said.

"They don't seem like stingy people." Loki didn't feel anything wrong. "We just fought side by side, didn't we? I also killed a lot of enemies."

"Enemy?" Thor said. "You mean your 'friend'."

"Eon, since the moment I was captured by you, I and them have been cut off from each other and have nothing to do with them. They are not my friends, never have been." Loki grinned, "So I'm back on Earth now. In time, their celebratory party should not have started yet."

"Loki, you don't want to go back to Earth," Thor said, "because I don't believe you at all, I don't know if you just helped us eliminate the Zetaris and there is no conspiracy."

"So you took me away from Earth immediately? That way, no matter what conspiracy I have, it's too late to show it?" Loki asked.

"Exactly," Thor said.

"Then you make me so sad that you don't believe me so much," said Loki.

"Shouldn't I be suspicious of someone trying to kill me?" Thor said.

"It doesn't matter." Loki shrugged, then asked, "Why only bring back the Rubik's Cube, and why put the scepter on Earth?"

"The scepter is still useful on Earth," Thor said.

The colorful light suddenly disappeared, and Asgard arrived.

When Odin learned that Loki had been captured, he threw him into prison without even looking at him.

"Father, I've done so much for you, don't you even want to look at me?" Loki looked fine on the surface, but his heart was like a knife.

Loki was lying in the prison, thinking about everything he had in Asgard, thinking about the bits and pieces between him and Thor and Odin, and fell asleep unconsciously.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a very strange space.

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