Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 203 Are you still human? Take the spaceship across the universe!

Yelena Belova was lucky, she smashed into a room, Natasha Romanov was a little less lucky, she also fell directly downstairs, but there are many pipes on the building, Natasha Romanov His body was blocked twice by these pipes before landing, which was no big deal.

She clutched her waist and walked towards the widow killer step by step.

"Don't move, you're injured," Natasha Romanov said to the widow killer. "Let me help you."

The widow killer looked at Natasha Romanov with a longing look on her face, but suddenly, a cuff-like thing on her arm began to glow red.

She tried desperately to move her arm away, but the arm just slapped her face, as if an invisible force was forcing her to do that.

"I don't want to do this." Widow Killer looked at Natasha Romanov, tears were about to flow out, she was desperately resisting the invisible force, but her arm was still a little bit closer to her face.

"What are you doing?" Natasha Romanov asked, not understanding the widow's strange behavior.

"He's forcing me." The widow's arm hit her face, and a red light shot onto her face.

Natasha Romanov knelt down and saw that the widow was dead with her eyes wide open, and half of her face had been scorched black by the blow just now.

"Do you believe me now?" Yelena Belova also came here from upstairs at this time.

As soon as the space darkens, the video ends here.

"So, Captain, do you have any plans to tear down the red house?" Natasha Romanoff said to Steve Rogers.

"The Red House is not my enemy," said Steve Rogers, "but if you ask me for help, as a friend, I will."

"Thank you, Captain, but I think it's more than enough for me to kill the Red House now," Natasha Romanov said.

"Natasha, when are you going to call me, I was there last time I fought with them, how can I be missing this time?" Clint Barton said aside.

"Clint, you have played against them and you know their level. Now my hand is their nightmare." Natasha Romanov said, "I can do it myself."

"Well, if you need to, speak at any time." Clint Barton said.

"Is this red house all female killers?" Stephen Strange said.

"Yes, all female killers." Natasha Romanov said.

"I don't understand one thing, Natasha, you are too soft-hearted towards those killers, aren't you?" Scott Lang said at this time, "The woman who killed herself, she wanted to kill you, but you still saved she?"

"Lang, in fact, they are all a group of poor people. Like the Winter Soldier, their brains are controlled, and they can't help themselves." Natasha Romanov sighed, "Don't you see, they even have their own life and death are out of control.”

"It seems that the things Yelena mailed to you are the things that can make them uncontrollable." Steve Rogers thought of his good friend Bucky Barnes again, "Bucky is controlled by Hydra, I don't know yet. Is there any way to get rid of it?"

"There must be, Captain, don't worry," Nick Fury said. "We'll find a way."

"Hydra must have a way." Phil Coulson said, "We are going to attack Hydra soon, and then we will excavate all their things. I will pay special attention to this aspect."

"We still have Wanda, and even if they know a way to remove Bucky's control, we'll dig it out," Nick Fury said.

"Leave it to me, captain, unless they don't know, or I will dig it out." Wanda Maximoff said.

"Thank you all," Steve Rogers thanked.

"This video just mentioned something very interesting. The Avengers were disbanded. Does anyone want to say something about this?" Scott Lang said, "That's the Avengers! The Avengers who saved the world several times. Alliance! Disbanded like this?"

"It must be because of the "Sokovia Agreement", some heroes headed by the captain did not sign, so they had to be forced to retire. In fact, almost all of them became wanted criminals, just like the captain and Natasha, the airport war. It's all in violation of the Sokovia Agreement," said Stephen Strange.

"The Avengers are Captain, Tony, Bruce, Clint, Natasha, and Thor." Phil Coulson counted them all, "Captain, Clint, Natasha All three of them didn't sign, Bruce and Thor didn't know where they went, and Tony was the only one left in the Avengers, and it could only be disbanded."

"It's really funny." Loki couldn't help but speak again, "Such a team that saved the world was disbanded for such a reason?"

"Captain sacrificed himself for the people as early as World War II. Since he was thawed, he has fought desperately to protect the people, but turned out to be a wanted criminal..." Stephen Strange shook his head, "Outrageous."

"Bruce should be on Sarkar at this time," Phil Coulson said. "And where is Thor?"

"Maybe he's chasing Surtur." Thor shrugged, "Who knows, it's not on Earth anyway."

[The eleventh question begins, please be prepared. 】

[May I ask Iron Man Tony Stark wandering in the universe, who saved him when he was about to die? 】

【A Guardians of the Galaxy】

【B Thor】

[C Captain Marvel Carol Danvers]

[D Doctor Strange Stephen Strange]

[A correct answer to this question will reward extreme survivability (can survive in extreme environments, including vacuum environments). If the answer is wrong, the life expectancy will be deducted by one year. 】

"Tony is wandering in the universe? This should be the time he and Stephen went to the Thanos lair," Steve Rogers said, "After all, we don't have the ability to travel between stars, so that's the only time we took it. Only the ebony-throated spaceship can go to Thanos' lair."

"If it was that time, Stephen was there. Stephen can open the portal. Why didn't he just open a portal to send Tony back?" Scott Lang said.

"It shouldn't be possible," Stephen Strange said. "That's interstellar transmission. The length is calculated in light years. Do I look like someone who can cover such a large area with spells?"

"Stephen may be able to go wherever he wants on earth, but if he can open a portal to transmit in the universe, it would be too ridiculous." Thor also said, "Don't talk about the universe, even in the Nine Realms, Ah Sgard even has to cross the Rainbow Bridge to pass."

"Then it seems that option D can be ruled out." Scott Lang said.

"I think I can also rule it out." Thor thought for a while and said, "Yes, I can fly, and Asgard also has a spaceship. In theory, I can save Tony. But since he failed to raid the tyrant's nest Just wandering in the universe, then it must be a long way from Asgard. I'm unlikely to go there when I don't know that Tony is trapped in that universe."

"Then the rest are the Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel." Stephen Strange said, "Both of these options are interstellar, and there is no doubt that they both have the ability to save Tony and meet Tony in the universe. Also more likely than Thor, these two options are the most likely."

"If you choose between the Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel. I choose Captain Marvel." Tony Stark made a choice, "I choose C!"

【correct answer! Rewards issued! 】

As soon as the reward was in place, a milky white light flashed across Tony Stark.

"Very good, very powerful." Tony Stark digested his new ability and nodded immediately with satisfaction.

"Tony, the reward says extreme environment, not too specific, what kind of extreme environment is it?" Steve Rogers asked.

"First of all, I'm not afraid of cold, and I won't freeze to death. Even at absolute zero, I won't die. Of course, if the temperature is so low, I basically have no ability to move and can only fall into a deep sleep." Tony Starr K said.

The first one is enviable.

"Fantastic!" said Clint Barton, "so you can learn from the captain, and put you in the freezer to freeze, and then thaw after 100 years. Congratulations, you are also a young old man."

"In theory, Tony can live forever," Bruce Banner said. "Of course, the premise is that he can be frozen forever."

"It's better to live than to die." Tony Stark said, "Secondly, I'm not afraid of heat. Of course, the upper limit is much lower, and it can only withstand a temperature of 2000 degrees."

"It's more heat-resistant than some metals," said Bruce Banner.

"I won't go into details about the rest. I have incredible adaptability to radiation, strong acid, virus, pressure, etc." Tony Stark said, the more excited he was, the ecstatic look was like licking The dog finally received the same reply from the goddess, "The apocalypse described in the sci-fi movies we have seen, such as the planet hitting the earth, the world's nuclear level, the global ice block, the great flood, the outbreak of zombies, etc., there is almost nothing that can be killed. My situation. Astronauts need to wear thick space suits to land on the moon and Mars. I don't need anything. A handsome suit is enough. Scientists also need special clothes when they go to the seabed to investigate, but I still need a suit. Suits, no problem to the Mariana Trench."

"What if there is no food?" Bruce Banner asked. "Can you adapt without energy intake?"

"If there is no food, my skin can automatically absorb the elements and energy that the body needs from the surrounding environment." Tony Stark spread his hands, "I can now 'do not eat human fireworks'."

"It's a really good ability," said Bruce Banner.

"It doesn't sound like there's any way to kill Tony," Scott Lang said.

"No, I'm just able to adapt to all kinds of extreme environments, not invulnerability, if you want to kill me, a bullet will do." Tony Stark said.

"This is very strange." Bruce Banner said, "You must know that the pressure underwater is very high, the depth of the Mariana Trench, the pressure is unimaginable, your body can withstand that kind of water pressure , the strength and density of the body should be very amazing. It is impossible for bullets to kill you."

"Bruce, that's the peculiar thing about this ability. My body isn't really overpowering, but because after I'm in that environment, my body automatically adapts to the environment and produces that kind of change. I'm in a normal state now. environment, so my body is the body of an ordinary person, exactly like everyone else." Tony Stark said.

At this time, the space lights up and the video starts playing.

In the beginning, it was in a spaceship, where Tony Stark and Nebula played a very boring and childish game.

I saw Tony Stark bounce a triangle at Nebula, and Nebula's subconscious reaction quickly raised his hand to block it.

"You don't have to do that, because you just keep this gesture." Tony Stark put his arms on the table and made a fist with both hands, but his index fingers were stretched out to make a simple "goal".

"Yes." Now it was Nebula's turn to play. She held the triangle with her left hand, flicked her right hand, and the triangle flew out with a swish.

But it didn't hit the "goal" at all, but fell outside Tony Stark's arm.

"Almost in," Tony Stark said.

Nebula bounced again, and the triangle flew high, across the "goal" and into Tony Stark's arms.

"Go in!" Tony Stark said. "Now we have one point each."

After the two of them played this boring game for a while, Tony Stark walked to a corner of the ship, where there was a broken Warframe helmet.

"Is this thing recording?" Tony Stark reached out and tapped on the helmet, and a ray of light shot out of his eyes.

Tony Stark leaned against the ship and began to record his last words.

"Hey, Miss Potts, Xiao Pei, if you find this video, don't post it on social networks, or a group of people will cry to death."

"I don't know if you can see, I don't know if you still..."

"God, I hope you're still alive."

"Today is day 21, no, day 22."

"If it weren't for the existential fear of staring into a truly void space, I'd say I'm feeling better today."

"The infection is over. Thanks to that blue sister, you will definitely like her. She is very pragmatic, but she has some abusive tendencies."

"The fuel cell was destroyed in the fight, and we found a way to reverse the ionic charge and gained about 48 hours of flight time."

"But it's completely useless now."

"The nearest convenience store is also thousands of light-years away."

"The oxygen will be completely depleted tomorrow morning."

"Then, it's over."

"Xiao Pei, I know I said I won't surprise you again, but I have to say how much I wish I could finish this last one. But now it seems..."

"Well, you know how it looks."

"Don't feel bad about it."

"I mean, if you're sad for a few weeks and then go on living with a huge sense of guilt..."

"Maybe I should lie down for a while and give my eyes a rest."

"Please understand, when I'm falling asleep, it's going to be like every night these days."

"I'm fine, really fine."

"I will dream of you."

"Because it's always been you."

Tony Stark turned off the video, put on a coat, curled up beside his helmet, and closed his eyes.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He was finally able to get a good night's sleep.

I don't know how long I lay there, Tony Stark fell asleep.

Nebula picked him up and put him on the chair.

Suddenly, a ray of light shone in, like bright sunlight, touching Tony Stark's face, he slowly opened his eyes, and found that a small dazzling sun was suspended outside the spacecraft.

When the light gradually dissipated, he realized that it was not the sun, but a woman.

Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers!

Everything on camera, Steve Rogers is shaving in the bathroom when the mirror in front of him suddenly shakes.

He quickly ran out with the others, and saw a glowing woman in the night sky slowly flying over with a spaceship.

Carol Danvers put the ship on the lawn, and Nebula helped Tony Stark out.

As soon as the space darkens, the video ends here.

"It's too exaggerated, isn't it? He held the spaceship with his bare hands to send Tony back?" Natasha Romanov said.

"Tony mentioned that he is at least a thousand light years away from the earth, and she lifted the spaceship to the earth in the blink of an eye. Can she pass through the wormhole directly?" Bruce Banner thought it was incredible, " Is this really something a human can do?"

"I told you a long time ago that Carroll is very strong." Nick Fury said.

"This is no longer strong, but outrageous." Thor said, "Tao needs to use gems to shuttle, but she is better, she crosses directly, and also carries a spaceship!"

"How did that blue-skinned girl get with Tony?" Clint Barton said. "Isn't she from the Guardians of the Galaxy? Did Tony meet her before he met Captain Marvel?"

"If this is the case, then there should be a spaceship. This blue sister can't cross the universe physically." Natasha Romanov said, "She should have been there when she was fighting Thanos in the tyrant's lair before. , it's just that the video only shows the fight scene between Tony and Stephen."

"Speaking of Stephen, why is there only Tony and no Stephen on the spaceship? Could it be that he died?" Natasha Romanov said, "He handed over the Time Stone to save Tony, but he was brutally murdered?"

"It shouldn't be dead," Nick Fury said. "When Tony snapped his fingers to turn Thanos to ashes, wasn't Stephen there? He also made an inexplicable gesture to Tony."

"That's not necessarily true. Do you remember that Thanos died twice?" Natasha Romanoff said, "once when Thor beheaded, and once when Tony snapped his fingers. It's not surprising that the dead show up again. something happened."

"About Thanos dying twice, it should be time travel." Tony Stark said, "Thor cut off Thanos' head, and then traveled back to the past to fight Thanos again. As for why we need to travel In the past, I still don't quite understand it."

[The twelfth question begins, please be prepared. 】

【Please watch the following video first. 】

The video is a shocking scene from the very beginning, seeing spider silk crisscrossing the city's high-rise buildings, sticking several carriages in the air.

The carriage stuck in the air is of course not street art, but people living inside.

"A survivor camp claims that they have made progress in developing an antidote." The voice of the Wakanda female general Okoye sounded.

"Great!" Spider-Man Peter Parker said happily, "The global crisis is over, let's give a high five!"

"Don't worry," said Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier. "The location of the signal was damaged during transmission. We don't know where it came from."

"It seems that this message is composed of non-linear hexadecimal encoding." Bruce Banner said, looking at the complex graphics on the light curtain in front of him.

"Does this position look familiar?" Bucky Barnes asked Sharon Carter. "Agent Carter?"

"That was the first operating base of the S.H.I.E.L.D. at Camp Lehigh in New Jersey." Sharon Carter said, looking at the graphics on the light screen, "There is indeed the corresponding equipment that can produce antidote."

"Then we'll start when it gets dark," Okoye said.

The screen stopped at this place, and the question appeared.

[May I ask whether Spider-Man Peter Parker and Bucky Barnes the Winter Soldier were attacked by anyone on their way to Camp Lehigh? 】

【A Captain America Steve Rogers】

【B Falcon Sam Wilson】

【C Hawkeye Clint Barton】

[D Black Widow Natasha Romanoff]

[If you answer this question correctly, you will be rewarded with a moon step, which allows you to walk in the air. If the answer is wrong, the life expectancy will be deducted by one year. 】

Although there are three Peter Parkers at the scene, everyone knows who this question is about. The Peter Parker in the video looks almost exactly the same as the 10-year-old Peter Parker, obviously he grew up.

"This is Zombie World No. 5!" Bruce Banner was the first to speak. "After I was rescued by the Wasp, I was taken to this carriage above the city."

"To build a 'safe house' in the air like this, thanks to Peter's silk is strong enough." Tony Stark said, "World 7 Peter actually used silk to stop a train abruptly, which is shockingly strong. "

"In the video just now, Peter said 'global crisis'. It can be seen that the zombies in World No. 5 have spread all over the world." Clint Barton said, "It's a terrible world."

"What's even more terrifying is that even superheroes have become zombies, and they can still have the abilities of their lives." Natasha Romanov said, "Superhero zombies, this world is even better than those zombie worlds in movies. People are desperate."

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