Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 208 Doctor Strange: My soul was beaten out!

"You underestimate yourself too much." Gu Yi said.

"You think you've seen through me? Is that so? But in fact, I've seen through you!" Stephen Strange became angrier the more he spoke, and he couldn't help but point at Gu Yi.

At this moment, Gu Yi suddenly shot, and slapped Stephen Strange with a slap. Under the palm of his hand, a transparent Stephen Strange was punched out and suspended in the air.

Stephen Strange looked at himself on the ground supported by Mordo, and then looked at himself floating in the air with a transparent body, and was stunned at the time.

Then, Gu waved his hand, and Stephen Strange's soul returned to his body and returned to his body.

"What did you do to me just now?" Stephen Strange asked quickly.

"I pushed your soul out of your body." Gu Yi said calmly.

"What's in the tea?" Stephen Strange wondered if he had seen a hallucination, "Napoleonine? Psychedelics?"

"It's tea," Gu Yi said, "with some honey."

"What the hell just happened?" Stephen Strange said.

"At that moment, you entered a soul world." Gu Yi said.

"What?" Stephen Strange asked.

"It's just that the soul escaped from where the body went," Gu Yi said.

"Why do you do this to me?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Just to tell you, there are too many things you don't know." Gu Yi stretched out his hand and pressed Stephen Strange's eyebrows, "Open your eyes."

In the following time, Stephen Strange experienced things that he could never imagine even in his dreams. He flew for nine days, chasing butterflies in the universe, and he flew into a strange black hole, The body disintegrated inside, and he also turned into a light, traversing the universe inadvertently...

"Please teach me." When he came back, he was already convinced, knelt on the ground and begged Gu Yi to teach.

But why do you want to learn and others have to teach?

Gu Yi directly swept Stephen Strange out the door, the future Archmage fell down on the road in a daze, and the two rudimentary wooden doors closed mercilessly with a bang.

"No!" Stephen Strange regretted it, and hurriedly knocked on the door, "Open the door! Please!"

But no one responded at all.

In this way, Stephen Strange has been staying outside the door for five hours, or the villain of the future, the current enthusiasm, and went to find the ancient one.

"You don't think I should kick him out?" Gu Yi knew what he wanted to say without Moro talking.

"It's been five hours and he's still waiting at the door," Mordo said. "He's got some energy."

"Stubborn, arrogant, and ambitious." Gu Yi said, "It seems familiar."

"He reminds you of Casillas?" Mordo knew who Gu Yi was talking about.

"I don't want to let a talented student be swallowed up by darkness after getting started." Gu Yi said.

"But you didn't lose me." Mordo said, "I long for strength to defeat the enemy. You gave me the strength to destroy the demons, and you taught me to follow the laws of nature."

"The demon of the heart will not be destroyed, Mordo." Gu Yi said, "We just learned to live with it."

"The stolen pages are still in Casillas' hands. If he cracks the mystery, he will destroy us all." Mordo walked to Gu Yi, "The dark forces are getting stronger and stronger, maybe Strange Can help Kamateki get through this difficult time."

"Don't lock me out." Outside the door, Stephen Strange was still waiting hard, "I can't go anywhere now."


Suddenly, the door was opened, and Mordo led Stephen Strange into a room.

"Take a bath, rest, if you have time, meditate for a while, Gu Yi will see you later." Mordo lit a candle and handed a small note to Stephen Strange.

Stephen Strange took a look at it,

Seeing a string of letters written on the note, he couldn't help asking, "What is this? My spell?"

"That's the wifi password here, and we're not primitive people." Mordo closed the door.

As soon as the space darkens, the video ends here.

"I laughed so hard. The note that Mordo handed over, I thought it was a spell, but I didn't expect it to be the wifi password?" Scott Lang laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up.

"It seems that this Mordo and Stephen should have a good relationship. He was there when he fought against Dormammu. Why did he disappear when he fought against Thanos?" Clint Barton noticed that Stephen Strange changed The partner's question, "But became that Asian named Wang?"

"Maybe it was killed." Steve Rogers said, "The circle of mages is not peaceful, and now we know that there are people like Casillas."

"I've been thinking since this topic came up..." Nick Fury began to speak, "Since we now know where Kama Taiji is, if we send more people over, will we have more in the future? More mages?"

"I don't think it's meaningful." Tony Stark did not support this idea. "This kind of thing is definitely not something that everyone can learn, and there must be very strict requirements, such as the requirements for talent. We have also seen , Kamateji is not in some remote mountain and old forest, but in a bustling city where people come and go. And from their willingness to rescue that Pangborn, it can be seen that they are not stingy to help others, and those who know them are sure Quite a lot. If spells are really that easy to learn, then those people must be learning spells all at once."

"What if there is someone as talented as Stephen among the people we send?" Nick Fury said, "What if we will add another powerful mage like Doctor Strange in the future?"

"Fury, you think a little too beautifully." Steve Rogers said, "It is a blessing for this era to have a Stephen, and you still want to come up with a second one?"

"The soldier is right." Loki said, "Did you not think that the reason why the ancient one died was to 'make way' for Stephen?"

"What do you mean?" Phil Coulson said.

"I mean, there can only be one Mage at a level like Stephen," said Loki, "Since Stephen was born, the ancient one must die. And if there is another Mage of this level in the future, Stephen must die."

"Do you have any basis for saying that?" Nick Fury did not believe this statement.

"No," said Loki. "Just an idea."

[The second question begins, please be prepared. 】

[How did Ant-Man Scott Lang defeat Wasp Warrior Darren Krause? 】

[a shrinks to the molecular level and enters the wasp suit, destroying it from the inside of the suit]

[b electrocuted the smaller Darren Krause on the lampshade with a ping pong racket]

[c Zoom in on a tank on the key ring and kill Darren Krauss]

[d control countless ants to devour Darren Krauss to death]

"Darren Claus? It's Darren Claus, the head of Pym Technology!" Scott Lang knew Claus, after all, the other party was quite famous.

"Wasp Warrior, as soon as you hear this nickname, you know that it is similar to the Wasp Girl. Needless to say, it has nothing to do with Hank Pym." Nick Fury said, "It must be that Darren Krause."

"Pym Technology, this company is named after Hank Pym, how come it's not Hank Pym, but this Darren Krause?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Like Steve Jobs, got kicked out of his own company," Nick Fury said.

"Then he should be a failure as a man," Scott Lang said.

"It was quite a failure," Nick Fury said. "When Darren tried to vote Hank out of the company, do you know who cast the key vote? It was the chairman of Pym Technologies, which is Hank Pym. daughter, later Hope the Wasp."

"Darren Krause was very close to Hank Pym, he once thought of him as his son, and his son and daughter betrayed him together," Phil Coulson said. "As a scientist , Hank Pym was very successful, but otherwise, it was a complete failure."

"Is this option b serious?" Stephen Strange pointed to b and said, "Whether the Wasp Warrior or the Wasp Woman is actually similar to Ant-Man, but someone with this ability was slapped on the lampshade by a ping-pong racket. Electrocution, this is too much to die, isn't it?"

"Looks like child's play, but logically it makes sense," Steve Rogers said. "This suit can be made bigger or smaller at will, and if Scott catches a wasp warrior, it becomes smaller. It's entirely possible that a ping-pong racket slaps it away and he just happens to fly into the lampshade."

"Choice c means carry a tank on the key ring?" Bucky Barnes thought it was too magical. "How could someone run around with a tank in their pocket all day?"

"About this, there was a detail in the video before," Clint Barton said. "Scott did have a tank pendant on his desk when he infiltrated Hank Pym's house and stole it. key ring."

"There's evidence in the video? So pick c?" Scott Lang asked.

"What kind of evidence is that?" Tony Stark said. "It's just a tank pendant in the video. What does that mean? Maybe that pendant is just a tank toy. Even if it's a tank, it doesn't mean you Just drive that tank. Let me ask you first, do you know how to drive a tank?"

"No." Scott Lang patted his head, "So, this option can be ruled out. Of course, that kind of thing will happen in the future, and there is a possibility that I will learn to drive a tank in the future. But this possibility is very unlikely. Small, I have no reason to learn to drive a tank at all."

"Option d, manipulating ants. We have seen in that zombie universe. Under the control of the Wasp, the overwhelming ants gnawed the zombies into bones. I am very impressed." Natasha Romanov said, " If Scott can also have this skill, it will undoubtedly have another trump card."

"Even if I could control ants like the Wasp, I wouldn't be able to do it," Scott Lang said. "That would be too cruel. I'm not that perverted yet."

"It's really perverted." Stephen Strange shuddered when he thought about the image of himself being eaten up.

"I think a is the most likely, and this is the most suitable fighting method for this ability. I entered Tony's armor like this during the airport battle." Scott Lang said, "I choose a !"

【correct answer! Rewards issued! 】

"This ability is quite suitable for me." Scott Lang shrugged, "Now, I am the person with the most intelligent eyes and ears. There is nothing in this world that can hide from my ears and eyes, because the sky is flying in the sky. Running on the ground, swimming in the water, they are my eyes and ears.”

"I don't know if you can control ants like the Wasp, but now, you should be able to." Nick Fury said.

"Can I?" Scott Lang questioned this. "I can just talk to them, communicate with them, I can't make them listen to me, I can't control them."

"Manipulating ants is not 'exclusive' to Wasp, Hank Pym can also, that is also with some kind of technological equipment." Nick Fury said, "Although I don't know how to do it, I know something. , the key is communication, communication with ants."

"In that case, Scott should do better than them." Clint Barton said, "Although I don't know how Hank Pym communicated with the ants, it must be less efficient than Scott. "

After everyone chatted for a while, the space began to play the video.

"I've always wondered where you hid your suit, so the question is, who is the new Ant-Man?" At the beginning of the video, Darren Krause is questioning Hank Pym, " Who is the one more trusted by my beloved mentor than I am?"

"Scott Lang!" Darren Krause himself announced the answer before Hank Pym answered, "A warrior who challenged the company and paid the price, but lost his family and only daughter . This is the perfect person for you, Hank."

At this time, Scott Lang was wearing an Ant-Man suit and became very small, and he was in a transparent glass cover.

"He escaped without leaving a trace. Then, miraculously, he disappeared. Although he was poor and penniless, he gave me the Ant-Man suit." Darren Krause Putting the wasp suit shrunk down to the size of a palm into a suitcase, "Only this suit can stand against my invention."

Scott Lang hammered the glass in the glass cover, jumped around like a flea, but couldn't get out.

It seems that he should have been caught by Darren Krause and locked in the transparent cover.

"Darren, don't do this." Hank Pym said at this time, "If you sell your suits to these people, the world will be in chaos."

"I've already sold it, and it's still double the price, thanks to you," Darren Krause said. "Infiltrating the Avengers base is not an easy task, thanks to the fast news."

"I'll sell them the wasp suits, but I'll keep the particles myself," Darren Krause said to one of the buyers with a tube of yellow particles. "The suits don't need diesel, if you want energy. You have to find me to buy it."

"What would you call the man with the most powerful weapon in the world?" Darren Krause asked as he approached Hank Pym.

"The strongest man," said Hank Pym.

"Are you proud of me?" Darren Krause said smugly.

"It's not too late to look back, Darren," Hank Pym advised.

"It's too late, it's already too late." Darren Krause nodded, and someone immediately pulled out a gun and pointed at Hank Pym.

"Darren, what are you doing?" Hope van Dine asked.

"He didn't take care of you and he didn't take care of me," Darren Krause said.

"You're not that kind of person," Hope van Dine said. "Those particles are affecting the chemistry in your brain."

"You're right, I'm going to kill him myself." After some persuasion, Darren Krause took the gun directly and wanted to send Hank Pym to God with his own hands.


Hope Van Dine knocked over someone with an elbow, grabbed a gun and pointed it at Darren Krause, saying word by word, "Put down your gun."

"I went to his house that night and tried to kill him, but you were there too," Darren Krause said.

"You're sick, and I can help you, as long as you put your gun down," said Hope Van Dine.

"I wasn't ready to kill you then, but now I'm ready." Darren Krause turned his head to look at Hope Van Dine.

"Put down your gun! Immediately!" Hope van Dine exclaimed.

"You're on the wrong team, Hope." Darren Krause was about to shoot when Scott Lang, who was in the glass cover, suddenly threw a small disc, the glass cover shattered, and he immediately shot from the glass cover. Jumped out of it, turned into a normal human size, and fought with the gunmen in the room.

The Ant-Man suits are still very powerful. Those ordinary people have no power to fight back at all. Even if they have guns, they will be brought down in three strokes.

However, in the process, Hank Pym was unfortunately shot and fell to the ground.

"Hank, listen, you'll be fine." Scott Lang hurried to Hank Pym's side, "You'll be fine."

But before he could lift Hank Pym up, a gun was pointed at his head.

"Take off the battle suit!" Darren Krause said fiercely, "or I'll make your head bloom and rip it off you."

Darren Krause wanted to shoot after speaking, but pulled the trigger twice, but the gun never sounded. It turned out that under the control of Hope Van Dine, a few ants climbed to the hammer of the gun, So that the hammer can't hit, the gun can't fire naturally.

Not only that, the ants also crawled on his hands and crawled towards him. He hurriedly threw the pistol away, took off his coat, grabbed the suitcase with the Wasp's battle suit and ran.

"Dad, can you move?" Hope van Dine had time to check Hank Pym's situation.

"We've got to get him out of here," Scott Lang said to Hope Van Dine.

"Go and get the Hornets back," Hope Van Dyne said to Scott Lang.

Scott Lang was obedient, and immediately ran out to fight the gunmen who were guarding outside.

"The explosives are all set, we have to find a way to get out of this place quickly." Hope Van Dyne helped Hank Pym to sit up.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to die, and neither will you." Hank Pym took out a set of keys with a tank pendant on it. "It's not a keychain."

"It's a mess here, and there were multiple shootings..." Below the building, police officer Paxton was reporting the situation when a tank suddenly fell from the sky, stunned him, "There's another tank."

Here, Hank Pym and Hope Van Dyne successfully left, but Scott Lang rode those flying ants on Darren Krause's plane. Klaus also donned the Hornets uniform.

The two entered an open suitcase on the plane and fell from the plane with the suitcase.

The two fought in the suitcase.

Scott Lang stomped on the ho button on his iPhone and pounced on Darren Krause, who meant to hit someone but accidentally turned on Siri.

"I'm going to make you fall apart!" Darren Krause roared, and siri said immediately, "The Healing Band's 'Falling Down' is playing."

Then, the beautiful music rang.

The song didn't end because the suitcase fell into a swimming pool.

Several people by the pool were playing table tennis there when they suddenly heard the sound of an object falling into the water. They all stopped their movements and looked towards the water.


Suddenly, a large amount of water splashed out, and Darren Krause in a wasp suit rushed out of the water and flew towards those people on the shore.

"Call the police!" One person tried to get the phone on the table to call the police, but the Wasp suit immediately shot out a few blue energy, smashing the table to pieces.


In the shouting, those people were so frightened that they ran away quickly.


The water splashed again, and Scott Lang jumped out of the water, throwing Darren Krause aside.

Darren Claus became smaller in the air and fell to the ground unscathed, while Scott Lang also became smaller, but was pressed to the ground by Darren Claus, and after two punches , pulled him and threw him into the night sky.

Scott Lang became the size of an ordinary person in the air, and nearly broke his old waist when he landed.

Before he could get up, Darren Krause flew over again. Scott Lang reached out and grabbed a ping pong racket on the ground. He slapped it with a backhand, and Darren Krause was slapped directly. On the lampshade on the side, there was no movement.

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