Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 248 What? Vision has come back to life

"Bermuda is bullshit, but there's something really weird going on in this town," James Rhodes said.

"What I want to ask is, what is the Tianjian Bureau?" Bruce Banner asked, "It's not enough to have a S.H.I.E.L.D., why is there another Tianjian Bureau?"

"The Tianjian Bureau and the S.H.I.E.L.D. are similar in nature, but the focus is different. The Tianjian Bureau focuses on resolving interstellar disputes." Nick Fury said.

"Resolving interstellar disputes?" Thor was about to laugh when he heard this, "Isn't Thanos not an interstellar dispute? It sounds like this is exactly what the Tianjian Bureau has to do, but I don't seem to have seen them in any video at all. Shadow!"

"If Thanos is the future, then the invasion of Earth by Loki and the Zetaris has already happened, but the same did not see the Tianjian Bureau." Tony Stark said, "So what are they doing?"

"Because they don't have heroes." Nick Fury said, "They're not like S.H.I.E.L.D., they have Thor, Banner, Tony, they only have a group of scientists, researching all kinds of high-tech, they are not suitable for the front line fighting."

"So they settle interstellar disputes with their mouths?" Steve Rogers felt ridiculous when he heard it. "Is this possible?"

"It's impossible, but with Carroll, it's possible," Nick Fury said.

"Captain Marvel is from the Heavenly Sword Bureau?" Steve Rogers asked.

"It shouldn't be, I don't know, I haven't contacted her for a long time." Nick Fury said, "But the founder of Tianjian Bureau is Carroll's good friend, so they can contact Carroll, I don't find it strange either."

"So who is the founder of Tianjian Bureau?" Bruce Banner asked.

"When the Skrulls and the Cree came to Earth, it wasn't just me and Carol who were involved, but Carol's friend, Maria Rambo, who was also involved, although she It didn't work, but she later created the Heavenly Sword Bureau to deal with interstellar affairs." Nick Fury said.

"There is a Heavenly Sword Game today, will another Heavenly Spear Game appear another day?" Tony Stark muttered, and then said, "Speaking of the superheroes on Earth, we basically know each other. , only this Carol, we have known her for a long time, but we have never seen her."

"There will be a chance," Nick Fury said, before shaking his head. "No, I actually hope it never happens. If I never have to call Carol back, it means the planet will never be wiped out. disaster."

"Is there a chance?" Scott Lang was shocked when he heard this. "Fury, listen to you, you are not going to call her when you fight Thanos?"

"decide as things go,

Because there is room for answering questions, we know more and more about the future, and our own strength is getting stronger and stronger. Nick Fury said, "And Thanos will have to wait a few years for the invasion, and then maybe we really don't need to call her anymore." "

"Did you go astray?" James Rhodes reminded. "You are talking so much nonsense, but you haven't discussed a single word of the topic. It's a good thing that you are not a novel, otherwise readers will scold you for so much nonsense. ."

"Okay, let's discuss the topic in order not to scold the reader," Tony Stark said. "I don't know who it is, but I know it's definitely not me. I can't imagine any reason why I should run to New Jersey and go to Did you get people from a small town?"

"Tony, this is not a reason for exclusion. You can't imagine that you would do that. Is there a reason for other people in the option to do it?" Phil Coulson said, "Monica in the video is so Big, that thing must have happened in the future. You can’t think of it now because you lack the understanding of the future, lack of information about the future, and don’t know the cause and effect of things. This doesn’t mean you won’t do that in the future.”

"Okay, then from a technical point of view." Tony Stark said, "If I can build an energy field wall that can 'eat people', then directly remove the people from the town from Wipe it out of other people's minds, I can't do this at all."

"Science can't do this kind of thing, it can only be magic." Bruce Banner said.

"Then Carol can also rule it out," Nick Fury said. "She doesn't understand magic either. She can't do things like erasing other people's memories."

"Since erasing memory is mentioned, is this question still for discussion? There is more than one person who understands magic at the scene, but there seems to be only one who can manipulate other people's brains." Thor's eyes fell on Wanda Maximoff. body.

"Kamateki has many spells. Although Stephen has never shown a method similar to manipulating the brain, it cannot be ruled out that he knows the magic of manipulating the brain." Bruce Banner said, "So Stephen, who also knows magic, is also suspect."

"Yes, I do have a suspicion, but the suspicion is much smaller than that of Wanda." Stephen Strange said.

"I also think that my suspicion is the biggest." Wanda Maximoff said, "Although I have absolutely no idea why I would do that in the future."

"Wanda, answer the question," Nick Fury said. "I don't know why you did that."

"I choose B!" Wanda Maximoff made a choice.

【correct answer! Rewards issued! 】

I saw Wanda Maximoff's hands and fingers flashed red, and then returned to normal.

There was no difference in those hands.

"This reward sounds the same as the Five Tigers Broken Door Knife. This should also be Oriental martial arts, right?" Nick Fury asked.

"Yes, this is an extremely powerful kung fu." Wanda Maximoff said, "Even if I don't have superpowers, just relying on this kung fu is enough to be a superhero."

"Very good." Pietro Maximoff looked even happier than Wanda Maximoff, "Wanda, you also have melee capabilities now."

"I figured it out, so far, the answering space has rewarded many forms of power systems." Clint Barton took stock there with great interest, "One type is just Wanda's Jiuyin Bone. Claws, as well as the previous five tigers breaking the door, Tongjiquan, etc., oriental martial arts; another category is Brucebane's shadow imitation, Thor's Rachel, ninjutsu; and Wanda's Stand-in White Queen, this is also a new system that is different from the other three forms of power."

"Stephen answered the question before, and the reward for another question was Devil Fruit. Although I didn't answer it correctly, I don't know what Devil Fruit looks like, but it sounds like it should be a brand new system." Natasha Romanov said.

At this time, the space lights up, and the video starts playing.

The scene begins with Daisy Lewis and several other people in a car.

"Hey, what's your specialty?" Daisy Lewis asked one of the guys with glasses.

"We shouldn't be talking," said the man with glasses.

"You're the Boy Scout Captain, I see." Daisy Lewis asked one of the aunts again, "How about you?"

"Nuclear biology," said Big Mom.

"Artificial intelligence," said the bald uncle sitting next to Daisy Lewis.

"Astrophysics." Daisy Lewis couldn't help saying, "This car has its own abilities. This shows that no matter what the threat is, the Tianjian Bureau obviously doesn't know what it is facing."

"I'm a chemical engineer," said the man in glasses who said he shouldn't communicate at the beginning.

"Nobody cares," said Daisy Lewis.

The car stopped at the Tianjian Bureau's response base outside Xijing Town. A soldier took Daisy Lewis to a pile of equipment. She took the equipment and was surprised.

"What did you find?" the soldier asked.

"A lot of CMBR," says Daisy Lewis.


"Cosmic microwave background radiation," explains Daisy Lewis.

"We were told the radiation levels were within safe thresholds," the soldier said.

"This is only temporary." Daisy Lewis made a new discovery. "These noises are superimposed on long waves."

Then she asked the soldiers to find an old-fashioned TV, and after plugging it in, an amazing scene appeared. I saw a TV show playing on the TV!

And the protagonists in the picture are Wanda Maximoff and Vision!

Vision that is dead!

"I know a lot of crazy things have happened on Earth in recent years, but isn't he dead?" Daisy Lewis said to James E. Wu, who was standing next to him, "not flashing, but really dead already."

"What's the situation?" Tyler Hayward, acting director of the Tianjian Bureau, asked in confusion, "What is this? Where did it come from?"

"From there," said Daisy Lewis, referring to Westview Town.

"Is it true?" Taylor Hayward asked.

"I don't know how to answer," said Daisy Lewis.

"Did it happen in real time? Was it pre-recorded? Was it fabricated?" Tyler Hayward asked again.

"I don't know, I don't know, I still don't know." Daisy Lewis didn't know Sanlian.

"So what do you know?" Taylor Hayward asked.

"My device detected a very high CMBR, tangled with a broadcast frequency, so I asked your guys to buy me a lovely old TV," Daisy Lewis said. "I plugged this guy in. Later, look, there is sound and picture."

"So you're saying, the universe created a sitcom featuring two Avengers?" James E. Wu asked.

"The theory is still being developed," says Daisy Lewis.

"Take me back to headquarters now." Tyler Hayward was not calm when he made this amazing discovery.

There are also a group of avengers who are not calm.

"What the hell? Wanda and Vision, why did they both star in a sitcom?" Clint Barton couldn't help but say, "What does this have to do with the inexplicable disappearance of the townspeople in Westview Town?"

"Contacting the plot before and after, it should be that the townspeople of West View Town have all acted in this melodrama." Tony Stark said.

"But if it's a sitcom, it's not enough to pay those people's wages. Why would you lose a town?" Scott Lang said inexplicably.

"The most important thing now is Vision, right?" Natasha Romanoff said, "Vision is dead, but it appears in that sitcom again."

"Wanda, do you know why you're 'holding' a town's residents to do a sitcom with you?" Steve Rogers asked Wanda Maximoff.

"In terms of sitcoms, because I've liked sitcoms since I was a child." Wanda Maximoff shook his head, "But in order to play sitcoms, I made a whole town disappear, and I didn't know it was for what."

"First of all, our main goal was to get information about Captain Rambo." In the picture, James E. Wu was arranging work there, "but initially, it was a case of missing persons, so we started from there... "

After that, everyone started the identification work, and found the residents of Xijing Town one by one from the sitcom, and they all played different roles in the play.

Soon, they found Monica Rambo in the sitcom, but she also had a role in the show, like the rest of the townspeople.

"Really?" Daisy Lewis was surprised that the instant noodles fell to the ground, and asked James E Wu, who was beside him, "Do you think she looks good?"

"She didn't look hurt in any way," James E. Wu said, "but definitely not the domineering woman I met yesterday."

"Could it be something lurking?" Daisy Lewis guessed. "Monica has to pretend to cooperate?"

"With whom? Or with what?" James E. Wu said. "The point is, Dr. Lewis, what's the situation? Is it another reality? Time travel? Or some ridiculous social experiment?"

James E. Wu guessed right, this is indeed a reality, an absurd reality in which very few people except Wanda Maximoff are awake, and everyone else is a marionette.

This absurd and realistic plot has also reached a very absurd plot, Wanda Maximoff actually gave birth to a pair of twins!

Obviously Vision is a robot and has no ability to make people pregnant, but Wanda Maximoff still gave birth to a child!

"Can you believe it? Twins?" Monica Rambo stood in front of the crib, looking at the twins.

"I'm a twin too," said Wanda Maximoff. "I have a brother named Pietro."

"Did Ultron kill him?" Monica Rambo said suddenly.

"What did you say?" Wanda Maximoff burst into tears. "What did you just say?"

"I said, Wanda, you are so strong." Monica Rambo sat on the sofa, "Do you want me to say it again?"

"What happened to Pietro you said just now?" Wanda Maximoff was not fooled.

"Pietro, I..." Monica Rambo opened her mouth and changed the subject again, "I'll help you take care of the child."

"No, you should go," Wanda Maximoff asked. "Who are you?"

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