Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 253 What? Superman Clark is going to cross over!

"Sam." In the picture, the aging Steve Rogers turned his head and looked at Sam Wilson with a smile.

"Did something go wrong, or did everything go as planned?" asked Sam Wilson, who intuitively felt it was the latter.

"After I put the gem back, I thought..." Steve Rogerston said after a pause, "or I'll try the kind of life Tony made me live."

"What's the result?" Sam Wilson asked.

"Wonderful," said Steve Rogers.

"That's good, I'm happy for you," said Sam Wilson. "Sincerely."

"Thank you," Steve Rogers said.

"The only thing that bothers me is that I have to live in a world without Captain America," Sam Wilson said.

"That reminded me," Steve Rogers said to Sam Wilson, taking the shield from his feet. "Try it."

Sam Wilson turned to look at Bucky Barnes, who was standing aside, Bucky Barnes nodded, and he took the shield up and put it on his arm.

"How does it feel?" Steve Rogers asked.

"It feels like someone else's," Sam Wilson said honestly.

"No," Steve Rogers said.

"Thank you," Sam Wilson said. "I'll do my best."

"So it's yours." Steve Rogers clasped Sam Wilson's palms in both hands, and a silver ring stood out on his fingers.

"Want to tell me about her?" Sam Wilson said.

"No, forget it," Steve Rogers said.

"It seems that the captain chose Sam to be the second-generation Captain America, not only because of the captain, but also because of Bucky." Seeing this, Stephen Strange said, "He and the captain seem to have some kind of tacit understanding."

"That's right, Bucky stood in the back, but let Sam step forward." Bruce Banner said, "As expected of the captain's good friend, he and the captain have a good heart."

"You all think too much, I'm just not used to that kind of situation," Bucky Barnes said, "so push Sam up as a shield.


"Oh, let me be a shield, so you think so?" Sam Wilson asked.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Bucky Barnes laughed.

"The captain made his own choice, but Sam's road won't be easy," James Rhodes said. "Steve can be said to be popular, but Sam, first of all, his black identity makes most people not Accept him, he's got a long way to go if he's going to earn everyone's respect like Steve did."

"So what, we'll help him," Tony Stark said.

Just when everyone thought the video was over, the picture was everything, and it cut to Washington, DC.

Sam Wilson gave a speech under the guns of a group of reporters.

"Steve represents the best of us all, brave, upright, hopeful, and his ascetic expression is unmatched."

"The world has changed forever."

"A few months ago, billions of people reappeared after five years of absence, throwing the world into chaos."

"We need new heroes."

"A hero fit for our time."

"Symbols, whose meaning comes from the men and women who give them meaning."

"And this thing..." Sam Wilson picked up the shield on the ground, "I'm afraid there is no greater symbol than it. But more important is the person holding it, he is gone."

Ka Ka Ka!

The camera frantically took pictures, flashes on Sam Wilson's face.

"So today, we honor Steve's legacy, but also look to the future, thank you, Captain America, but it's yours." Sam Wilson handed the shield to the museum.

"Thank you again for taking out the shield, it was the right decision." Museum direction Sam Wilson thanked.

"What? Sam actually gave the shield to someone else?" As soon as this follow-up came out, everyone in the answering space was dumbfounded, and Clint Barton couldn't help but say, "This shouldn't be a joke, right, after all, so many reporters are here already."

"It should be thankful that Sam was handed over to the museum, at least not to the authorities," said Natasha Romanoff.

"So Sam, why did you give up your shield?" Tony Stark asked. "The captain has chosen you as his successor. You should know what an honor it is."

"I don't know." Sam Wilson shrugged. "I have absolutely no idea why I would do that."

"Maybe I can't bear this pressure?" Stephen Strange said, "Captain America, this is the spiritual symbol of America. There will be countless people staring at you. The pressure can be imagined."

"Pressure?" Bruce Banner said. "Will those eyes be more difficult than fighting Thanos? Sam didn't hesitate to face Thanos without fear, would he be afraid of those invisible eyes?"

"Maybe it has something to do with Sam being black?" Nick Fury speculated. "The American people won't accept a dark man as Captain America?"

Soon, the video gave the reason why Sam Wilson refused to be the second-generation Captain America.

"For a walk?" James Rhodes, another black hero, said to Sam Wilson after the shield was handed over.

"I've been at home, my sister and my nephew. When I left, they were little boys. When I came back, they were all little men. It was crazy." Sam Wilson and James Rhodes took a walk in the museum.

"You should bring them to D.C. another day," James Rhodes said. "I can teach them to fly, the right way to fly."

Sam Wilson laughed.

"It's crazy that no one will hold that shield in the future," James Rhodes asked.

"Steve was frozen in ice for seven decades without a shield," Sam Wilson said. "So, we'll have no problem."

"Time has changed, Sam, it seems that you let me ask," James Rhodes asked. "Why didn't you inherit the mantle?"

"When Steve first mentioned the shield to me, the first thing I said was 'it feels like someone else's' and 'someone else' is Steve." Sam Wilson looking at Steve Rogers said the picture.

"The shield is someone else's, I didn't expect the reason to be like this." Tony Stark said in the answering space.

"Is it such a simple reason?" Scott Lang also said.

"I kind of understand Sam," James Rhodes said. "He's right, Captain America is the spiritual symbol of America, right, but why is Captain America a spiritual symbol? It's because of Steve. This man! It is his qualities that make Captain America the symbol. So this shield is indeed Steve's."

There was a turning point, everyone thought the video should be over, but it still didn't!

The camera is everything again, and Sam Wilson is sitting there looking at the computer when his sister suddenly runs over to turn on the TV, "Gosh, Sam, come and see."

A breaking news is on the TV.

"Everything that's happened lately is scaring people here, and Americans can feel it every day."

"We love the heroes who died to protect the planet."

"But we also need heroes who can defend this country."

"We need someone who embodies the exceptional values ​​of America."

"We need someone who can re-inspire us."

"A man who can symbolize all of us."

"So, on behalf of the GFB and our Commander-in-Chief, today, it is my honor to announce that America will have a new hero."

"Let's welcome the new Captain America together!"

A small-eyed man in a star-striped suit and a shield appeared in front of the camera.

As soon as the space darkens, the video ends here.

"Captain's successor was chosen after twists and turns, reversed and reversed," Tony Stark said. "In the end, Captain America fell into the hands of a guy who ran out of nowhere."

"You're not a good person at first glance," Scott Lang said.

"Sam, if the captain does give you the shield in the future, you can't give it to the museum again, and you have seen what will happen," Bucky Barnes said.

"They lie, and they're still the same," Sam Wilson said.

"The surface is a secret, a typical American style." Natasha Romanov said.

"GFB played it beautifully, and Captain America became their man all of a sudden," Phil Coulson said.

"Since Sam doesn't want to be the successor, Steve, shouldn't it be time for you to pick someone else?" Stephen Strange said to Steve Rogers.

"It's too early to talk about this," Steve Rogers said. "Those are still here, and I can't retire anytime soon."

[The eleventh question begins, please be prepared. 】

[May I ask which media exposed the true identity of Spider-Man Peter Parker? 】

【A New York Post】

【B Wall Street Journal】

【Chorn Daily】

【D Planet Daily】

[If you answer this question correctly, you will be rewarded as a substitute "Steel Chain Finger". If the answer is wrong, the life expectancy will be deducted by one year. 】

"Peter's true identity was exposed, or was it exposed by the media?" Tony Stark couldn't help but reached out and touched Peter Parker's head, "You were too careless, and the media knew your identity. "

"Those reporters are really amazing, I thought they would only dig up celebrity scandals." Scott Lang said.

"You're right, Peter is a star in the future, and superheroes are more popular and fans than entertainment stars," Tony Stark said.

"Speaking of exposing identities, Peter seems to be hiding his true identity all the time, is this necessary?" James Rhodes said at this time, "Captain, Tony, Stephen, Bruce, etc., we seem to be all of us. It's all public, only Peter hides his true identity."

"My birth is destined to be impossible to hide my identity." Steve Rogers said, "But Peter, he was just bitten by a spider by accident, he has a choice."

"Actually, I always feel that there is nothing to hide." Tony Stark said, "You are a superhero, not a thief. Protecting the people is such a great thing, why do you want to be sneaky?"

"Tony, you're a billionaire, the most talented scientist, and you're born into the spotlight, so you're not in the least accustomed to life in the spotlight, but Peter, he's not like you," said Bruce Banner, "he's just A kid, a kid who can't even tell the girl he likes. He needs a life of his own."

"Let's not mention this. Which newspapers do you think exposed Peter's identity?" Tony Stark asked.

"First of all, the Daily Planet can be ruled out. If I remember correctly, isn't this the newspaper where Superman works in the comics? This is something in the comics at all." Phil Coulson said.

"You remember correctly, this is indeed Superman's newspaper." Scott Lang said, "If in reality no one has read the comics and set up a planetary newspaper, then this option can indeed be ruled out."

"I suddenly thought, could it be that our thinking is too narrow?" Tony Stark said suddenly.

"Narrow, Tony, what do you mean?" asked Natasha Romanoff.

"Everyone has put forward the conjecture that our world is a novel and a movie, then in turn, a comic may also be a world." Tony Stark said, "Will it be Superman, but also a real existence? Yes. I mean, to us, he's a comic book character, but to his world, he's a real human being."

"I don't quite get it, does that make a difference, Tony?" James Rhodes said. "You just said, to us, Superman is just a cartoon. No matter how good he is in his world, but To us, it's a comic. Does it make any difference to us whether his world exists or not?"

"Yes," Tony Stark said. "Parallel universes, multiverses. Did you forget that there were two other Spider-Mans before us? Did you forget there was a female Loki?"

"Tony, you mean..."

"In general, our different worlds don't intersect, but in some special moments, there is an intersection, like two Loki meeting, like three Spider-Man meeting." Tony Stark said, "Maybe , does our world intersect with Superman's world? Maybe Superman will come to our world!"

"Superman came to our world?" Bruce Banner shook his head, "This is too crazy."

"If Superman really came to our world, then it would be easy for him to discover Peter's true identity. He is a reporter for the Daily Planet..." James Rhodes shook his head, "No, Tony, the Daily Planet is not ours. Of the world, did Superman bring the Daily Planet too?"

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