Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 318 Superman kneels down! The god of the world is on his knees!

"Now you're going to fly to him and fight him to the death, black and blue, duel night, the greatest gladiator duel in the history of the world, gods vs mortals, day vs night, sons of krypton vs Gotham Bat." Under the night, Lex Luthor unabashedly said his words to provoke Superman and Batman.

"Do you think I'll fight him for you?" Clark Kent almost laughed at that time. How could such a helpless guy teach him to do things here?

This is simply a joke of the world.

But Clark Kent clearly underestimated the power of wisdom, no, it should be called the power of vile.

That's right, Lex Luthor is really not worth mentioning in front of Clark Kent, but he found Clark Kent's weakness and grabbed the life of this god on earth!

"Yes, I think you will fight and fight for that special lady in your life," Lex Luthor said.

"She's on the ground, safe," Clark Kent asked rhetorically. "And you?"

"It's about time." In the face of the "gentle" threat of Superman, Lex Luthor still looked confident and unhurried, "but I'm not talking about Louis, not her, the special one for every boy. Ladies are mothers."

Clark Kent's heart suddenly froze, and his face changed suddenly.

That's right, most people don't know who his mother is, but with this guy in front of him, he even knows his own identity and his girlfriend, so he must also know about his mother.

He's not bluffing!

"Martha Martha Martha." Sure enough, the next moment, Lex Luthor took out a stack of photos.

Clark Kent's face was extremely ugly. The photo was indeed his mother, Martha Kent. Her mouth was bound, and words were written on her forehead. She looked very embarrassed.

"The Flying Demon's mother must be a witch. What is the punishment for a witch?" Lex Luthor threw the photos on Clark Kent one by one. "Yes, burned to death."

"Where is she!" Clark Kent, who had always been very tolerant, could no longer control his temper, and yelled at Lex Luthor, and his eyes became red.

If he hadn't wanted to know his mother's whereabouts, he would have killed Lex Luthor with a ray in his eyes.

"I don't know! I won't let them tell me." Facing Clark Kent who was about to explode, Lex Luthor still didn't panic, he pointed at Clark Kent and said, "If you kill me , Masha will die, and if you fly away, Masha will die, but if you kill the bat, Masha will survive."

"It turned out to be like this with me Batman?" Clark Kent clenched his fists unconsciously in the answering space. He didn't expect that one day his mother would be kidnapped and write on his forehead , which is simply not acceptable.

"Don't tell me you never thought your mother might take that risk for you," Nick Fury said. "You're superman, you've saved a lot of people, and a lot of people see you as god, but like you It's impossible to make a dish that pleases everyone, and you can make everyone like you, even if you're a god on earth. Some people don't like you, they even hate you to the bone and want you to disappear."

"The guy on the roof looks very rich, why does he do this?" Clark Kent still can't quite understand Lex Luthor's motives, "Does he hate me, or does he hate Batman? Is he using my hand to kill Batman, or is he using Batman's hand to kill me?"

"Didn't the title tell you? Batman almost killed you." Clint Barton said, "Lex Luthor's purpose is you."

"So his real purpose is to use Batman to kill me..." Clark Kent asked again, "but why does he want to kill me? I am different from Batman, Batman fights human criminals,

And I, rarely deal with human criminals directly, even if this Lex Luthor is really a criminal, it should be Batman who should deal with him, and the one he wants to kill should be Batman. "

"Because he is jealous of you," said Natasha Romanoff.

"What?" Clark Kent was a little stunned. It was such a reason that he worked so hard to get rid of himself.

"Luthor, like Bruce Wayne, is one of the smartest people in the world, but Luthor is extremely arrogant and conceited, and considers himself the best person in the world." Natasha Romanoff continued, " But Clark, since you showed up, even the blind know you are better than Luthor. So Luthor feels violated, he can't stand someone above him, so he's going to destroy you. Simple In other words, envy, jealousy and hatred towards you."

"Just because of this, the protector of human beings will be killed?" Peter Quill was stunned. "The reason for killing the Earth's umbrella is this?"

"It's said that women are careful, isn't this big man much less careful than women, and he can't even stand others better than himself?" Thor was also quite speechless about Luther's motive.

Speechless, speechless, but Lex Luthor is indeed smart, and he is a super rich man. He has the time and the capital to realize his perverted ideas.

If Lex Luthor is like those street writers who write novels and can't even get enough to eat, no matter how bad his brain is, he won't have the time to make trouble.

However, he is a super rich man with money and leisure.

In the video, Clark Kent kneels on the ground.

Such a muscular man, possessing the power to destroy the planet, kneels in front of a weak earthling.

"That's right." And Lex Luthor, who reached out to stroke Clark Kent's head, said like an old father, "now even the gods are subservient to my will."

At this time, Lex Luthor must be very proud, as he said, even the gods bowed under his feet.

"The camera is waiting in your spaceship now, waiting for the world to see the flaws of God." Lex Luthor was almost dancing, "Yes, the Almighty God will show his filth when he needs it. If you want to save Martha, bring me the bat's head."

Boom boom boom!

A helicopter flew over.

"Almighty God, can't you look at the time? When you got here, there was still an hour, and now it's less." Lex Luthor took a helicopter and flew away.

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