Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 345 Superman: I Can't Die

"As soon as Thanos came to Earth, he vomited blood and fell to the ground. The picture is actually quite expected." James Rhodes also said.

"It's actually fair to this point." Tony Stark said, "It's not just Thanos that breathes freely in the universe, not affected by the atmosphere, but also us."

"This is completely unscientific." Bruce Banner said, "It is absolutely impossible for the body of the earth to breathe freely in a different atmosphere. If we can breathe freely in a new environment, there is only one possibility. , the atmospheric environment of the two places is exactly the same. But it is also impossible, how can the atmosphere of the earth and other planets be exactly the same? So this is not scientific at all."

"Dr. Banner, there are sorcerers, witches, gods, and guests from other worlds standing in front of you, and almost everything that seemed absurd in the past has become reality." Phil Coulson said, "So , don't worry about scientific and unscientific issues anymore."

"However, this is really not reasonable." Bruce Banner scratched his head there.

"Banner, if you insist on being reasonable, first of all you are extremely unreasonable." Stephen Strange said, "You can transform into the Hulk because of the mutation of gamma ray radiation. The mutation of human cells can actually make Your power is almost unlimited, is this science? Is this beaver? So Coulson is right, stop worrying about scientific and unscientific issues, you are already standing here alive, it is necessary to discuss what is reasonable or not Is it reasonable?"

"Maybe the laws are different because the world is different?" Clint Barton said, "It's like the Flash, he has the speed force in his world, but when he came to our world, the speed force disappeared directly, here we are There is no Speed ​​Force."

"I think it's a lot easier to look at it from that angle," Steve Rogers said.

"Captain from what angle?" Sam Wilson asked.

"From a story perspective," Steve Rogers said, "Isn't everyone guessing that our world may also be a comic? What is a comic, a comic is a story for others to read. The logic of this kind of story is actually not The most important thing, the most important thing, is cool. Thanos came to earth and died directly because he couldn't adapt to the atmosphere of the earth, which is indeed logical,

But not cool enough. Therefore, Thanos can breathe directly wherever he goes, and we can breathe freely wherever we go. "

"The captain's words really make sense," Stephen Strange said. "Of course there are some ways to avoid breathing problems, such as wearing a respirator like Louis just now. But this kind of detail doesn't matter at all, readers. It's a cool story to watch, a story about how we fight Thanos, not a story about how we solve breathing problems."

"What would happen to Earth if Krypton was reborn?" Clark Kent asks Zod this key question in the video.

"Rebirth always needs to be built on destruction." General Zod's words almost blurted out, "Even your father knows this."

Following Zod's icy words, the ground standing under Clark Kent's feet suddenly turned into a pile of skeletons, one after another covering the ground.

Suddenly, Clark Kent began to sink into the pile of skeletons.

"No, Zod, I will not help you." Clark Kent refused Zod.

"Then who are you going to help?" Zod asked.

"No! Zod, stop!" Clark Kent said loudly, not knowing if the skull had a no-fly effect, otherwise he could fly away, but let his body sink a little bit.

When the whole person was swallowed by the skeleton pile and entered, Clark Kent suddenly opened his eyes.

He found himself lying on a black bed of unknown material, with his arms bound.

"Your father sacrificed himself for glory, Carl," said Zod, standing aside.

"You killed him," Clark Kent said.

"Yes." Zod dared to admit without any cover, "I will never be able to escape the shadow of this incident, but if I did it all over again, I would still do it. I am responsible to my people. , I will not allow anyone to get in my way."

After saying this, Zod turned to leave and launched two aircraft towards the earth.

Not to mention how the humans on the ground deal with Zod's aircraft, on the other side of the spacecraft, Louis Lane's experience was not very good, and he was brutally locked into a closed room.

But since she is Superman's son, she naturally won't have an accident so easily. Just as she was lucky enough to meet Superman and be rescued by Superman when she was about to die, she was lucky to find a terminal interface here.

It just so happened that before being taken away, Superman gave her a terminal like a USB flash drive, as if he knew that she would be locked in such a room with an interface.

Since it's such a coincidence, she doesn't know what to do, it's too unreasonable.

So she took out the USB stick with the "s" mark and inserted it into the terminal interface without hesitation.

After doing all this, as soon as she turned her head, she saw a middle-aged man standing behind her.

"Where did you come from?" Louis Lane took a few steps back in fright.

What suddenly appeared was not a person, but an image, the image of Clark Kent's biological father, Joe-El.

"In the master key, Miss Lane," Joe-El said. "Thanks to you, I'm being uploaded into the ship's main program."

"Who are you?" Louis Lane asked.

"I'm Karl's father," Joe Al said.

"Can you help us?" Louis Lane was overjoyed.

"I designed this ship," Joe-El said. "I can modify its atmosphere to accommodate humans. We can stop them, we can send them back to the ghost zone."

"How?" Louis Lane asked.

"I'll teach you, and then you'll teach Carl," Joe Al asked. "Will you help me?"

Of course it would, after all, helping Jo-El was helping herself.

Joe-El said that the spacecraft was designed by him, but he didn't lie at all. He quickly improved the atmospheric composition. Louis Lane removed the respirator, and he could breathe freely.

drop drop~

The alarm sounded as the ship departed.

"We have to hurry," Joe Al reminded. "Take the master key."

Louis Lane hurriedly pulled out the "USB flash drive" with the s.

Joe-El stretched out his hand, and the closed door slammed open.

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