Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 362 Qimen Dunjia, the mysterious power from the East!

"So, do you also have a best friend?" asked Ned Leeds, sitting next to Toby's Peter Parker.

"I did," Toby's Peter Parker said. "He died in my arms, and he even tried to kill me before that. His death makes me devastated."

Ned Leeds was shocked when he heard this, and hurried to the side of Peter Parker, the Dutch version.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Toby's Peter Parker asked Garfield's Peter Parker.

"No," Garfield's Peter Parker said. "I don't have time to be Peter Parker, be myself, you know, how about you?"

Toby's version of Peter Parker asked Garfield's version of Peter Parker's pain point. The death of his girlfriend in his arms is a pain that will never be erased from his heart.

"It's a little... complicated," Toby's Peter Parker said.

"I see," Garfield's Peter Parker said. "I guess we're not the kind of people who can live a normal life."

"Yeah, but I won't give up," Toby's Peter Parker said, "It took a while, but she and I did it."

"Success?" Garfield's Peter Parker said.

"It worked," said Toby's Peter Parker, "me and mj, my mj."

The screen is here, and the title appears.

[When the three Spider-Man tried to save the evil villains from other worlds, Michelle Jones unfortunately fell from a high-rise building, who saved her? 】

[a youngest Peter Parker]

[bMiddle-aged Peter Parker]

[The oldest Peter Parker]

[d Doctor Strange Stephen Strange]


Nor did our Peter's girlfriend escape the fall from the heights. "As soon as he read the title, Steve Rogers said.

"Fate?" Clark Kent didn't quite know what that meant.

"The three Spider-Man in the video, like you, are all from his world." Steve Rogers explained to Clark Kent, "Those two Spider-Man came to the answering space before, at that time They told their own stories, both of their girlfriends have fallen from heights."

"At that time, we were guessing whether Peter and his girlfriend in our world would also face a fall from a height in the future. Sure enough, the question just now has been proved, our Peter and his girlfriend will also fall from a height." Stephen Sturt "It's like Spider-Man's destiny," Lankey said.

"Spider-Man's destiny is not only this one, the closest death, telling them before death that 'with great power comes great responsibility', which seems to be one of Spider-Man's destiny." Clint Barton said.

"With great power comes great responsibility." Clark Kent tasted these words and felt that the person who said this must be a wise man.

"The three Spider-Man girlfriends may have different names, but they can all be called mj." Peter Quill said, "Spider-Man's tastes are very consistent, and they all like 'mj girls'."

"The question uses age to distinguish three Peter Parkers, but it is easy to identify, the age difference of the three Peter Parkers is still obvious." Phil Coulson said, "a choice, the youngest Peter Parker, That is our little Peter, he is the youngest. b The middle-aged is the tall and thin Peter Parker, who is in the same world as Optoman. And c, the oldest Peter Parker, is the one who is in the same world as Dr. Octopus Spider-Man."

"As for d, Stephen, I think it can be ruled out." Tony Stark said, "Isn't Stephen trapped in the mirror world."

"Maybe I came out," said Stephen Strange. "How did you know I was still in there?"

"You've lost your suspension ring, what do you rely on to get out?" Tony Stark wanted to complain again when he mentioned the suspension ring, "I've never quite understood, Kama Taiji's mage, what a powerful person he is. Why do you have to rely on such a ring?"

"You're a spell blind, I don't need to explain it to you." Stephen Strange didn't bother to waste his time on this. You Iron Man is a genius, but it's also a scientific aspect. In terms of spells, you don't talk about it. Understand.

"I don't care if Strange comes out or not, I think the answer should be me." Peter Parker said firmly, "My own girlfriend, of course, I will save it."

"Don't jump to conclusions Peter in such a hurry." Tony Stark reached out and touched Peter Parker's head again, "Of course your girlfriend is the one you are most worried about, but don't forget what it is. You guys Facing several super villains such as Doctor Octopus, Optoelectronic Man, Sand Man, etc., will they sit back and watch you save people?"

"Like a middle-aged Spider-Man, he was trying to save his mj, but got caught up in the little green goblin and missed the chance," said Bruce Banner.

"If it wasn't me, who would it be?" Peter Parker asked, looking up.

"I think this tall Peter is the most likely." Bruce Banner said, "Because he has lost mj, he has experienced this kind of pain, so when he encounters the same thing, he will definitely work hard for it, not Will let my own tragedy happen to another Peter."

"Makes sense," Stephen Strange said. "I think it should be him too."

"I still think it's me." Peter Parker didn't listen to everyone's words this time, but insisted on his own opinion, "My mj, it must be me to save. If other super villains will hinder me, then other Spider-Man will also Same. Same situation as my other Spider-Man, if they can save mj, so can I. So, I choose myself! I choose a!"

【wrong answer! Deduct one year of life! 】

Peter Parker was so firm that he saved his own horse, but the answering space corrected him unceremoniously, he was wrong, and it was not him who saved his horse.

"Since our Peter has been ruled out, it is basically certain that it is the tall Peter Parker." Clint Barton said.

"I should have listened to you if I knew it earlier." Peter Parker suddenly felt annoyed, "The Qimen Dunjia Technique, although I don't know what it is, it feels so powerful."

"This should be a brand new power system, and it feels like it should also be an Eastern system," said Bruce Banner.

"It should be the Eastern system." Phil Coulson said, "I have studied some Eastern cultures during this time, especially some of their myths and legends. Qimen Dunjia is not so much a technique as it is Speaking of an extremely complex subject, it includes astronomy, calendar, warfare, strategy, philosophy, etc., which can be described as broad and profound.”

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