Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 384 Doctor Strange died in battle! The multiverse era has begun!

"I was fighting in my dreams," Stephen Strange said.

"It wasn't a dream," America Chavez said.

"Prove it," Stephen Strange said.

The evidence given by America Chavez is very "iron". She directly brought the body of Stephen Strange from another world to Stephen Strange and Wang to see.

Yes, in another world, Stephen Strange died in battle.

I saw him lying on the ground, his face was full of scars, and a large piece of flesh was missing, which showed that it was a very tragic battle.

"This is not a dream." Stephen Strange believed the words of Miss America America Chavez when he saw another corpse of himself, "This means that the dream is the self hidden in another multiverse. "

"This is his theory." America Chavez pointed to Stephen Strange, who was lying on the ground.

"There may be more monsters coming after her," Wang said to Stephen Strange.

"If a real threat gains this ability, the consequences are unimaginable." Stephen Strange looked serious.

"Please tell me young girl, we don't know your name yet," Wang said to America Chavez.

"America Chavez," said America Chavez.

"Miss Chavez, you come to Kamateki with us," Wang said to America Chavez. "It will be safe there."

"How did I know you wouldn't betray me like he did?" America Chavez asked.

"I think you can only trust me." Stephen Strange said, burying his body with magic.

"The monster that killed them, did they have the same markings as the octopus?" Wang asked America Chavez.

"It's a rune," Stephen Strange said.

"It's not magic." Wang shook his head.

"It's witchcraft," Stephen Strange said.

"Do you know anyone who uses runes or sorcery?" Wang asked.

"I think I know." Stephen Strange said.

The video is here, and the title appears.

[May I ask who destroyed Kama Taiji? 】

【a Doctor Strange Stephen Strange】

[b Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff]

[cx professor Charles Xavier]

[d Captain Marvel Carol Danvers]

"The video just now, although I just sat there chatting most of the time, but I have to say, the amount of information is very large." Nick Fury couldn't help but say.

"Yeah, the amount of information is indeed huge." Phil Coulson said, "In the past, we only knew about the multiverse, but now we know clearly that in the future, we will have intersections with characters in the multiverse, and there will be other multiverses. characters come to our universe.”

"This has to make me worry that the six-gem Ultron who is bent on destroying the universe will one day come to our universe and attempt to destroy us." Nick Fury said.

"This video confirms this possibility." Phil Coulson said, "Since there is a little girl who can travel through the universe to our universe, then it is not a problem for Ultron who can travel through the universe to come to our universe. Worth the odd thing."

"Really?" Stephen Strange kept muttering, "This can't be true."

"Strange, are you actually unable to accept this?" Nick Fury looked at Stephen Strange with some surprise, "Have you never seen guests from other universes, Clark is standing there now Woolen cloth."

"I'm talking about Kristen," Stephen Strange said. "From the video, I went to Kristen's wedding, but the groom wasn't me. How could this happen?"

"Yeah, how could that happen?" Natasha Romanoff said. "I remember, in one universe, a certain Doctor Strange destroyed the world for Christine's sake. Love Christine so much. , the ending turned out to be that Christine married someone else?"

"What's so confusing?" Steve Rogers said aside. "Aren't you married to Kristen? Why do you care about the ending in the video?"

"No, it's not that I care, it's that I can't understand." Stephen Strange said, "How stupid can I be in the future to let Christine marry someone else?"

"Guys, the focus now doesn't seem to be Christine, right?" Bruce Banner reminded on the side, "The guests of the multiverse are really coming, not by being invited by the answering space like Clark, but really coming to our world, Shouldn't we be discussing this? You've seen what the villain of the Spider-Man universe brought to our world last time, and this time the situation looks even worse, even Doctor Strange died!"

"Strange's strength is obvious to all, but that Strange is still dead. It can be seen that the monster chasing the little girl is very powerful." Scott Lang said.

"But our Strange saved the little girl," James Rhodes said.

"Maybe it's not the same monster," Tony Stark said.

"I'm more worried about the 'demons' that the little girl called," Steve Rogers said. "From the little girl's words, we can know that those monsters are just soldiers, they are for that The devil serves."

"The devil?" Sam Wilson asked. "A real devil, or some kind of metaphor?"

Sometimes it's not a good thing to know too much. For example, now, people don't know whether the "devil" is a real devil.

For ordinary people, "demons" must be metaphors.

But for those present, they have really seen too much, and even if there is such a creature as "devil", they will not be surprised.

"I don't know if this 'demon' is a real demon, I know, it has to be defeated," Stephen Strange said, "It wants to take that little girl's ability to travel through the multiverse, I don't know it There's a purpose, but it's definitely not a good thing."

"Orgeon, one six-gem Ultron is enough, now there's another one." Nick Fury shrugged helplessly.

"If there is such a day, if you can really let me come to your world, please don't be polite to me." Clark Kent said.

"Thank you Superman, we won't be polite to you when that day does come," Nick Fury said. 16864/10552258

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