Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 388 Scarlet Witch PK Doctor Strange

"Let's just say, this book is definitely not a good thing." Thor said "I knew it was like this", "Wanda shouldn't have taken it."

"We all know who Wanda is and become what he looks like in the video, and "The Book of the Dark God" has contributed to it." Clint Barton looked at Wanda Maximoff and said, "So Wanda, if in the future, if One day you met the "Dark God Book" and stayed far away."

"I won't touch the Book of Darkness again," Wanda Maximoff said. "I don't want to be an executioner for a little girl."

"But it can't be ignored." Nick Fury said, "If the "Dark God Book" is born, you can't let it fall into the hands of others. Stephen made it very clear that it will corrupt anyone. Even if Wanda doesn't take it , being taken away by others, there is a high probability that it will also be a scourge. Therefore, no matter who you are here, once the "Dark God Book", you must not ignore it."

"We can't take it, and we can't ignore it, so what should we do?" Pietro Maximov asked.

"Contact Stephen." Nick Fury thought for a while and said, "It should be the safest to put the Book of Darkness in Kamathage."

"With the protection of Doctor Strange and a group of mages, Kamateki should be the best place to store the Book of Darkness," Phil Coulson said.

"Doctor Strange has a solid understanding of the Book of Darkness, so he shouldn't be corrupted by the Book of Darkness," said Clint Barton.

It's a pity that he still doesn't know the fate of another Doctor Strange, that Doctor Strange was corrupted by the "Dark God Book" and threatened the multiverse.

"By the way, what about "The Book of Vishante"?" Steve Rogers asked Stephen Strange, "Isn't there a book "The Book of Vishante" on the same level as "The Book of Darkness"? Is that book really impossible to find?"

"As the Supreme Mage said, that book cannot be found," said Stephen Strange.

"Have you asked Gu Yi?" Nick Fury still didn't give up.

"I asked for a long time." Stephen Strange said, "The teacher's statement is the same as this Supreme Mage."

"You seem to have resentment for Wang becoming the Supreme Mage," Phil Coulson said.

"It's strange, the famous Doctor Strange, such a hanging person is not the Supreme Mage?" Scott Lang was quite surprised, "Although that king is quite powerful, he is still worse than you. Did he get the position of Supreme Mage?"

"Could it be that you have too much mouth,

So even if you are powerful, the mages of Kama Taiji don't like you, and would rather choose someone who is not as strong as you to be the supreme magist. ' said Tony Stark.

"Tell a joke: Tony Stark said that others owe it." Stephen Strange said lightly.


"I'm dying of laughter really!"

"It's the funniest joke ever!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of laughter in the answering space.

"Damn it, no, why are you laughing so hard?" Tony Stark was stunned. "What's so funny about this?"

"Tony, when it comes to the mouth, you owe the king the second, who dares to be the first?" Nick Fury said.

"You must have a problem with your brain, confusing the words 'self-confidence', 'single-point', 'true and false' and so on." Tony Stark said.

"Okay, well, Tony owes everyone to know that there is no need to say such indisputable things." James Rhodes said, "Let's go back to the Supreme Mage, I think the reason why the Supreme Mage is not strange The Doctor is the King, because Thanos snapped his fingers."

"That's right, Stephen disappeared for five years after Thanos snapped his fingers." Bruce Banner said, "In those five years, no one knew that they would come back in the future, so Wang became the Supreme Mage naturally. Later Doctor Strange is back, but the Supreme Mage is not the representative of the school's course selection, so he can change it if he wants to."

"What's going to happen now?" Stephen Strange asks in the video.

"Go back to Kamateki and hand over Miss America before sunset." Wanda Maximoff gave an ultimatum, "That way there will be peace and I won't be in your sight."

"What if we don't pay?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Then it won't be Wanda looking for her," Wanda Maximoff said, turning around. "It will be Scarlet Witch."

Although he had not yet fought against Wanda Maximoff at this time, Stephen Strange knew the power of the Scarlet Witch, and immediately rushed back to Kamateki to tell the Supreme Mage King about it.

"Wanda is gone, she has the Dark Book, and the Dark Book has eroded her," Stephen Strange said.

"The Scarlet Witch has unimaginable abilities." Wang also knew the power of the Scarlet Witch, and said to the Kama Taiji mages, "She can modify the reality according to what she wants, and it is predicted that she may rule or destroy the universe."

"She's taking control of this town with just her head," added Stephen Strange. "If she gets the power of Miss America, she can enslave the entire multiverse."

"So the person you want to ask for help, the person you tell her where I am is the person who wants to kill me." America Chavez said speechlessly.

"Yeah." Stephen Strange was also quite speechless.

"Have the students all stop practicing, ring the bell and tell them that Kamateki must now be made into a castle," the king ordered to a black female mage.

With the order of the Supreme Mage, the entire Kama Taiji took action, and everyone was summoned to distribute weapons, arrange troops, and stand ready.

Almost as soon as they were armed, a dark cloud surged in like some prehistoric beast, devouring Kamateki.

Stephen Strange suddenly looked like he was facing a great enemy, and so did the king beside him.

Everyone knows that the Scarlet Witch is coming.

The next moment, in this rolling black cloud, a crimson light radiated.

Wanda Maximoff floated in the air, looking down at the mages in Kamathage.

"Speak well." Wang tilted his head and said to Stephen Strange, who was beside him. "The fate of the multiverse depends on you."

"Received, don't be under pressure." Stephen Strange also flew into the sky and flew to the opposite side of Wanda Maximoff.

"It's all about a kid you met yesterday," Wanda Maximoff said. 16864/10562333

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