Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 435 Wonder Woman: I Killed Ares, the God of War

"That's Ares, the god of war," said Diana Prince, her eyes a little complicated.

"What, you know him?" Bruce Wayne saw the slight change in Diana Prince's expression in his eyes.

"I know," said Diana Prince sternly. "I killed him."

"What?" As soon as these words came out, it was a shock. Ares almost choked Dexed to death. It was obvious to all that Diana Prince killed him!

Is it that great?

"Don't make such a fuss, it's not like you didn't see my strength when I played Doom." Diana Prince said, "When I killed Ares, his strength was stronger than that of Dexed in the video. It was far from the time.”

"Even if it declines again, it is still the god of war. You can kill him, it is still very hanging." Barry Allen looked adoring.

"The three mother boxes are really still on Earth?" Bruce Wayne asked in a deep voice.

"Amazon is indeed guarding a mother box," Diana Prince said. "Atlantis, I believe, is also guarding a mother box. As for the mother box in the hands of humans, I don't know where it is."

"I think I know where it is," said Victor Stone. "The damn box has contributed to what I've become like this."

"Have you seen the mother box?" Diana Prince asked.

"I've not only seen it." Victor Stone stretched his arm. "To be precise, I was shaped by the mother box."

"I thought you remodeled yourself." Tony Stark's interest in Victor Stone suddenly diminished. He thought this was a genius scientist like himself, but he didn't expect it at all.

"In this case, the whereabouts of the three mother boxes will be known." Bruce Wayne said, "In order to prevent that Darkseid from taking the mother box, should we protect the mother box first?"

"Although the Amazons and Atlantis seem to be very effective in combat, Darkseid is not an easy person. With them alone, I am afraid that I am not capable." Steve Rogers said in a deep voice, " Bruce is right, the mother box should be protected."

"It is equivalent to the Amazons and Atlantis. The power of humans is relatively weak. The mother box on the human side is handed over to me to protect." Clark Kent said.

"If there is a Superman, the mother box on the human side should be able to sit back and relax." Bruce Wayne added, "But the Atlantis and Amazons still need manpower." Speaking of which, Bruce Wayne looked at Chin Barry Allen, "The Flash, how's your combat experience?"

"Fighting?" Barry Allen waved his hands again and again. "I've never fought. Yes, I used super speed to secretly teach thieves or something, but that's not fighting at all."

"So, you can't count on it," Bruce Wayne said.

"Absolutely can't count on it." Barry Allen said decisively.

"Mars Hunter in the options, this nickname sounds like he should be quite experienced in combat, but I don't know where to find him." Bruce Wayne muttered again.

"Actually, we can help." Tony Stark said at this time, "Darkseid in our world has just been eliminated by us, and we can also free up some people to help you guard the mother box."

"Aren't you people from another world?" Diana Prince asked. "Besides this answer space, is there a way for you to get from your world to ours?"

"That must be possible. Our world has a magician who can open portals across different worlds." Thor said, "Coming to your world is a piece of cake."

"It's unimaginable that someone can do it across different universes." Barry Allen said with admiration, "It's really amazing."

"Barry, you can do it too," Tony Stark said to Barry Allen.

"Don't forget what you are good at. When your speed reaches a certain point, it is possible to travel across the universe and across time and space."

"I can't reach the speed now." Barry Allen shook his head, "It's still far from it."

"Believe in yourself, Barry, you can definitely do it," Steve Rogers said. "If it inspires you, I can tell you one thing, there was another you, and you came into our world. . So you're not actually the first Barry Allen, the first Flash, that we know."

"The other me?" Barry Allen suddenly looked very interested.

"Yes, you in another parallel world, he is the one who accidentally ran from his world to our world." Steve Rogers said, "If other Barry Allen can do it, then you can. "

"It's amazing to think that there is another me in some corner of the universe," said Barry Allen. "I really want to meet them."

"What I'm more interested in is, where have all the gods gone?" Arthur Curry said, "Where have all the gods who fought against Darkseid with the Atlantis and Amazons in ancient times? There's that ugly guy with a ring on his hand, is that also a god? That doesn't look like much."

"That person is indeed not a god. There is very little information about them. Even before they appeared in the video, I couldn't believe their existence. I thought it was just a legend." Diana Prince said.

"So, what is that?" Arthur Curry asked.

"Green Lantern," Diana Prince said. "It's more like a superhero than a god. They get their powers and abilities from their rings."

"They?" Bruce Wayne asked. "Is there more than one person with a ring?"

"Yes, there are many of them, and the ring is their symbol, silently guarding the universe." Diana Prince said.

"Since there's more than one, why haven't they been seen for so long?" Victor Stone asked.

"Don't ask me, I don't know," said Diana Prince, "just as I don't know why the ancient gods disappeared."

"Does this also provide us with another way of thinking, that is to find those ancient gods and Green Lanterns." Victor Stone said, "Since they were able to defeat Darkseid in ancient times, they should also be able to defeat Darkseid now. Can."

"No, it's not a sensible way to find them." Diana Prince shook his head, denying Victor Stone's idea, "Those gods, they did protect the earth in ancient times, but time has passed. After so long, how do we know that those gods have not changed? How do we know that they will still protect the earth?"

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